Application and Appointment Procedure for

Teacher of Design and Visual Communication

Part-time, fixed termfor Terms 2-4 of 2017

EEO Statement:

Rangiora High School is an equal opportunities employer. Applications will be considered on merit regardless of disability, handicap, marital or parental status, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.

1. Closing date

  • Applications for this position close at 12 noon on Tuesday 6 June 2017.

2. Method of Application

  • Application should be made on the school’s application form.
  • Applicants may enclose additional curriculum vitae and other supporting material.
  • A covering letter should addressed to the Deputy Principal, Mr Chris Quigley.
  • Application material will not be returned once the appointment has been made.

3. Referees

  • Applicants are asked to provide the names and addresses of two people who may be contacted to act as Referees.

4. Short-listing and interview

  • Short-listing of applicants and interviewing will be the responsibility of the Appointments Committee.

Approximate Timeline:

Wednesday 8 June 2017Short listing
Thursday 9 June 2017Interviews (if required)
Friday 10 June 2017Successful applicant notified by telephone before

an offer of appointment is made in writing

Friday 10 June 2017All other applicants notified by email

Whilst we will endeavour to adhere to the above timeline, please understand this is not always possible.

  • Applicants invited to an interview for this position will have their travel costs reimbursed where that is necessary.
  • Applicants wishing to bring whanau or other support to the interview may do so at their own expense and should inform Mr Chris Quigley at in advance so that suitable arrangements can be made.

5. Commencement of duties

  • It is hoped the appointee will commence duties immediately.

6. Tenure

  • This is a part-time, fixed term position teaching 6hrs/wk in Term 2 and 9hrs/wk in Terms 3-4 of 2017.
  • The appointee will be offered an employment agreement with the Commissioner. The appointee will be asked if they wish to become a party to the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Employment Agreement or to be employed on an Individual Employment Agreement.
  • Should the appointee indicate a preference for the Collective Employment Agreement they will be asked to indicate that they have nominated the PPTA as their bargaining agent and are therefore eligible to join this agreement.
  • Should the appointee indicate they wish to be employed on an Individual Employment Agreement, the details of the agreement will be negotiated at the time of appointment. The Commissioner has resolved to offer terms and conditions of employment, which reflect as far as possible those of the Collective Agreement.

7. Salary

  • The salary offered will be at a point on the Secondary Teachers’ Basic Salary Scale appropriate to the appointee’s qualifications, training and experience.

8. Professional Development

  • All teachers new to the school will take part in an Induction Programme and will be provided with advice and guidance through the professional support system.

9. General

  • A copy of the School’s Charter is available at
  • All staff are expected to be familiar with and comply with the Teachers’ Code of Ethics.

For further information or clarification applicants are welcome to contact Mr Chris Quigley, Deputy Principal, on 03 3118888 or


Title:Assistant Teacher – Design and Visual Communication

Responsible to:Head of Faculty – Technology

Primary Goals:

1To support the school’s charter and work to implement the policies arising from the charter.

2To meet classroom responsibilities to students.

3To plan and carry out curriculum and organisational responsibilities.

4To undertake professional development.

5To make a general contribution to school life.

6To carry out community responsibilities.

7To undertake specific responsibilities.

