Wethersfield Public Schools
Proposal to Add New Course to Power School

Requester Name: ______

Course Name: ______

School year: ______Credit Hours: ______

Credit Type:

(WHS up to 2019 [ ] ENG [ ]SS[ ] MTH [ ] SCI[ ]WL & SDMS) [ ]VE [ ] AAA [ ]PEH [ ]ELE [ ] ADM [ ] SPED

(WHS2020 + :)[ ] HE [ ] SSE[ ] USH [ ] IST[ ] CIV [ ] FA [ ] MTHE [ ] STME [ ]ALG1 [ ] GEO [ ] ALG2

[ ] SCIE [ ] LSCI[ ] PSCI [ ] PE[ ] HLTH [ ] CLSE [ ] CLS [ ] CAP

Department:[ ] ENG [ ] MTH [ ] SCI [ ] SS [ ] WL [ ] BUS

[ ] FCS [ ]VE [ ]PEH [ ] ART[ ] MUS [ ] ADM

[ ] SPED [ ] ADP[ ]ELL[ ] GHAA[ ] GHAMAS

Default Maximum Enrollment ______

Course Notes ______

Grade Scale: [ ] WHS AP Grade Scale [ ] WHS Level 1 Grade Scale [ ] WHS Level2 Grade Scale
[ ] WHS Level H Grade Scale [ ] WHS Unleveled Grade Scale

[ ] SDMS Grade Scale [ ] SDMS Modified Grade Scale

Exclude from GPA?[ ] Include [ ] Exclude Use the course for lunch? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Exclude from Class Rank?[ ] Include [ ] ExcludeExclude On Report Cards/Transcripts?[ ] Yes [ ] No

Exclude from Honor Roll?[ ] Include [ ] Exclude

Connecticut State Information:

ED540 Part B- Credit for Selected Courses:

[ ]Algebra 1 or Equivalent[ ]Mathematics [ ]Science [ ]Chemistry
[ ]Same World Language[ ]Social Studies [ ]Vocational Education [ ]The Arts

ED540- Part D. College Level Course[ ]2Year College Courses [ ]4 year College Courses
[ ]Other College Course: [ ]Not Applicable

Course Number: ______

NCES Course Code: ______Exclude from TCS: [ ]Yes [ ]No

Approved: Principal ______Director of Curriculum______

Course Created By: ______Date Course Created:______


Requester Name: Enter name of person completing this form.

Course Name should be looked up under inactive codes to see if the course existed at some point and time and reused if appropriate. The maximum number of characters that can be used for a course name is forty (40). Enter the name of the course as it should appear on transcripts.

Credit Hours: Enter the number of credits a student receives for taking this course.(I.e. 1.00, .50)

Credit Type:(Related to Graduation Requirements) Enter the type of credit a student receives for passing this course.

For WHS YOG 2018 and 2019, and SDMS: ENG-English, ELE–Elective *, ADM-Administration (i.e. Lunch , Study halls), SS-Social Studies, MTH-Mathematics, SCI- Science, WL-World Language, VE-Vocational Education, AAA-Arts Awareness and Appreciation, PEH-Physical Education and Health. SPED-Special Ed/ALS,

For WHS YOG 2020 +: HE-Humanities Elective, SSE-Social Studies Elective, USH-US History, IST-International Studies, CIV-Civics, FA-Fine Arts, MTHE-Math Elective, STME STEM Elective, ALG1-Algebra1, GEO–Geometry, ALG2-Algebra 2, SCIE-Science Elective, LSCI-Life Science, PSCI-Physical Science, PE-Physical Education, HLTH-Health, CLSE-Career & Life Skills Elective, CLS-Career & Life Skills, CAP-Capstone.

*All independent studies courses fall under elective credit type (do not count as a requirement for high school graduation)

*** See Course Catalog for more information on Graduation Requirements and credit type***

Department: Enter the department in which this course will appear under.

