Taster week in Respiratory and General Internal Medicine (GIM), 2013-2014

Supervisor: Dr Rosalind Green (RMG), Consultant in GIM with special interest in respiratory medicine

GIM/respiratory physicians at ELHT:

Dr Stephen Wilson (SWI)

Dr Saumitra Baksi

Dr Saif Khalid

Dr Irfan Hafeez

Dr Fawad Zaman

Example timetable (may vary dependent on leave and consultant availability). Most sessions at RBH unless otherwise specified.

08:00-12:30 / 12:30-13:30 / 13:30-17:00
Monday / 2 week rule lung cancer clinic BGH (SWI) / Radiology meeting, BGH or RBH depending on lung function site availability / Attend lung function department (BGH or RBH varies)
RBH- meet RMG:Plan for week - discuss objectives
Tuesday / Ward round (RMG) / Travel to BGH / Pleural list at BGH (SWI)
Wednesday / Ward round (RMG) / 12:15 respiratory teaching (location varies) / Medical grand round then variable management meetings. Prepare cases for lung cancer MDT
Thursday / Ward round (RMG) / **12:00 start
Lung cancer MDT, level 2 seminar room at RBH / TB clinic (SWI) RBH
Friday / Ward round to 09:30(RMG)
Bronchoscopy list (RMG) in endoscopy at RBH / Ward round (RMG) / Ward round (RMG)

Learning Objectives for Taster week:

Gain a greater understanding of the working pattern in GIM and respiratory medicine.

To appreciate the multidisciplinary working involved in respiratory and GIM: ward teams, community respiratory teams, TB teams, lung cancer teams, working with respiratory physiology and radiology colleagues. (1.4, 7.9)

Take part in a TB clinic and understand the importance of community nurse support, treatment monitoring, contact tracing and other public health issues. (1.4, 7.7)

Know the criteria for referral of patients with pleural effusions and what can be offered as outpatient diagnostics, ambulatory care, palliative care. (6.2, 7.9)

Know how to assess a patient with breathlessness. (7.2, 7.3, 8.1, 8.2)

Take part in 2WW clinic where patients are investigated and advised about probable lung cancer. (7.2,7.3, 2.2)

Understand the importance of communication skills in difficult situations (2.2)

Observe breaking bad news (2.3)

Observe the importance of patient understanding in decision making when there is more than one option available to patients (2.3)

Observe how management plans for lung cancer are individualised to take in to account the patient’s needs and wishes (2.3)

Appreciates how co-morbidity can restrict the options available to patients with otherwise potentially curable lung cancer. (10.5)

Appreciate the holistic approach to respiratory care (2.1)

Observe patients being consented for bronchoscopy and invasive pleural procedures (2.5)

Follow an aseptic technique when inserting intercostals drains (7.7)

Contributes to the MDT meeting (1.4)

Take part in ward rounds (7.3, 7.4)

Reviewing patients needing acute non invasive ventilation for respiratory/ventilatory failure (6.2, 8.1)