Tasks / Performance Indicators / Expected Outcomes
1School charter / aTo support the school’s charter and work to implement the policies arising from the charter. / aVisible support for policies arising from charter evident.
2To meet classroom responsibilities to students / aProviding learning opportunities for every child relative to his or her needs, abilities and stage of development.
bDeliver lessons in accordance with subject schemes of work, National Education Guidelines, school policies and the school charter.
cEstablishing effective relationships with students based on mutual respect.
dUsing a range of learning activities.
eProviding and maintaining a purposeful working environment.
fMeeting the requirements of the Registered Teacher Criteria and the appropriate Professional Standards.
gTeaching methods are suited to the age and ability level of the student. / aEffective relationships with students based on mutual respect are established.
bLessons reflect expectations of subject schemes of work, National Education Guidelines, school policies and the school charter.
cAll school policies on behaviour management are upheld in the everyday interaction between teachers and students - the Managing Student Behaviour (MSB) system is used effectively.
dA range of learning activities is used.
eA purposeful working environment is created.
fRegistered Teacher Criteria and Professional Standards are met.
gEnthusiasm and high standards of achievement are evident in all subjects with due regard to the personality and ability of the student.
Tasks / Performance Indicators / Expected Outcomes
3To plan and carry out curriculum and organisational responsibilities / aPreparing lesson plans in accordance with subject schemes and the school charter.
bDeveloping and managing classroom resources in accordance with school and faculty guidelines.
cTeaching subjects according to curriculum goals and objectives set by faculty and school charter.
dMarking and evaluating student work.
eAssessing student progress and recording results and completing reports and profiles on students.
fEvaluating teaching programmes.
gAssisting the Curriculum Leaderand Head of Faculty to develop and manage subject resources.
hMeeting deadlines which may be established from time to time.
iProviding students and parents with information regarding course objectives and assessment programmes in consultation with the Curriculum Leader and Head of Faculty.
jAttending facultyand subject meetings, contributing to the formulation of goals and their implementation.
kMeeting the requirements of the Registered Teacher Criteria and the appropriate Professional Standards. / aLesson plans are prepared in accordance with subject schemes and the school charter.
bResources are developed and managed in accordance with school and faculty guidelines.
cLesson critiques confirm teaching to curriculum goals and objectives set by faculty and school charter.
dStudent work is regularly and helpfully assessed.
eStudents’ needs are assessed before and after teaching/learning and programmes are planned according to student need.
fAdequate records of student progress are maintained as directed by school policy for both professional and parent’s use. Appraisal booklets show evidence of student evaluation of courses
gContributes to faculty organisation by efficiently developing and managing subject resources
hAssessment and reporting deadlines met
iStudents and parents will be well-informed of the demands of each subject for their personal planning needs.
jRegarded as a team player by peers in faculty through attendance at meetings, contribution to the formulation of goals and their implementation.
kRegistered Teacher Criteria and Professional Standards are met
Tasks / Performance Indicators / Expected Outcomes
4To undertake Professional Development / aKeeping abreast of subject and educational developments.
bAttending teacher development programmes.
cParticipating in in-service courses.
dParticipating in the professional development cycle undertaking a personal annual appraisal, following the requirements of the Registered Teacher Criteria and the appropriate Professional Standards.
eFollowing-up on the outcomes of the performance review which is part of that cycle. / aProfessional reading helps keep abreast of subject and educational developments.
bEach year undertakes at least one course/unit of professional development activity.
cAttends and participates in professional meetings scheduled by the Principal.
dParticipation in performance appraisals. An understanding of Maori protocols and Te Reo Maori is demonstrated. Registered Teacher Criteria and Professional Standards are met
eActively follows up on the outcomes of performance appraisal.
5To make a general contribution to School life / aCarrying out pastoral duties, including acting as a Form Teacher or in other negotiated pastoral care roles.
bCarrying out general supervision duties as required.
cParticipating in negotiated extra-curricular activities.
dMeeting the requirements of the Registered Teacher Criteria and the appropriate Professional Standards. / aRegards the form teacher role as an important part of being a teacher at RangioraHigh School.
bDuties performed diligently without prompting. Leads by example supporting standards expected of students.
cParticipates in negotiated extra curricular activities
dSupports the wider educational, collegial and cultural life of the school.Participates in whole school events and support community and school programmes.
Tasks / Performance Indicators / Expected Outcomes
6To carry out community responsibilities / aReporting to parents/caregivers and other relevant community groups on student progress, following the format established by the school.
bBeing available on occasions to meet parents/caregivers and to make other such formal and informal contact as may be necessary, in consultation with senior administration and guidance staff.
cMeeting the requirements of the Registered Teacher Criteria and the Professional Standards. / aReports to parents/caregivers and other relevant community groups on student progress, following the format established by the school.
bAs a form teacher rings all new students at the start of the year.Is available to meet parents/caregivers on occasions and provide information for them indirectly through the administration and/or counselling staff.
cRegistered Teacher Criteria and Professional Standards are met.
7To undertake specific responsibilities / aTeach subjects or undertake specific duties as assigned by the Curriculum Leader and Head of Faculty.
bTeach classes in other subject areas as determined by qualifications and experience and as may from time to time be agreed upon between the appointee and the Senior Leadership Team. / aSubjects are taught and specific duties as assigned by the Curriculum Leader and Head of Faculty are undertaken.
bClasses in other subject areas may be taught.

This job description is subject to annual review in October


I accept this position description.

Signature: Date:




The person appointed to this position will:

  • be a strong communicator of ideas and beliefs
  • show enthusiasm and commitment to promoting their subject.
  • show respect and support to students and staff.
  • have a clear understanding of the wider issues of education in the school environment


The person appointed to this position will:

  • hold a relevant tertiary qualification.
  • be trained as a teacher and be registered with the Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand (or have applied for such registration).


The person appointed to this position will:

  • be able to show an interest in, and an understanding of, education issues.
  • be up to date with new education developments particularly as they apply to the National Curriculum and the National Qualifications Framework.
  • have a knowledge and understanding of the New Zealand Curriculum Framework.
  • have knowledge, understanding and experience of current assessment practices in NCEA and in the junior school.


The person appointed to this position will:

  • relate effectively to young people.
  • have excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • be a strategic planner and thinker.
  • relate effectively to parents.
  • establish priorities, defining tasks and seeing them through to completion.
  • have the ability to effectively manage curriculum resources and practical equipment.
  • have the required ICT skills.


The person appointed to this position will:

  • have an awareness of the intent and spirit of the Treaty of Waitangi.
  • be culturally sensitive to students from all cultural backgrounds.
  • demonstrate and awareness of the needs of male and female students.
  • demonstrate an awareness of the needs of students with physical and intellectual disabilities.
  • be able to work confidently and fairly with all staff, students, parents and caregivers.