  • ENG-English
  • MTH-Mathematics
  • SCI-Science
  • SS-Social Studies
  • WL-World Language
  • BUS-Business
  • FCS-Family Consumer Sciences
  • VE- Vocational Education (includes Business, Family & Consumer Science, and Technology Education)
  • PEH- Physical Education and Health
  • ART-Art
  • MUS-Music
  • ADM-Administrative
  • SPED-Special Education
  • ADP – Alternative Day Program
  • CREC-Capitol Regional Education Council
  • ELL-English Language Learners
  • GHAA-Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts
  • GHAMAS-Greater Hartford Academy of Mathematics & Science

Default Maximum Enrollment: Enter the maximum number of students that can be enrolled in this course.

Course Notes: Enter descriptive text regarding the course or course enrollment, if any.

Grade Scale: Choose the appropriate grade scale, based on the course level.

Exclude from GPA? Class Rank? Honor Roll? Select to include or exclude the grade from GPA Calculation, class rank calculation and honor roll calculation.

Exclude from GPA? / Exclude from Class Rank? / Exclude from Honor Roll?
Level 1, 2, H, AP / Include / Include / Include
Unleveled / Exclude / Exclude / Include
Independent Studies-Unleveled / Exclude / Exclude / Include
Independent Studies-all levels / Exclude / Exclude / Include
Pass/Fail / Exclude / Exclude / Exclude
SDMS Grade Scale / Exclude / Exclude / Include
SDMS Modified Grade Scale / Exclude / Exclude / Exclude
GHAMAS/GHAA / Include / Include / Include

Use the course for lunch: Select to indicate that this course will be used exclusively for scheduled lunches.

Exclude on report cards/transcripts: Select to exclude all sections of this course from appearing on the schedule listing of Report Cards or Transcripts.

Connecticut State Information:

ED540- Part D. If a College Level Course, choose 2year, 4 year, or other college course

Course Number: Enter the number that will be used to identify this course. Course Number Series:

10000 English/Language Arts 40000 Science70000 Family Consumer Science /VE/TEC

20000 Social Studies 50000 World Languages80000 PE/GHAMAS/ART/FA

30000 Mathematics 60000 Business90000 SPED/ ELL /CREC /ADM

IS00000 Independent Studies*, with a 5 digit number pertaining to the course (**SEE INDEPENDT STUDIES BELOW)

The last two digits should be derived by the level of the class: (course number should end in one of the following)

01 for Level One courses 02 for Level Two courses

04 for Unleveled courses05 for Honors courses06 for Advanced Placement courses

*Independent Study project may be taken in the place of an elective. Note: No course which is to be used as a ‘Requirement for High School Graduation’ may be taken on an Independent Study basis. The level of the course (1, 2, or U) will be determined by both an administrator and the sponsoring teacher. For courses that are in the WHS Course catalog the IS course can not be offered at a different level. (i.e. a student can not take an IS in Art Foundation at an honors level, since this course is offered as an unleveled course.)

Independent Studies- will be an seven digit code –The first two digits will be “IS”

The 3rd-5th digits of the course code will designate the department and class code. The third digit represents the department. Use the following chart as reference::

Department / Code #
Art / 8
Career & Tech Ed – Business Ed / 6
Career & Tech Ed – Family & Consumer Science / 7
Career & Tech Ed – Tech & Engineering / 7
English / 1
Mathematics / 3
Music / 8
Health & Physical Ed / 8
Science / 4
Social Studies / 2
World Language / 5

The fourth and fifth digit are equal to the second and third digit of regular courses or an unused new number for those courses that haven’t been offered as a regular course counterpart.

The sixth digit will represent the number of credits being earned. Use chart as reference:

Credit Amount / Code #
1.2 / 0
1.0 / 1
0.6 / 6
0.5 / 5
0.4 / 4
0.25 / 2

Seventh digit, should be derived by the level of the class

1 for level one courses 2 for level two courses4 for unleveled courses

5 for Honors courses6 for Advanced Placement courses

NCES Course Code: Curriculum Office will assign this number

Exclude from TCS: Curriculum Office will determine

  • CREC Soundbridge courses are excluded
  • Study halls are excluded

Have this form approved by Principal and Director of Curriculum.

Upon approval, form will then be given to PowerSchool Manager for creation of course.

R:\District Curriculum Office\PowerSchool\Courses Added\New Course Form rev 7_3.docx

Rev 7/03/17