2013State Apparatus Leader Report

PommelHorse-State Championships

Level 10- 21 gymnasts


High / Ave. / Low
SV / 6.1 / 4.2 / 2.8
Execution Deductions / 6.1 / 3.2 / 1.95
Final Score / 13.45 / 11.0 / 4.5


# awarded
Performance / 0
Stick / 16

Element groups

EG / # missed / %
1 Scissors / 0 / 0%
2 Circles& spindles / 0 / 0%
3 Travels / 1 / 5%
4 Kehre/Wende / 3 / 14%
5 Dismount / 2 / 10%
Partial dismount / 0 / 0%

Difficulty (# shown)

B skills / C skills / D skills / E skills
Czechkehre (16) / Circle to hand (10) / Magyar (5) / ¾ bailie to hand w/ 3/3 tr. and full turn (1)
Stockli B (1) / Reverse stockli to hand (1) / Sivado (7)
Scissor hop ½ (2) / Scissor hop full (1) / ¾ Bailie to hand and travel 3/3 (5)
½ Sivado (3) / Double Russian (2) / Tong Fe (6)
Reverse stockli (1) / 2 pommel loops to 180 Russian (3)
½ Spindle (2) / Scissor to hand (3)
Pommel loop (1) / Roth (2)
¾ Bailie (1) / Full spindle (1)
Bailie (1) / Fedorchenko(1)
Scissor hop 3/3 (1)
Magyar +2 (3)
Sivado +1 (1)

Level 9- 22 gymnasts


High / Ave. / Low
SV / 4.9 / 3.6 / 2.3
Execution Deductions / 8.3 / 3.2 / 1.4
Final Score / 13.4 / 10.4 / 4.0


# awarded
Performance / 0
Stick / 12

Element groups

EG / # missed / %
1 Scissors / 0 / 0%
2 Circles& spindles / 0 / 0%
3 Travels / 2 / 9%
4 Kehre/Wende / 6 / 27%
5 Dismount / 0 / 0%
Partial dismount / 2 / 9%

Difficulty (# shown)

B skills / C skills / D skills
Czechkehre (13) / Circle to hand (19) / Tong Fe (1)
½ Sivado (4) / Scissor hop full (1) / Sivado (1)
Scissor hop ½ (3) / 1-2-4-5 Magyar (1) / ¾ bailie to hand and travel 3/3 (1)
Stockli B (1) / Magyar +2 (3)
Reverse stockli (1) / Sivado +1 (1)
½ Spindle (3)
Pommel loop (1)

Level 8- 30 gymnasts


High / Ave. / Low
SV / 3.3 / 2.5 / 1.2
Execution Deductions / 11.2 / 2.95 / 0.85
Final Score / 11.65 / 9.5 / 1.0


# awarded
Performance / 2
Stick / 16

Element groups

EG / # missed / %
1Scissors / 0 / 0%
2Circles& spindles / 0 / 0%
3Travels / 4 / 13%
4Kehre/Wende / 13 / 43%
5 Dismount / 8 / 27%
Partial dismount / 4 / 13%

Difficulty (# shown)

B skills / C skills / D skills
Czechkehre (13) / Circle to hand (22) / Magyar (2)
½ Spindle (1) / Tong Fe (1)
½ Russian travel (1)
Scissor hop ½ (1)
½ Sivado (1)
Scissor hop (4)
Reverse stockli (2)

Execution notes

  • Skewing- Magyars and Sivados are very prone to skewing deductions. Coaches should be aware that, very often, the loops, back loops, and/or spindles before/after these skills are just as prone to skewing deductions. This can add up fast.
  • Flairs- Coaches should be aware that a simple flair is generally in the same code box as corresponding circle (a flaired loop in the same box as a front loop). So a gymnasts that performs loop-loop-flair- flair, only gets credit for the first loop. The other skills are all repetition.
  • Circle to handstand- Most of these skill incurred the .5 maximum deduction for JO. However, there were a few gymnasts that pushed off with their feet and got no credit for their dismount. Als,o gymnasts must perform a full circle before the handstand in order to receive credit. For example, if a gymnast falls in the middle of a travel and then does a ½ circle to handstand or simply a jumps to handstand, he will get no credit for the handstand dismount.
  • Ending positions- Coaches should remember that skills must end in a front support to receive credit. Very often gymnasts fell off travels or czechkehres in rear support and got no credit. This often leads to losing an element group also.

