2018 - 2020
Kelly Santosusso, RMC, Borough Clerk
Borough of HaddonHeights
625 Station Avenue
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
856-547-7164, ext. 30
Fax: 856-547-5259
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proposals and qualifications are being solicited by the Borough of Haddon Heights to obtain “Municipal Engineering Services” as described herein for the Borough of Haddon Heights. Individuals responding to this Request for Proposal should have extensive experience, a knowledgeable background and qualifications in the provision of the services described herein.
The RFP package for these services is available online at and at 625 Station Avenue, Clerk’s Office, 2nd Floor, Haddon Heights, New Jersey 08035 during regular business hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Interested respondents shall submit two (2) originalcopies of their proposal.
The Borough requires that the RFP response be submitted by Thursday, December 8, 2017 by 10:00 a.m.
Kelly Santosusso, RMC
Borough Clerk
The intent of this Request for Proposal and resulting contract is to obtain the services of an engineering firm to provide a variety of engineering services for various projects in the borough of HaddonHeights, located in Camden County, New Jersey.
Firms responding to this Request for Proposal should have extensive experience and a knowledgeable background and qualifications in the field of civil engineering with particular emphasis on road, building and drainage design and construction of recreational facilities and related matters.
The Borough intends to award this contract pursuant to NJSA 40A:11-5 (1) (a) (i).
Haddon Heights Borough undertakes a wide variety of projects each of which requires engineering design services including, but limited to, preliminary engineering study, preparation of plans and specifications, right-of-way plans, deed and easement descriptions and surveying. Additionally, firms would be required to process all required federal, state and local permit applications. In the past, the Borough has required such services for roads, buildings, drainage systems and recreational facilities.
The specific extent and character of engineering services to be performed shall be subject to the general control and approval of the Borough Council.
The successful firm shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local statutes, rules and regulations.
3.1Phase I – Pre-qualification:
Two (2) copies of the Pre-qualification Proposal Information request in Part II Proposal Requirements, Section A through E (see pages 5-7) must be provided to the Acting Borough Clerk, along with cost proposal for services to be rendered and whether meetings and travel are charged for. Borough of Haddon Heights, 625 Station Avenue, Haddon Heights, New Jersey 08035 on or before 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 8, 2017. Proposals should be provided in a sealed envelope with the title of the RFP clearly marked on the outside. Late submissions will not be accepted. It is recommended that the proposal package be hand delivered. The Borough assumes no responsibility for delays in any form, of carrier, mail, fax or delivery service causing the proposal to be received after the above referenced due date and time. Delivery by fax, if complete, is acceptable.
All proposals will be reviewed by the Mayor and Borough Council.
The Mayor and Council of the Borough of Haddon Heights shall make final selection of firm by formal resolution. The Borough Clerk will provide contracts for services.
3.2Questions/Inquiries Regarding Request for Proposals:
Any questions or inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal must be made in writing to Kelly Santosusso, RMC, Borough Clerk, 625 Station Avenue, Haddon Heights, NJ 08035 or at .
3.3Addenda/Supplements to Request for Proposal:
If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this Request for Proposal, or if additional information is necessary to enable an exact interpretation of provision of this Request for Proposal, revisions will be provided to all firms who receive or request this Request for Proposal.
The successful firm must provide and maintain the following minimum limits of insurance coverage during the period of performance required under the contract resulting from this Request for Proposal.
4.1 Professional Liability:
Minimum of $1,000,000.00 Errors and Omissions for Occurrence to be amended based upon specific work and values involved.
4.2 Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability:
Statutory Coverage for New Jersey
$100,000 Employer’s Liability
Broad Form All-State Endorsement
4.3 General Liability Insurance:
Minimum of $1,000,000.00 to be amended based upon specific work and values involved.
Prior to commencing work under contract, the successful firm shall furnish the Borough with a certificate of insurance naming the Borough of additionally insured. Firms must give the Borough a sixty-day notice of cancellation, non-renewal or change in insurance coverage.
The selected firm shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Borough, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims and costs of any nature, whether for personal injury, property damage or other liability arising out of or in any way connected with the firm’s negligent acts of omissions under this agreement.
6.1 HaddonHeights will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any firm in preparing and submitting a proposal. All proposals shall provide a straightforward, concise delineation of the firm’s capabilities to satisfy the request of this Request for Proposal. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content.
6.2 The contents of the proposal submitted by the successful firm and this Request for Proposal may become part of the contract for these services. The successful firm will be expected to sign said contract with the Borough of Haddon Heights.
