Ley Top Primary School

Marking and Presentation Policy

January 2016


At Ley Top Primary we believe that marking is an important part of the teaching and learning process. It provides feedback so that pupils can recognise their achievements and identify their next steps to enable them to achieve end of year expectations. It enables teachers to identify children’s strengths, barriers to learning and next steps. The policy provides guidance for all staff to ensure consistency and clarity throughout the school.

Aims for teachers

  • To inform future planning.
  • To identify the key skills that the children have learnt.
  • To identify which key skills children used/applied to achieve the learning intention.
  • To clarify misconceptions.
  • To identify children’s strengths and barriers to learning.
  • To identify children’s next steps to enable them to achieve end of year expectations.

Aims for children

  • To help children to know their strengths
  • To help children to know their next steps to enable them to achieve end of year expectations.
  • To raise the pupils’ confidence and self-belief.
  • To help children understand that mistakes are an essential part of the learning process.
Guidelines - Marking
  • Every piece of work must be marked and acknowledged.
  • All feedback must show which skill/s children have learnt, used, applied or achieved in, in order to complete the task or acknowledge misconceptions.
  • Feedback must clarify misconceptions where necessary.
  • When providing verbal feedback the symbol VF must be used. Teachers must bullet point the child’s next steps to help them to achieve end of year expectations.
  • Teacher’s must use the symbols outlined on the marking policy.

Guidelines – Focused Marking

  • Every child will have 1 piece of Literacy work and 1 piece of Maths work Focused marked every week.
  • In KS1, focused marking will provide up to three positives, identifying success. (Green) In KS2, focused marking will address the positives in the children’s work but will not necessarily be highlighted in their books. The comment will still appear in green and will be conducive to creating a positive learner.
  • Focused marking will provide very clear ‘Next Steps’ to enable all children to make progress (Pink)
  • Focused marking will provide children with strategies for improvement: prompts, reminders, scaffold or examples.
  • Teachers must provide children with sufficient time in lesson to complete their focused marking task.
  • When children have completed their focused marking task, their efforts must be acknowledged.

Guidelines for Presentation

All Classes:

  • The date will be written on the left at the beginning of each piece of work.
  • From Year 1 the date will be written numerically (12.01.16.) in Maths and words for literacy.
  • Pencil crayons may be used in books, not felt tips.
  • All books should be clear of graffiti/doodling.
  • Sub-standard work will not be accepted and must be repeated in the pupils own time.
  • Children should be encouraged to check their work and, wherever possible, read aloud to help them to self-correct.
  • Children’s work should form an important part of displays in the classroom and around school.
  • Displays must be a balance of SUPPORT/CHALLENGE/CELEBRATION.
  • The teacher will ensure that every child will have work displayed over the course of an academic year.
  • All pupils from Reception onwards will be taught correct letter formation. When children can form all of their letters correctly they will be taught cursive handwriting.
  • Where possible work should reflect all abilities, celebrating achievement as well as attainment.
  • High quality presentation will be modelled by adults at all times in terms of speech and handwriting (verbal and written feedback).

Key Stage 1/EY

  • In Reception the teacher will write the date until Easter. After Easter children will write the date.
  • No margins in KS1 and Year 3.

Key Stage 2

  • In KS2 the title of the work should be one line under the date and underlined with a ruler and pencil.
  • After the date and title, one line space should be left before the start of work.
  • Before a new piece of work is started - miss one line after completed work/ teacher feedback and rule off with a pencil and a ruler.
  • For mistakes use 1 ruled line to cross out. No tippex or erasers. Erasers may only be used in drawing.

Symbol / Meaning
 / Correct
x / Incorrect
T / Teacher
VF / Verbal feedback
S / Supported on this task
I / Independent work
Green for Good
Pink for Think
Independent work

Approved by Governors

Chair of Governors………………………. Date…………………

Headteacher………………………………… Date………………

C:\Users\head.LEYTOPADMIN\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\778UM2K0\Marking-and-Presentation-Policy-2016.doc