Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Present: Chuck Reichert, Tim Crow, Gary Johnson, Uwe Leck, Olawole Famule, Nick Danz, Glenn Carlson, Suzanne Griffith, Dick Hudelson, Deborah Schlacks, Scott Smith, Diane Douglas, Brent Notbohm

I.Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair, Brent Notbohm, at 2:35.

II.Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve minutes for February 8, 2011 (Griffith/Jones) Approved
Motion to approve minutes for February 15, 2011 (Johnson/Carlson) Approved

Chair: Relay of request from Linda Sharpe to please date all UAAC documents

Secretary: No reportGeneral Education: No report

1. Question regarding individually designed majors and minors: why do they need approval by Credits

committee since chairs from all affected departments havealready signed off on the proposed major or minor?

2. Questions regarding students with majors and minors using the same prefix: This ishappening in some cases. Is this consistent with stated policy (Catalog, p. 36)? DoesUAAC want to address this question? Motion to appoint a committee to considerbring any proposals to UAAC for its consideration (Griffith/Hudelson) Approved Members of this committee are Griffith, Hudelson, Johnson and Carlson.

Other Announcements:
Douglas: Department of Writing, Reading, and Library Science has been renamed: Department of Writing, English Language, and Library Science
Crow: Writing and Reading courses now taught in the English Programserving teacher training programs will carry the prefix ENGED beginning fall 2011.(Request from Griffith that the Registrar notify Terri Kronzer of this change.)

IV.Old Business
A. Second Bachelor’s Degree policy revisionDiane Douglas brought this to UAACper a request from the Credits Committee. Current policy does not allow this. In looking at revision of the second bachelor’s degree policy, Douglas had to consider the Concurrent degree policy. This prompted a discussion of some tangled issues. Whywould anyone want to do this? What is the difference between a double major and twodistinct degrees? Would a student getting a BA in any subject matter be able to get a simultaneous BS degree in the same subject matter since the requirements for the BSare a present a subset of the requirements for the BA? Should we defer any action untilafter the committee currently considering what requirements for BA and BS degrees shouldbe has finished its work and that issue is resolved? No proposal was made & no action taken.A show of hands was taken to determine if UAAC members would favor a policy that allowed students to earn either two BS degrees, two BA degrees or a BS and BA in the same major concurrently. Vote showed only 2 would consider; so Douglas will not pursue this possibility.

B. LSA Articulation Agreement Motion to approve (Reichert/Carlson) Approved

V.New Business
A. Curriculum Approvals Chart. Motion to approve (Jones/Griffith). Griffith raised some problems with the chart as

it now stands. references to TED (no longer existing) need to be replaced in a manner consistentwith the intent

and educations purpose behind the former TED references. Motion to Table (Griffith/Jones) Approved There

was a general sentiment from UAAC members that the chart in the works is a greatimprovement over the

Curriculum Approval Guide as it now stands.
B. IDM Minors and Double DippingNo discussion or action taken. The matter appears to be addressed by current

practice andmay be further clarified by action taken under item (2) under Report by Registrar above.
C. New Course Proposal: ECED 470 Child LifeThe proposed course addresses competencies required for Child Life

Certification by the Child Life Council. Motion to approve conditional on departmental addition of prerequisites

appropriate for this 400 level course (Griffith/Carlson) Approved

The meeting adjourned at 3:45.

Respectfully submitted,
Dick Hudelson