Dear Helen,

Thank you for your FOI request and your interest in the University of Bedfordshire. Please see below for a response to your request:

1)Details of any first or business class air travel that has been undertaken by university staff during the past 12 months. Ideally this would including the names of those travelling, the cost of the flights, and the reasons that the flights were taken.

In total, 11 staff have travelled via first or business class air tickets. A summary of the invoices we hold indicates the following:

Number of Staff / Destination / Cost / Traveller / Reason for Journey
1 / Pudong / £3,168 / Carsten Maple / Visit to partner institution
3 / Beijing / £12,437 / Ashraf Jawaid, Bill Rammell, Helen Bailey / Visit to partner institution
4 / Yuncheng (from Beijing)* / £1,268 / Ashraf Jawaid, Harry Wang, Bill Rammell, Helen Bailey / Visit to partner institution
1 / Seoul / £3,987 / Sonal Minocha / Research Conference
1 / Islamabad and Bangkok / £2,486 / Ashraf Jawaid / Visit to partner institution
1 / Dubai / £2,627 / Ashraf Jawaid / Visit to partner institution
3 / Beijing / £6,897 / Bill Rammell, Helen Bailey, Ashraf Jawaid / Visit to partner institution
1 / Auckland / £2,983 / Janice Wearmouth / Research Conference
1 / Melbourne / £4,539 / David Kirk / Research Conference
1 / Hanoi / £3,941 / Bill Rammell / Visit to partner institution
1 / Beijing (from Dubai) / £2,865 / Carsten Maple / Visit to partner institution
1 / Dubai and Muscat / £2,160 / Ashraf Jawaid / Visit to partner institution
1 / Dubai and Muscat / £2,764 / Ashraf Jawaid / Visit to partner institution
1 / Muscat / £3,485 / Bill Ramell / Visit to partner institution
1 / Muscat / £1,892 / Carsten Maple / Visit to partner institution
1 / Dubai / £1,837 / Ashraf Jawaid / Visit to partner institution
1 / Cairo / £2,279 / Mary Malcolm / Visit to partner institution
3 / Miami / £9,959 / Alan Murphy, Bill Rammell, Helen Bailey / Annual British Council Higher Education International Conference. Bill Rammell attended as a speaker at the conference and the other two staff members as delegates.
1 / Beijing / £2,010 / Ashraf Jawaid / Visit to partner institution
1 / Kuala Lumpur and Hanoi / £2,598 / Ashraf Jawaid / Visit to partner institution
3 / Beijing / £17,091 / Dewi Knight, Bill Rammell, Helen Bailey / Visit to partner institution
1 / Singapore / £4,351 / Bill Rammell / Visit to partner institution

All these flights were business class with the exception of those marked with an asterix. These were domestic flights within China. In China, first class equates to what is considered business class elsewhere in the world.

2)A copy of the university's policies on first and business class travel and relationships in the workplace.

The Vice Chancellor’s contract of employment stipulates that he may use first and business class when travelling by train or air. This is a contractual right.

The University’s expenses policy states in respect of rail travel:

“Travel by Rail

5.11 All employees should use standard class rail travel.

Seat reservations are permitted.

Tickets should be purchased as far in advance as possible to benefit from saver fares and/or tickets should be based on pre-determined services/routes to reduce costs wherever possible.

Any request for an exception to use other than standard class rail travel must have prior approval by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Resources) or Vice Chancellor.”

The University’s overseas travel policy can be found at:

Please note that the policy provides the Vice Chancellor with the discretion to vary this policy.

The University’s code of conduct on personal consensual relationships at work can be found at:

Additionally, the University issued the following statement in October 2013:

“The University of Bedfordshire can confirm that Vice Chancellor Bill Rammell has recently formed a relationship with work colleague Professor Helen Bailey.

In accordance with the University's policies relating to personal relationships at work, Professor Bailey, who is interim Executive Dean of Partnerships, will move to report to the University's Deputy Vice Chancellor. She has also stepped down as a staff Governor to avoid any potential conflict of interest.

Chairman of the University's Board of Governors, Alan Cook, said: “Both the Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean have acted with professionalism and integrity. They alerted the Board at the earliest opportunity and they are both assured of our whole-hearted support.”

3)Details of any permanent senior appointments made above head of department level during the last twelve months. To clarify, I'd like a list that includes the names of the successful candidates, whether it was an internal or external appointment and whether the services of a headhunter or executive search firm were used.

Position / Search Firm Used / Number of Candidates who Applied / Appointed Candidate / University Members of the Appointment Panel
Executive Dean of Academic Partnerships / No / Externally advertised / 27 / Helen Bailey – internal candidate / 1.Chair of Governors
2. Vice Chair of Governors
3. Deputy Vice Chancellor (External Relations)
4. Director of HR
5. Executive Dean of the Business School
6. President of Beds SU
Director of Enterprise / No / Externally advertised / 12 / Nick Lancaster – internal candidate / 1. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)
2.Executive Dean of Education and Sport
3. Executive Dean of Health and Social Sciences
Director of Marketing and Admissions / Yes / Externally advertised / 34 / Bob Cozens – external candidate / 1. Vice Chancellor
2. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)
3. Executive Dean of the Business School
4. Policy Advisor to the Vice Chancellor
Academic Registrar / Yes / Externally advertised / 20 / Sara Doherty –external candidate / 1. Vice Chancellor
2. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)
3. Executive Dean of Education and Sport
4. Director of HR
5. Registrar
6.Representative of Beds SU

If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by writing to the University Secretary (please see for our appeals process).

If you are unhappy with the way the University of Bedfordshire handles your request through our appeals process, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:

The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Tel: 08456 306060 or 01625 54 57 45. Website:

There is no charge for making an appeal.

Yours sincerely,

Mehwish Sultan

Legal Services Advisor