Sciences Accepted Students Day

February 13, 2015

9:30 - 10:00: Registration in 3rd floor lobby of Kirkbride Hall
10:00 - 10:50: Campus Tour or “Sit in on a Widener Science class” of your choosing (e-mail

pre-registration is required)

These activities are optional for early arrivals.

The list of classes can be found at the end of this document.

11:00 - 11:10: Welcome –Associate Dean of Science – 1st floor lobby Kirkbride Hall
11:15 - 12:30: Tour of the Buildings
12:45 - 1:55: Lunch
2:00 - 3:25: Specific disciplines activities

2:30, 3:00: Optional meeting with Financial Aid and Student Life

Specific Discipline Activities

(The descriptions of the activities can be found on the next two pages)

Activity [Room #] / 2:00-2:25 / 2:30-2:55 / 3:00-3:25
Arts & Sciences Summer research programs [KH 236] / Yes / Yes
Visualizing the Fly [KH 303] / Yes
Perspectives on Research in Biology [Lobby 4th floor] / Yes / Yes / Yes
Biology and Physical Therapy [KH 303] / Yes
Pre-Medical Programs [KH 432 ] / Yes / Yes
Synthesis of Nylon and Slime [KH 442] / Yes
Tropical Studies and Research;
Amazing Insects [KH 205] / Yes / Yes
Modeling Geographic Space
[KH 207] / Yes / Yes
Computer Science Programs [Freedom Hall 303] / Yes / Yes
Physics and Astronomy [KH 232] / Yes
Widener Observatory [KH 5th floor] / Yes
Mathematics [ACN 282] / Yes
Financial Aid [KH 223] / Yes / Yes
Student Life [KH 229] / Yes / Yes

Descriptions of the Afternoon Activities

Arts & Sciences Summer Research Program

Come learn about the exciting summer research opportunities available in the sciences at Widener. You can join the undergraduate research community and work with faculty and other students on summer research projects while receiving summer housing on campus. We also offer weekly activities that include sessions with previous Widener students on finding a job, getting into graduate school, preparing your resume and the annual student-faculty water balloon fight.


Visualizing the Fly

We will use a compound microscope and a stereomicroscope to look at Drosophila melanogaster embryos, larvae and adults. Maximum capacity of 8 people on a first-come, first-served basis.

Perspectives on Research in Biology

Research experiences are an important component of the biology program at WidenerUniversity. Current students will discuss their experiences working on a research project.


Biology and Physical Therapy

This sessionwill introduce the biology program and the biology tracks leading to Widener’s physical therapy graduate program and will give an overview of the graduate program in physical therapy.

Pre-Medical Programs

Pre-medical advisor, will be available to answer questions regarding the various ways to prepare for medical, dental, podiatric, and veterinary school.


Making Polymers - Slime and Nylon

Students will perform simple synthetic reactions by making nylon 6-10 and slime. Nylon 6-10 will be made by mixing an aqueous solution of sebacoyl chloride with an organic solution of hexamethylene-diamine. The nylon 6-10 forms at the interface of the two solutions and the strand can be pulled from the interface with a stirring rod. Slime, sold originally by the Mattel Toy Corporation, will be made by mixing polyvinyl alcohol and borax, Na2B4O7·10 H20.


Computer Science Programs

During this session you will meet several members of the computer science faculty, see the facilities, and have your questions answered regarding the curriculum, research opportunities, co-op and internships. The three different majors: computer science, computer information systems, and digital media informatics, offered by the computer science department will be reviewed.


Tropical Studies and Research – Peruvian Amazon Rainforest and Costa Rican Cloud Forests; Amazing Insects

Professor Madigosky and his students study these amazing creatures from the Amazonian Rainforest. These insect are VERY large and have some amazing capabilities, also they look remarkably alien.

Modeling Geographic Space

Professor Freed and students have conducted a number of projects locally, regionally, and internationally using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in a recently constructed state of the art facility. Join Prof. Freed to explore exciting opportunities in the use of this new technology at Widener.


Mathematics Programs

During this session you will meet several of the mathematics faculty and see the mathematics department and math center in the Academic Center North building. The three different tracks available in mathematics will be reviewed and time will be available for any questions.


Physics and Astronomy Program

During this session you will meet several of the physics faculty, see the facilities, and have your questions answered regarding the curriculum and research opportunities. Following this session you will move to a special session in the observatory. Here you will learn of our facilities and research program in astronomy.

Widener Observatory

The observatory will host a general session for all students. You will be introduced to the telescope, detectors, and the type of research projects that are ongoing. Weather permitting; you will be able to observe the sun.

Sit in on a Science Class

This part of the program is optional. Everyone, students and their families, are encouraged to attend. Send an e-mail (include the title of the class which you like to attend and the number of guests) to to pre-register for one of the following Widener Science classes:

Department / Course Title and Number / Room #
Biology / Biological Concepts II (BIOL 162) / KH 229
Biology / Walking Biology (BIOL 288) / KH 415
Chemistry / General Chemistry I Sessions A &B (CHEM 145) / KH 231
Chemistry / Instrumental Analysis (CHEM 366) / KH 471
Computer Science / Introduction to Computer Science II (CSCI 152) / Freedom Hall 303
Mathematics / Math-131-B: Calculus with Review I / ACN 102
Mathematics / Math-132-D: Calculus with Review II / ACN 101
Mathematics / Math-241-C: Multivariable Calculus / ACN 251
Physics and Astronomy / Physics I (PHYS 161), Classical Mechanics / KH 235
Physics and Astronomy / Physics II (PHYS 162), Electricity and Magnetism / KH 236

KH means Kirkbride Hall

ACN means Academic Center North