2015 Finishing & GoalkeepingSpring Break Soccer Clinic
2015 Finishing & Goalkeeping Spring Break Clinic Details Include:
Individual Skill-Based & Age-Appropriate Training
Field Player & Goalkeeper Training Provided
Marlboro Middle School (Rt. 520) Turf Field
Monday, April 6th – Friday, April 10th
COST = $150/Marlboro Residents - $160/Out-of-Town Residents
NO REFUNDS – Any cancelled days due to weather will be made up by adding time to remaining sessions
Clinic tee shirts will be provided. Players should bring cleats, shin guards, water and ball.
Space is limited and the camp will close at 60 players!
Training Staff:
Teddy Ritter (Head Goalkeeper Trainer)
Paul Malcolm (Head Field Player Trainer)
CTR Staff Assistants
For more information, please contactprogram director Teddy Ritter .
For more information about CTR Soccer, visit our website at or e-mail us at .
Be sure to also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for latest news and programs from CTR Soccer.
All CTR Soccer programs are aligned with US Soccer Federation’s standards and approved by Tab Ramos,
U.S. Men’s National Team Assistant Coach and U.S. Soccer’s Youth Technical Director.
To register for the 2015 Finishing & Goalkeeping Spring Break Clinic provided by CTR Soccer, please complete the below registration form and return with payment (checks made payable to “CTR Soccer”) to CTR Soccer, PO Box 766, Old Bridge, NJ 08857 or in the drop box at 2 Arlington Drive, Marlboro, NJ 07746 no later than March 5th, 2015.
Player Name:
Player Age:
Parent(s) Names:
*Home Phone:
*Cell Phone(s):
Home Address:
*Information needed in case of cancellations or changes in program
Please read, sign and date as acknowledgment that you agree to the following terms:
I, the undersigned, acknowledge that my son/daughter will participate in activities that may involve, among other things, physical contact with other persons/objects, including the ground and may include risk of injury. I specifically waive, give up and release CTR Soccer and its staff and agents, from any liability for any claim of damages, which my son/daughter may sustain. In signing this waiver, I certify that my son/daughter is in good health, with no chronic illnesses or abnormal tendencies. I authorize CTR Soccer to act for me and obtain whatever medical, surgical, or dental examination, diagnosis and/or treatment is deemed necessary. I am also agreeing that I have made arrangements, through insurance or otherwise, for payment of medical bills which may be incurred if my child sustains any injuries while playing or participating in any activity. Accordingly, I waive all claims against CTR Soccer or its staff and agents for reimbursement of medical bills and damages sustained on account of any injury, which may occur to my son/daughter. CTR Soccer and its agents or staff are not responsible for any personal belongs which are lost, stolen, or damaged. I agree to have all camp/clinic/class fees paid in full prior to the start of the activity and have read and agree to all rules and understandings.