1st SGA General Body Meeting
Monday, September 11, 2017
5:00-6:00 pm, 2W11
Meeting began at 5:05 by Amanda Menke
- Welcome – Amanda Menke
- Go over agenda, sign up sheets, introductions of E-Board members
- Introductions with ice breaker – Amanda Menke
- If you could be a kitchen utensil what you would be and why?
- Introduction from Karen Oppenheimer: Associate Dean of Student Affairs
- Requesting advice about scheduling a time for connecting with SGA to do meet and greet with any student who is interested in learning about services school offers and to meet everyone
- Brief summary of each group
- SGA Executive Board – All in attendance
- Amanda Menke, Maureen Walker, Erica Thorton, Jennie Lowe, Arriel Humphrey
- Dawn Shaffer
- Student representative Lauren Highsmith
- Tikkun – Jacob Singer
- Goal: make people aware of issues Jewish people face, increase awareness of experiences of different sects of Jewish people
- No meeting set for September
- Anti-Oppression Work Group – Emily Smith
- Working to make a more anti-racist and anti-oppressive school of social work
- Upcoming meeting on 9/18 at 5pm in room 2E02
- Alliance of Anti-Racist Social Work Practitioners – Emilie Thomas an Domonique Thompson
- What does anti-racist social work look like, learn ways to incorporate anti-racism into our curriculum
- Upcoming meeting on 9/18 at 5pm in room 2E02
- International Social Work Organization – Sandi Giver
- Learn, engage, act, discuss which classes have an international lens, placement opportunities, networking, and professional skill building.
- No scheduled meeting or events coming up, weekly emails go out to interested students
- Macro Student Union – Mary Kelty
- Encourage greater awareness of what is macro practice, increase opportunities to learn about macro issues, networking
- Upcoming meeting next Monday at 5pm 3E10
- Organization of African American Students in Social Work – Ramona Dowdell
- Activism, spirituality, self-care
- Upcoming meeting 9/18 at 5pm 2E11
- Christian Social Work Fellowship – Jennifer Pritchett
- Promote spiritual growth, provide a place to refill, learn how to be both a Christian an da social worker, bible study, prayer
- Latinx Unidos for Community Healing and Awareness – Vanessa Gonzalez
- Promote social awareness, social justice, anti-oppression, offer a place for Latinos to feel safe and talk about relevant issues
- Upcoming meeting 9/25 12:15pm in 2E02
- Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Allies Union – Amanda Fox
- Focus on activism and raising awareness
- No meeting currently scheduled
- SSW Committees - Amanda Menke
- Reviewed all committees currently in need of representatives, if you would like to volunteer to represent then email Amanda and she will email you a questionnaire to fill out
- USGA Senators - Amanada Menke
- USGA meetings occur the second Wednesday of every month at 5pm, Amanda can email applications if interested
- Black Lives Taken Vigil - Maureen Walker
- Event 9/18 at 8am, meet in the SSW lobby, hot chocolate and coffee to be served, walk over to park for candle-light vigil
- Adjournment – Amanda Menke
- Meeting adjoured at 5:54pm