March/ April 2009 Massachusetts Chapter



Judicial Colonialism


Abdur Nadheeru-Islam

Judicial colonialism us an unconscionable system based on political, economic, social (media) manipulation, and propaganda.Direct and indirect subordination of the above by the Elitist class, dominate minority, of racial and class stratum or so-called enforced discriminatory practices and policies of so- called “low income neighborhoods” or dependent communities. Enforced poverty, inferior housing, schools and employment or high unemployment that creates, supports and maintains poverty that produces criminal or subcultural deviant behavior that is stigmatized and regulated by the criminal injustice systems, courts, police prisons and social services.

This unconscionable system is a police state in a Democratic republic in which is an inexorable “crime against humanity.”

To solve the prison issue you must also solve the root of historical human oppression in the greater society – structural violence. The structure of racial and class or underclass constructs of society, or the dominate minority, the Elitist must be discarded and reformed to its roots.

We must hold the Elitist class responsible and make them accountable for the crime of misusing the system to destroy communities of race, color, and class and/or exploit them for their own benefit or the state empowerment and social control strategy creating enemies of citizens who do in fact live in the same community.

We must reform the enemy concept in each of our societal institutions. First however, we must use the laws that protect human life from just this holistic Elitist state. Repression, the convention against torture and other cruel and inhuman treatment, enacted by the U.N. in 1975, it took the U.S. 18 years to ratify this law based on the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution . Article 6 or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is just customary law among the nations, prohibits this intolerable misconduct.

The violators of human lifethat commit genocidal poverty, state genocide and torture that use the structures of civilization to commit such appalling acts must be held accountable. By doing so we can reshape our world where equality of pay, careers, promotional mobility and inclusion and access is mandated by law and enforced!

Where children grow up in a world free from racial hatred, violence and crime and the misconcepts of “he’s the enemy,” manipulate him, deceive him, deny and deprive him for your own power and control is hated and despised, where we walk in liberty anywhere we choose and peace prevails, this is the structure of society. WE must solve the totalitarian police state or prison industrial complex. or judicial colonialism by changing minds and by changing structures.

A police state is a crime against humanity and God. It is second class citizenship and enslavement of labor but social or civil death in which is deprivation of universal citizenship rights human rights.

Until we hold the Elitist class and government responsible for these crimes, we will never truly be free.

But…we should reshape our own communities to meet our own needs and show the nation and world that we are civilized and we are human.

Why is the National Debt Illegal?

Dr. Brian Sirois

One must understand that when the Federal Reserve bank, the privately owned Federal Reserve bank was given authority to print Federal Reserve Notes instead of the Treasury Department writing the Treasury Notes as directed by the U.S. Constitution, these Federal Reserve Notes were not printed to be given out to the economy, in the same way as the Treasury Notes were. Rather, they were loaned to the U.S. government and then circulated into society, and society was required to pay them back with interest to the IRS. The amount of interest accumulated to the point of no return, called the National Debt. It is grown to proportions that if everything in the U.S. were sold off twice, half of the National Debt would still be owed out.

The Treasury Department has the potential for totally denouncing the Federal Reserve’s National Debt because it was illegal in the first place. The Treasury Department in the U.S. Constitution is the only proper way of financing the nation. Congress, operating the Treasury Department has the right to mint and coin money, and set the value thereof.

In this fact, the Federal Reserve was never given any such right, even with the vote of Congress, because Congress did not have the right to redelegate It’s obligation to the Federal Reserve, therefore the entire National Debt, because it was illegal in the first place, is unenforceable in a technical sense.

Another factor is that because the U.S. government is situated in the District of Columbia, Which is not a part of the U.S. It is essentially, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, a different nation entirely. It is a Federal Nation, which rules over the District of Columbia. It has no real jurisdiction over the rest of the U.S. in a technical sense, in a legal sense, and to pass laws taxing another country such as the U.S. is technically and legally in error.

You are being taxed by a foreign country. Therefore, in the creation of the U.S. with the Capitol situated in D.C., which was not a state, an error by the Founding Fathers occurred, but this error has had benefits for the Rothschilds, in that it has allowed them to use the Congress to break rules of the U.S. Constitution without any fear of being charged for treason, because these entities are not operating from within the U.S., they are operating from a different country.

Thus, they can pass off their obligations to a Federal Reserve board, a Federal Reserve Bank. They can make rules of taxation against the people of the U.S., which would change the nature of the Federal government. By doing such, it would be possible for people to hold Congress accountable. To hold the President also accountable for their oath of office, which is to support the U.S. Constitution.

