Burglar Alarm Registration Form
If you have a burglar alarm, it can be set off accidentally. If this happens when you are out, you risk annoying your neighbours and paying the price if it has to be silenced by noise control officers. The current charge is approximately £150.
By following these simple steps alarm owners can avoid annoying their neighbourhood and incurring unnecessary costs.
· Ensure your alarm is installed by a qualified engineer
· Look after your alarm – make sure it is maintained
· Make sure your alarm has a cut out to stop it ringing after twenty minutes
Even if you follow the above, your alarm could still be triggered by a fault. It is therefore important to register key holders with the council (preferably two contacts as then we can be sure of contacting someone in the event of a problem)
Also, remember to let the council know if you or your key holders move.
Please complete and sign the form when you have read the data privacy notice and return it to the address at the top of this page. Data held will only be used to contact persons relating to incidents at the registered property.
The Police no longer keep keyholder details and are recommending the use of www.icebook.co.uk
Continued overleaf
Please register key holders for my alarm:
Name of owner/occupier
Address at which alarm is installed
PostcodeEmail Address
Phone / Day / Evening / Mobile
Key Holder 1
Phone / Day / Evening / Mobile
Key Holder 2
Phone / Day / Evening / Mobile
I have read and understood the privacy notice detailed below and give the council permission to share my data necessary to process my registration.
Signed……………………………………………… Date………………………………
Privacy notice
The lawful basis for collecting the information in this form is that it is necessary for performing the task, carried out in accordance with The Environmental Health Protection Act 1990. Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council is the Data Controller; we will not give personal information about you or any personal information you may provide on other people to anyone else or another organisation unless we have to by law. For more about how we use personal data, visit www.hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk/privacy (opens in a new window or tab).
Should you wish to have your details removed from our system please contact