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Enthusiastic pupils at School Name read everything from comics to classics, raising £xxx to help give brand new books to children in hospital

To encourage its pupils to read for pleasure, School Name has just completed a very successful Readathon sponsored read. Pupils rose to the challenge, reading xxx/many books and raising a fantastic £xxx for seriously ill children. Their achievement also earned the school free books worth £xxx, provided by Readathon in partnership with Scholastic Book Clubs to boost school library stocks.

Readathon, a nationwide charity, uses the sponsorship money raised to provide brand new books for children in hospital up and down the UK, as well as supporting charities who help seriously ill children.


“I recommend Readathon to any teacher or librarian who wants to get their pupils reading for pleasure. Readathon creates a real buzz about books in the school. I found children talking about books, sharing and swapping favourites and genuinely motivated to read. Parents became involved in what their children were reading and shared precious time together talking about books. Our pupils raised over £xxx which Readathon uses to give books and storyteller visits to children in hospital. Readathon really is a win-win.”

Quote from Founder of Readathon, Brough Girling:

“The wonderful thing about schools and young people is that even in today’s economic climate, they are still eager to raise money for those less fortunate than themselves. To say thank you for their tremendous efforts, Readathon has teamed up with Scholastic Book Clubs to give NAME OF SCHOOL free books. We hope that these books will in turn inspire even more pupils to get reading - for good.”


(Photo Attached)

Notes for Editors


Readathon, the UK’s national sponsored read, was established in 1984 to promote a love of reading among young people. Readathon provides free resources and ongoing support enabling schools to run the sponsored read. Since its launch, Readathon uses some of the money raised to provide a regular supply of much-needed books to children in hospital. Around 3,000 schools throughout the UK participate each year.

Why reading is important

Independent studies show again and again how learning to love reading can transform a child’s prospects for success in school and the world beyond.

“…by encouraging children to love reading, families can help them to do well at school and to enjoy opportunities throughout their life.”

Jonathan Douglas, Director of the National Literacy Trust.

In its 2008 report Literacy Changes Lives, the National Literacy Trust concluded:

“…reading for pleasure has been revealed as the most important indicator of the future success of a child”
“…reading for pleasure is more important for children’s educational success than their family’s socio-economic status.”


Contact Details

NAME OF SCHOOL Contact name

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Readathon Heidi Perry

0845 606 1151