Level 7- 35 gymnasts


  • 16 gymnasts (46%) performed 2 additional flairs for specified bonus #1.
  • 9 gymnasts (26%) performed the spindle for specified bonus #2.
  • 4 gymnasts (11%)performed the 270+ Russian for specified bonus #3.
  • 5 gymnasts (14%)performed the Magyar for specified bonus #4.
  • 4 gymnasts (11%)performed the Sivado for specified bonus #4.
  • 26 gymnasts (74%) received stick bonus.
  • 1 gymnast received .3 in virtuosity. .1 for front loops. .1 for Magyar. .1 for flairs.

Executions notes

  • Many gymnasts were deducted for lack of extension and poor form in their circles.
  • Bonus flairs were very often deducted .6-.8 for lack of leg separation or piking.
  • Bonus spindles were generally deducted for skewing the same as the preceding skill (Magyar, sivado, or back loop).
  • A number of gymnasts miscounted their circles leading them to miss either a side circle or back loop. Remember, the ¼ turns are separate skills, each ending in front support. If the gymast starts counting a circle while still performing a ¼ turn, they will tend to be short circles.

Level 6- 71 gymnasts


  • 41 gymnasts (58%) performed the stocklion mushroom for specified bonus #1.
  • 19gymnasts (27%) performed the spindle flairs for specified bonus #2.
  • 35 gymnasts (49%)performed the 360 russian for specified bonus #3.
  • 68 gymnasts (96%) received stick bonus.
  • 8 gymnast received virtuosity. 3 for circles. 3 for flairs. 1 for extreme leg separation in single leg work.

Execution notes-

  • The initial leg cut in the PH routine was performed below horizontal by most gymnasts.
  • The single leg travel was often performed with poor rhythm due to improper hand placement.
  • False scissors were frequently low and piked.
  • The czechkehre and stockli on the mushroom were often turned improperly (see routine overview in the JO program manual for description of the proper hand placement and turning). In an extreme case a gymnast could perform a czechkehre instead of a stockli, losing either .5 or even the entire value of the skill (1.5)
  • Flairs were very often deducted for excessive pike and insufficient leg separation.
  • Bonus 360 russians were frequently low and piked.

Level 5- 128 gymnasts


  • 106 gymnasts (83%) did 2 additional circles for specified bonus #1.
  • 64 gymnasts (50%) did the ½ spindle for specified bonus #2.*
  • 9 gymnasts (7%) did 2 flairs for specified bonus #3.*
  • 125 gymnasts (98%) received stick bonus.
  • 24 gymnasts received virtuosity. 20 for >90 deg straddle in swings. 4 for circles.

Execution notes

  • The reverse straddle swings were generally low.
  • Deductions for insufficient leg separation were very common. .1 for closer than 45 deg., .3 for legs touching.
  • Most gymnasts performed some of their leg cuts below horizontal.
  • Some gymnasts attempted Sp bonus #2 or # 3 after only doing 4 circles. The routine specifies that #2 and #3 can only be awarded after sp. bonus #1 (5 circles) has been performed.
  • Coaches should re-consider the inclusion of the bonus flairs in the Mushroom routine. It is very common get .6- .8 (extension, leg separation, form, etc.) in deductions to get .5 back in bonus.

Level 4- 195 gymnasts


  • 61 gymnasts (31%) 3 circlesfor specified bonus #1.
  • 38 gymnasts (19%) 5 circles for specified bonus #2.
  • 164 gymnasts (84%) received stick bonus.
  • 21 gymnasts received virtuosity bonus.19 for >90deg.straddle swings. 2 for circles.

Execution notes

  • Coaches that know their gymnasts will not be able to complete a circle should advise them to leave it out of the mushroom routine. A poor circle with a fall can get 1.5 to 2.0 in deductions (fall, incomplete circles, form, extension, leg separation, etc). Omitting the circle is simply 1.0.
  • Virtually all gymnasts had some deduction for low swings (leg below horizontal).
  • Deductions for insufficient leg separation were very common. .1 for closer than 45 deg., .3 for legs touching.
  • There should be 6 half swing (3 full swings) and the 7th should be a leg cut.
  • Many gymnasts did an improper turn on the mushroom dismount.

If anyone has any further question or would like a complete analysis of their gymnast’s PH routine, please email me at .

Respectfully Submitted,

Dean Dryer