NameHome Address
Post Code
Tel / (Home) / (Mobile)
E-mail / Date of Birth
Working on board a Sail Training Tall Ship requires you to live and work closely with other ‘sail trainees’. Please give some practical examples of your experience of working as part of a team.
Please outline what you would like to gain from taking part in the sail training experience.
Please give an example of personal challenge or achievement which you have worked towards and gained personal development from as a result. How might this experience help you further your own personal goals?
As part of this experience you will be required to keep a video diary of your experience for Sail West Marketing purposes – what do you feel you could contribute to a national marketing initiative, such as Sail West?
Data Protection
This opportunity has been organised by Argyll and Bute Council, Sail West and At Sea Sail Training. The information provided above may be held by each of these organisations and will only be used for the purposes of selection to take part in the Tall Ships Races – Cruise in Company.
I agree to the above information being held by Argyll and Bute Council, Sail West and At Sea Sail Training.
Signed (Sail Trainee)Date
I wish to apply to be considered for the fully funded sail trainee position provided by Argyll and Bute Council and Sail West, on board a Class A ship, during the Cruise in Company leg, from Greenock to Lerwick, during The Tall Ships Races 2011, and undertake a video diary as part of this.
If selected I agree to meet any terms and conditions of entry as stipulated by Argyll and Bute Council/Sail West and At Sea Sail Training (as stated in the Guidance notes and ‘At Sea Sail Training’ terms and conditions, accompanying this application). I confirm that I am available to attend this event from the 12th until the 21st of July 2011. I confirm I have read and understand the accompanying guidance notes and information.
Signed (Sail Trainee):Date:
Counter signature by Parent and/or Guardian
(For trainees under the age of 18 years old on the 12th July 2011)
I confirm that I am happy for my son/daughter to apply to take part in the Cruise in Company leg of The Tall Ships Races 2011, and undertake a video diary as part of this. I understand that if selected as a ‘sail trainee’ I shall be required to provide a more detailed parental consent form to provide further information about my son/daughters participation.
Signed (Parent and/or Guardian):Date
Completed forms to be returned no later than 17th June 2011 to:
Stuart Green, Development and Infrastructure, Argyll and Bute Council, Manse Brae, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RD