The exam is closed book and closed notes. NO CALCULATORS. Please clearly show any work necessary to get partial credit. Be sure to show your answer clearly. There will be approximately 26 problems on the actual exam.

  1. Find the place value of the digit 5 in the following whole numbers:

a) 859,234,647

b) 79,050,000

c) 6527

  1. Write the standard form for:
    a) three million, forty-eight thousand, two

b) forty-two thousand, nine

c) seven thousand, eight hundred ninety-six

  1. Write the word name for:

a) 204,564

b) 64,485

c) 123

  1. Write the expanded form for:

a) 712,594

b) 577

c) 32,176

  1. Write the standard form for:

a) 100,000 + 50,000 + 2000 + 100 + 80 + 6

b) 90,000 + 9000 + 30 + 2

c) 20,000 + 200 + 10 + 5

  1. Round 54,786,236 to the nearest

a) million

b) ten thousand

c) hundred

  1. Round 69,999 to the nearest

a) thousand

b) hundred

c) ten

  1. Find one number that when rounded to the nearest ten is 4600.
  1. Estimate the sum indicated below by first rounding each number to the nearest thousand:
    56,487 + 28,531
  2. Estimate the product by first rounding each factor to the nearest hundred: (587)(312)
  3. Multiply. Show all steps. Do not round. (587)(312)
  4. Divide. Show all steps. Do not round. If there is a remainder, write it as part of your answer.

35,875 ÷ 51

  1. Find each quotient



  1. a) What is the quotient of 45 and 3?

b)  What is the product of 13 and 2?

c)  What is the sum of 24 and 12?

d)  What is the difference of 31 and 17?

  1. Find the area of this rectangle:

3 inches
5 inches

  1. Find the perimeter of the square:
    3 feet
  2. An instructor at Cabrillo College earns $43,765 in 1995, $45,329 in 1996 and $48,432 in 1997. Find the total amount the instructor earns during the three-year period.
  3. Three desks cost a total of $590. If two of the desks cost $180 each, how much does the third desk cost?
  1. The following table shows populations of some cities (as of 2005) in the United States.

Rank / City / 2005 / 2000
1 / Phoenix, AZ / 1,461,575 / 1,321,046
2 / Austin, TX / 690,252 / 656,532
3 / Seattle, WA / 573,911 / 563,374
4 / Las Vegas, NV / 545,147 / 478,434
5 / Portland, OR / 533,427 / 529,121
6 / Sacramento, CA / 456,441 / 407,018

(Source: The World Almanac, 2010)

What was the difference in the populations of Austin and Sacramento in 2000?

  1. a) Write using exponential notation:

b) Write using exponential notation:

c) Simplify:

  1. Evaluate: 23 · 52

In problems 22–24, simplify by doing the indicated operations (in the correct order).

  1. 32 ÷ (4)(2) + 32 ÷ (4 · 2)
  2. 90 – 2[(13 + 11) ÷ 3(5 – 1)]
  3. Use the Distributive Property to complete the right hand side of the equation.

4 • (x + y) = ___ • ___ + ___ • ___