Hello again

Applications are invited for membership of the Business Qualifications Review Governance Group.

The Governance Group will "provide leadership and direction for the development of cohesive New Zealand business qualifications which are strategically relevant to New Zealand’s people and communities and their aspirations". The review is part of the Targeted Review of Qualifications (TRoQ) and will address all Business qualifications at levels 1-6 of the NZQF.

The accompanyingterms of reference contain more details about the role of the Governance Group, and include selection criteria for members, collectively and individually. Applications must include evidence of how the person meets these criteria and should indicate whether the applicant comes from a business or education organisation, and if this is also Māori or Pasifika organisation.

The panel will also select the initial/interim chair for the Governance Group: applicants are invited to express willingness to undertake this role and supply evidence of their suitability (however, the chair will be a group member first and foremost, and must meet the criteria for membership). It is expected that the group will, at an appropriate time, itself select a chair for a longer term.

It is estimated that the whole review cycle will require two years, and that the group will meet every 2-3 months. At the initial stages of the review, however, it is expected that the group will meet more frequently. Governance Group meetings will be for two days, at least at the early stages of the review. Members will be expected to attend meetings, and to contribute between meetings to the work of the Governance Group.

Members will be selected by a panel that has been established by a representative group of business sector stakeholders including qualification owners, with the support of the Qualifications Development and Tertiary Moderation (QD&TM) business unit of NZQA.While referees will be contacted, it is not intended to interview applicants.

Access to the applicationdocuments will be restricted to the selection panel and supporting QD&TM administration staff, and will be treated in strict confidence. Applicants may use the accompanying application form (if not, all information requested on that form must be supplied in another way).

For further information, please contact Michel Norrish (04 463 3149).

Applications should be addressed to byThursday 5 April 2012.

Michel Norrish

Review Facilitator

Qualifications Development & Tertiary Moderation