Once this is done, they will once again take a pledge to fully support and cherish the U.S. Constitution. But right now, they do not have to do so because they are not even operating as citizens within the U.S. They are a separate government, with two governments, and those being elected to move to those offices outside of the U.S., these people have the ability to do whatever they want, without regard to their pledge of allegiance, and get away with it.

There is much at stake in what is occurring in this regard, particularly in regard to the possible connection of negotiations for the Treasury Department to purchase the Federal Reserve Bank. If this occurs, it will affect the taxation of the Treasury Department by the elimination o the Internal Revenue Service and the elimination of the National Debt.

Jail House Lawyers

Luis Perez

Ms. Elens, the mother of a lifer wrote me a letter asking for information or clarification into a comment that was made by Mr. Clarks, the commissioner.

It appears that Mr. Clarke told the media that he does not have the same power to deal with Community programs for prisoners that he had when he was Commissioner for the state of Washington.

I am suggesting that family members should write directly to the commissioner for clarification. However, after doing legal research on that subject, I discovered a very interesting issue. The power of the Parole Board in Massachusetts is absolute, separate from the DOC and lifers can’t be moved to minimum security facilities, obtain commutation or parole without Parole Board approval. That power, indeed, contradicts with the community programs that was mentioned by Commissioner Clarke

It is important that people be aware of the facts. Between 1994 – 1995 the Massachusetts Legislature and the Administration of Weld/ Cellucci passed the “truth in sentencing law”, which forces the incarcerated individuals to serve his/her sentence, it was not a retroactive law at all. Within that law, the Legislature also abolished the Parole Board.

The reason why the parole board still is functioning is because as long as the DOC has in custody old prisoners serving life sentences before 1994-1995 they would be used to maintain the services of the parole board. It is fair to say that the reason that older prisoners can’t be released in a greater number, either by commutation, parole or moving 2nd degree lifers to minimum security, is because the survival of the Parole Board depends on keeping the older prisoners in jail at any cost.

Another aspect, I am also suggesting you to read 48 USCS s 13703 “Federal Grants” that are paying for drug testing in correctional facilities who have implemented the truth-in-sentencing. You can also read 42 USCS S 13704. Truth-in-Sentencing eligibility to receive a federal grant, the State should submit an application to the Attorney General that demonstrates that the state has in place the truth-in-sentencing on their books.

In fact, the Federal government is very clear on S13703 by indicating that money for drug testing in prison would be paid by the federal grant. If you read Commissioner of Correction; v. Mass.

vol. 892 page 270, the state force prisoners by law to pay for their testing, but as I read Ciampi’s case the State Appeals Court did not argue with the fact of the federal grant paying for the testing.

Maybe those individuals involved in that Ciampi’s case should consider a Motion for Re-Consideration to the Chief Justice pursuant to Chapter 211 Section 3.

In conclusion, I want to give my thanks to Ms. Elens, her letter and questions did in fact clear some of those issues up. Please keep in mind that we can’t have correspondence between prisoners and that I am a Cuban red-neck who became a New Englander by reading the laws.

Soledad Brother

George Jackson

“After one concedes that criminals and crime arise from material, economic, sociopolitical causes, we can then burn all of the criminology and penology libraries and direct our attention where it will do some good.

For a real understanding of the failure o prison policies, it is senseless to continue to study the criminal. All of those who can afford to be honest know that the real victim, that poor uneducated, disorganized man who finds himself a convicted criminal, is simply the end result of a long chain of corruptions and mismanagements that starts with people like Regan and his political appointees in Sacramento. After one investigates Regan’s character (what makes a turncoat) the next logical step in the inquiry would be a look into the biggest political prize of the state- the dictatorship of the DOC.

All other lines of inquiry would be like walking backward. You’ll never see where you’re going. You must begin with directors, assistant directors, adult authority boards, roving boards, supervisors, wardens, captains, and guards. You have to examine these people from director down to guard before you can logically examine their product. Add to this some concrete and steel, barbed wire, rifles pistols, clubs, the tear gas that killed Brother Billingslea in San Quentin in February 1970, while he was locked in his cell and the pick handles of Folsom, San Quentin, and Soledad.