6.3 The Borough reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received by reason of the Request for proposal, or to negotiate separately in any manner necessary to serve the best interests of HaddonHeights. Firms who proposals are not accepted will be notified in writing.
6.4 Any selected firm is prohibited from assigning, transferring, conveying, subletting or otherwise disposing of this agreement or its rights, title, or interest therein or its power to execute such agreement to any other person, company, or corporation without the previous consent and approval in writing by the Borough Clerk, as authorized by the Borough Council.
6.5 The firm shall be required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c. 127 (see attached affirmative action language) and submit an employee information report or certificate of employee information report for approval. This requirement will be addressed upon execution of agreement.
6.6 As required by NJSA 40A:11-15, any contract for services is subject to the availability and appropriation of sufficient funds for this purpose annually.
The Borough Council will independently evaluate each submission and selection will be made upon the basis of the criteria listed below:
7.1 Proven record of experience in traditional municipal/county/public works/ and
private industries.
7.2 Ability to provide services in a timely manner.
7.3Personnel qualifications (i.e., resumes of key personnel who will be responsible for the work).
7.4 Four (4) References (satisfaction of former clients, along with details of specific projects including cost plus size of project, cost savings of project, redevelopment projects and private industry projects).
7.5 Overall completeness, clarity, and quality of submission.
7.6 Cost of Services (i.e. price proposal utilizing 2009 rates).
7.7 Any other criteria deemed relevant and appropriate by the Borough Council.
Offerors are requested to propose Engineering Services for the Borough of Haddon Heights, located in Camden County, New Jersey, and/or its Planning Board and/or Zoning Board.
To assure consistency, qualifications of submission must conform to the following format:
Cover Letter
Table of Contents
Sections:A.Scope of Services
- Resume
- Facilities
- Agreement Form
- Conflict of Interest
- Other Information
All sections are to be addressed and specifically referenced. The following explains what we expect in each of the major sections.
Section A – Scope of Services:
The Borough of Haddon Heights is requesting qualification statements for Engineering Services in the following areas:
1,Road Design3.Redevelopment
- Drainage Design4.Environment
At a minimum, the qualification statement should address the following areas:
- Roadway Alignment and Geometric Design
- Intersection Geometry Design
- Storm Water Management Planning
- Culvert Design
- Storm Water System Design
- Soils Investigation – analysis and recommendations
- Land Surveys including establishment of right-of-way boundaries and monumentation
- Field surveying – including cross sections and acquisitions of utility locations
- Parcel acquisition plans
- Deed descriptions for land acquisition
- Environmental studies and report
- Federal and State permits
- Traffic Engineering studies
- Recreational facilities
- Building and construction generally
Section B – Resume:
This section shall address areas as outlined:
- Name and address of your firm and the corporate officer authorized to execute agreements.
- Briefly describe your firm’s regional, statewide and local service capabilities.
- Provide and identify the names, experience, qualifications, and applicable license held by the individual primarily responsible for servicing the Borough and any other person(s), whether as employees or sub-contractors, with specialized skills that would be assigned to service the Borough.
- Provide a listing of local governmental clients with which you have similar contracts; include the name, address and telephone number of the contact person.
- Provide your firm’s insurance coverage as set forth in Part I, Section 5 of this RFP.
- Provide a statement of assurance to the effect that your firm is not currently in violation of any regulatory rules and regulations that may have an impact on your firm’s operations.
Section C – Facilities:
- Office Locations:
- For your firm’s facilities which are located closest to HaddonHeights, provide:
- The location and distance, in miles, from Haddon Heights Municipal Building.
- Firm personnel assigned to this location
- The activities of the firm performed at this location
- For those facilities and activities located elsewhere, please explain the activities performed elsewhere and why these are best performed at a difference office. Firms where all activities are performed at one location should leave this paragraph blank.
Section D – Agreement Form:
Please provide a copy of the firm’s form of agreement for:
- the graduated fee rate structure
- An hourly rate with out-of-pocket costs
- Any other contractual arrangements as determined by the firm, to include termination clause relating the non-performance or termination without cause.
Note: Counsel of the Borough of Haddon Heights will determine the final form of agreement.
Section E – Conflict of Interest:
This section should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that the firm may have in performing these services for HaddonHeights.
Section F – Other Information:
This section is for any further pertinent data and information not included elsewhere in the RFP and found necessary by your firm and for a list of Political Action Contributions (PAC) made by the firm.
Kelly Santosusso, RMC
Borough Clerk