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Abstract title:
Name / Title / Institution / Department / Email address / Phone

Which of the conference themes does your presentation emphasize? - Choose one or more of the 4 themes below

My/our presentation mostly focuses on (please indicate):

☐ / Active teaching and learning
  • Examples of active teaching and learning in student induction and throughout the entire study programme.
Special focus – Student induction and the first-year experience:
☐ / Designing the first-year experience
  • Curriculum and programme development; designing for engagement; motivation; self-regulated learning and retention; students as partners etc.

☐ / Supporting transition
  • Supporting students’ acquisition of study skills; social and academic integration; supporting the transition from high school/college to HE, from bachelor to master level, from education to employment.

☐ / Student diversity and widening participation strategies
  • Examples of widening participation strategies that acknowledge and build on student diversity.

You can submit abstracts for either Short Communications or Posters in the parallel sessions:

  • Short communication: Each presenter will have 10 minutes to share a teaching experience and reflections followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
  • Poster presentation: Poster presentations willbe in series of 6 posters with 5 minutes’ individual presentationfollowed by a 45-minute joint discussion of the6 posters.

I prefer

☐ / Short communication
☐ / Poster presentation

Presentation language

You may prefer to make your presentation in Danish or in English, or you may let the organizers decide upon the language.

If you prefer to make the presentation in English, or if you let the organizers decide upon the language, you must submit your abstract in English.

I prefer

☐ / Danish
☐ / English **
☐ / Both is possible – conference organizers can choose**

** This requires that the abstract is submitted in English

Do you wish to make your presentation during the morning session or the afternoon session?

I prefer

☐ / Morning
☐ / Afternoon
☐ / Both is possible – conference organizers can choose

We may wish to record (film) some of the presentations. How do you feel about that?

☐ / I do not wish to be video taped
☐ / You are welcome
Please insert your abstract in this template (Word format):
(maximum of 2,500 characters allowed, including spaces and the headlines below)
Abstract title:
Learning outcome of activity:
Description of your activity:
Reflective description of experiences with activity as to how your practice can be inspirational/transferable to others (subjects, students, institutions,…)

Please mail the form to – Anne Skov Jensen and - Anne Grete Petersen, SDU Universitetspædagogik no later than 21 August (deadline extended). Owing to the summer holidays we kindly ask you to send to both email addresses.

The abstracts for the short communication and posters will go through a feedback process prior to the conference.

You will receive feedback by emailno later than 31 August.

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