13 English Colonies

New England

Massachusetts p.39 / Rhode Island p.40 / Connecticut p.41 / New Hampshire
Founders / Pilgrims: Wm. Bradford (1620)
Puritans: Jn. Winthrop / Roger Williams: Providence
Anne Hutchinson: Portsmouth / Thomas Hooker
Settlers / Pilgrims seeking escape from religious persecution / People seeking religious freedom / Puritans seeking a new settlement
Climate / Harsh winters and warm summers / Hot, humid summers and cold, snowy winters / Cold Winters, mild summers
Geography / Sandy coasts with good ports; rich pastures; forests / Coastal lowlands; flat; rocky woodlands / Forested hills; seacoast
Economy/ Occupations / Crop and livestock farming; lumber; shops; shipping / Farming (large cattle and dairy farms; small independent farms); lumber; shipbuilding; fishing; whaling; trade / Farming (crops & livestock); shipbuilding; fishing; whaling
Religion / Puritan / Various / Puritan
Government / Self-governing with strong religious influence / Self-governing / Written constitution (The Fundamental Orders), self-governing

Middle Colonies

New York p.42 / Pennsylvania p.43 / New Jersey / Delaware
Founders / Dutch West India Company;
James, Duke of York / William Penn
Settlers / Dutch and English seeking new lives / English Quakers and other Europeans seeking freedom and equality
Climate / Cold, snowy winters and hot, humid summers / Cold winters and hot, humid summers
Geography / Wetlands along the coast and Hudson River; forested mountains to the north / Rolling hills; trees; fertile soil
Economy/ Occupations / Fur trapping; lumber; shipping; slave trade; merchants and tradesmen; farming; iron mining / Farming (crops and dairy); merchants and tradesmen; lumber; shipbuilding
Religion / Various / Various
Government / British appointed governor and council alternating with elected assembly / Self-governing

Southern Colonies

Maryland p.44 / Virginia p.45 / Georgia / North Carolina / South Carolina
Founders / Cecil Calvert (Lord Baltimore) / Sir Walter Raleigh, and the Virginia Company / George II & Oglethorpe
Settlers / Catholics and Protestants seeking religious and political freedom / English landowners; skilled laborers (shoemakers, bricklayers, tailors, etc.); people seeking profits / Debtors from English Prisons; Europeans seeking religious freedom and cheap land
Climate / Cold, rainy winters and hot, humid summers / Mild winters and hot, humid summers / Short, mild winters and long, hot, humid summers
Geography / Low, fertile land surrounding the Chesapeake bay / Coastal lowlands; wooded mountains / Wetlands and red-clay plains; forested mountains
Economy/ Occupations / Farming (crops, beef, dairy); lumber; shipping; fishing; iron mining / Farming (plantations and small independent farms) / Farming (plantations and small farms); trade; skilled labor
Religion / Various- Catholic / Church of England / Various
Government / Self-governing / Self-gooverning / Self-Governing