To determine how men will behave once they enter the prison it is of first importance to know that prison. Men are brutalized by their environment- not the reverse.” pg. 17-19

“It no longer surprises me, but I still find the general acceptance and widespread practice of the more deranges products of Western culture disturbing. Prying, nosy, schizophrenic, domineering, psychoneurotic people press you from all sides. They remain in a continual state of agitation, always on the brink of doing something maniacal! Capitalism, I believe, the capitalizing on the next man’s labor, on the next man’s weakness, has contributed greatly to the development of the anomalous :Western man”; capitalism, competitive enterprise, man competing against man for the necessary things, for status symbols, for power to repress his competitors and secure his personal wellbeing to exercise his ego, his fancy. I just cannot get used to the idea of some petty, stereotyped, bureaucratic official, patently suffering from some mental disorder, asking me questions, calling on me to explain myself. It is odd, and ironic, the trickery and turnabout that has gone down these last few generations.

Chew on this for a few moments: a colonizer, a usurer, the original thief, a murderer for personal gain, a kidnapper-slaver, a maker of cannon, bombs, and poison gas, an egocentric parasite, the original fork tongue, the odd man is trying to convey to us that we must adjust ourselves to his way, that we must learn to be more like him, that because we’re not backward, underdeveloped, unsophisticated! This is strange and contradictory.

I am deeply sorry that I ever told a lie, stole anything, robbed and cheated at anything-mainly because it is so much like conforming to Western ways.

To all appearances they are upset with me for doing these things. That privilege is supposed to be reserved for them I guess. So what do they mean by saying that we must get in with them, be like them, adopt capitalism, clothe ourselves in Western ways? This is a strange and contradictory thing. If we the colored and black of the world adopt capitalism where would we have to seek our colonies, Europe, the U.S.?! pg. 117,118

submitted by

Andrea Hornbein

The Felon

Hank Houghton

Jesus knew what it was like to feel forsaken when he was imprisoned. He experienced it all. Jesus was arrested, charged, interrogated, tried, sentenced and executed. It is important to remember that the first person Jesus took home with him after his death was a convicted felon. A thief He met on the cross.

When Jesus returns and gathers his followers to glory, they will be led by God almighty, the Lord and Savior, the King of Kings, the Prince of peace- a convicted felon.

A Lie Brought Me Life

Robert LeSage

Even from my crib I learned how to lie

when I wanted some attention I would just cry,

it was the sinful nature born within me

and from this sin, I just couldn’t get free.

As I grew up my lies become more and more believable

but my conscience tried to make me more miserable,

so I began to ignore it out of sheer frustration

until one day a lie led to my destruction.

Charged with a crime God and I knew I didn’t commit

I cried out to God to save me, He sent His Holy Spirit,

I didn’t understand I knew He knew I was innocent

but for my lies and my other sins I did repent.

In court everything seemed to be stacked against me

and my attorney told me to take a guilty plea,

again I lied and was given eighteen to twenty

but God was with me and inwardly I was set free.

That lie led me to meet my Jesus, my Lord

now He leads me with His double-edged sword,

where one I lived with lies, misery and strife

that lie brought me to my Savior and eternal life.

Today it seems everyone fosters lies as being good

but Scripture tells us that no one does good,

yet the Lord Jesus reached down from on high

and rescued me from world’s darkest night.

Many times I have cried out from my tortured soul

asking the Lord for some other sinner to be made whole,

and I think about the lie that brought me here

which gives me a chance and boldness my Jesus to share.

The Luminous Mysteries

Brian Auclair

Not just water but the Holy Spirit we realized

Once in darkness, now into the light of acceptance

Into the River Jordan our Lord Jesus was baptized

We are all in need of that continual repentance.

Since the miracles of Jesus have not ceased

We seek out the blessings that are illuminated

At Cana, was held a very special wedding feast

We must stay very committed and dedicated.

Once we come to the deeper internal realization

One step back, two forward in this life we trod.

We continue to spread the Light through Evangelization

For at hand lies the eternal kingdom of God.

Even though Jesus knew his eternal destination

On His dying day, to God, He continued to revere

He kept His word through His transfiguration

A lesson for all of us to learn to persevere.

Each reception of Christ provides us with union

Even though the liturgy, prayers, and songs will pass

The Holy Eucharist also known as Holy Communion

Is the light we need to truly live out the Mass.

All Fired Up

Timothy Muise

Well my little article about the Norfolk Inmate Council got a lot of folks “all fired up”! As George Dubya would have said, “Mission Accomplished!” It’s about time. Please don’t take it personal but my duty is to work for the betterment of all. Some may not like my ways, but they are my ways and I believe in them. It is time to work together at MCI Norfolk and if my humble little opinion piece acts as any stimulas toward that, then I am happy.