Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Pages 218 – 230

Getting It Straight

Papa doesn’t want to tell Uncle Hammer that he’s not ______. He doesn’t want to risk ______.

Thurston and Dewberry Wallace are still ______.

After what Mr. Morrison did to the ______, Mama is ______for him.

Kaleb Wallace blocked the road with his truck, so Mr. Morrison ______and ______.

Jeremy tells the Logan children that some people are ______.

T.J. has become a ______.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

1.  Do you think Mr. Morrison should stay with the Logan’s or leave? Why?


2.  Why are people glad that Papa’s hurt and won’t get the railroad money? Who are these people?


3.  Why is it symbolic that Jeremy wants to live in a tree? Why does it fit with his personality?


4.  Why does Stacey refuse to go to Jeremy’s house?


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Pages 231 - 241

Getting It Straight

Mr. Morrison comes back from ______and gives Papa news that ______.

Papa called ______who said he could ______.

For Cassie, the best part of the revival was the ______.

Uncle Hammer tells the kids he ______.

Papa wants Mr. Morrison to take Uncle Hammer to Vicksburg because ______.

______shows up at the revival with his new friends ______and ______.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

1.  Who is responsible for the Logan’s bank note being up and why?


2.  Would you have done what Hammer did? Would you have gone back to Chicago?


3.  What do you think T.J. means when he says, “It didn’t even make a difference” on page 241?


4.  What do you think R.W. and Melvin will make T.J. do to get the pearl-handled pistol?


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Pages 242 - 256

Getting It Straight

Chapter 11 starts with a ______.

______comes knocking in the middle of the night to ask ______for help.

R.W. and Melvin ______the Barnett’s mercantile . When T.J. threatened to tell someone, they ______.

Stacey agrees to help T.J. ______.

Kaleb Wallace and the Simms boys break into the ______house to come and get ______. They are stopped by ______.

Stacey asks Cassie to go and get ______. Stacey will stay in case they ______.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

1.  Why do R.W. and Melvin wear masks when they rob the Barnett Mercantile? Who do the Barnett’s think the boys are?


2.  What does Kaleb threaten to do since Mr. Granger doesn’t want a hanging on his land?


3.  What is symbolic about the storm that’s rolling in?


4.  Go back to the poem on page 242. Why do you think Mildred Taylor included it there?


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Pages 257 – 266

Getting It Straight

Cassie tells ______everything.

Papa takes the ______to go keep the white men from ______T.J. Mama says they need to ______Harlan Granger to stop it.

Mama smells ______. ______is on fire. If the fire reaches the trees, ______.

Mama and Big Ma go to ______the ______.

______spotted the fire from his tree. He told his ______, who has been fighting the fire.

Papa and Mr. Granger got the men ______.

______started coming down.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

1.  What is Papa’s plan at the beginning of the chapter? What does Mama want him to do?


2.  Are you surprised that R.W. and Melvin help fight the fire? Why do you think they do it?


3.  Why is it good that the rain starts falling?


4.  What do you think will happen with the fire?


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Pages 266 – 276

Getting It Straight

Where there used to be cotton, now the land was ______.

The sheriff and Mr. Jamison took T.J. ______because they think ______.

______stopped the men from hurting T.J. and sent them to ______.

______died at four o’clock this morning.

Mr. Jamison tells Papa not to give anyone a reason to think about him except ______, or somebody might start ______.

Papa had found a way to make Mr. Granger ______. He had started ______.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

1.  What does Cassie notice when she sees the men putting out the fire on page 267?


2.  Why does what Papa did have to be what Cassie calls “one of those known and unknown things” (page 274)?


3.  What is going to happen to T.J.? What will happen to R.W. and Melvin?
