2a – give / explain the meaning of words in context
Q1 - Find and copy one word meaning X Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms
Q2 - Which word most closely matches the meaning of the word X ? Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms
Q4 - Find and copy one word that suggests/shows that … Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms
Q12a – Recognise similar meaning to replace the end of each sentence Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms
Q12b – Recognise similar meaning to replace the end of each sentence] Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms e.g. ‘speedily’ has the same meaning as the words in the text ‘swept’, ‘tearing across’, ‘top speed of 35kph’.
Q12c – Recognise similar meaning to replace the end of each sentence] Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms. This question contained a visual distractor as the picture looked like a lion although it is actually a warthog.
Q12d – complete the sentence using a summary of what had happened. Inference was required as the details suggested she was unharmed rather than their being any direct reference to her being unharmed e.g. ‘’rode the rest of the way home at a gentle walk’, ‘a thoughtful smile on her lips’. A distractor was in place ‘The pain in Martine’s arms was nearly unbearable’.
Q23 - What does the word X suggest about X Vocabulary in context/figurative language
Q25 Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms.
Q27 What does the word X suggest about X Vocabulary: Children need to understand the word ‘invaders’ within the question and then link this with its explanation within the text.
2b – retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction
Q7 - Write down three things you are told about X Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms/phrases with the same meaning; Visualisation: to know that ‘narrow opening in the branches’ means that the branches are close together.
Q8 Visualisation: to link the written description to the drawing
Q9b – direct retrieval
2b – retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction (Continued)
Q10 - What was revealed at X place in the story? Connect between different parts of the narrative to understand one particular part. They needed to refer to an earlier paragraph overleaf to know the monument was to her ancestors and understand the word ancestors; that the winners symbol was a bear so by inference that the losers were represented by the lion and link all of this back to ‘We were the family of the lion’. All for 1 mark.
Q11 – True or False Grid: Direct retrieval
Q18 –Direct retrieval
Q26a Give two reasons why X [include an abstract noun e.g. Mauritius was a paradise] Vocabulary: Children need to link an abstract noun to its description within the text.
Q26b Vocabulary: Children need to understand the word ‘extinct’ within the question and then link this with its explanation within the text.
Q28 –Direct retrieval
Q29 - Give the meaning of the word X in this sentence. Vocabulary: Children need to understand the word ‘parched’ within the question and then link this with its explanation within the text.
Q30 - Find and copy one word that suggests/shows that … Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms/phrases with the same meaning
Q31 - What does [group of words] mean? Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms/phrases with the same meaning
2c – summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph
Q33: Below are some summaries of different paragraphs from this text. Number them 1-6 to show the order in which they appear in the text. The first one has been done for you. Summarising.
2d – make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text
Q3 - How can you tell that …? Vocabulary: Relies mainly on your understanding of one word ‘impatient’
Q6 - What impressions of ……… do you get from these two paragraphs? Visualisation and then the vocabulary to describe your vision.
Q24 Vocabulary/inference: Relies on your understanding of the words provided e.g. curious and unafraid.
2d – make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text (Continued)
Q9a - Why did X happen? A range of skills including visualisation and root words e.g. ‘mossy’ means covered in moss.
Q9b - What did X have to do? Direct retrieval
Q13 - Look at the X place in the text (paragraph). How do you know that? Inference/vocabulary. A correct response hinges on understanding the word ‘witnesses’.
Q14 – Vocabulary. One of the correct answers relies on your understanding of the word ‘nocturnal’.
Q15a - Explain what X [a phrase/clause with challenging vocabulary] suggests about X Vocabulary. Answers relies on understanding of the word ‘defies’.
Q15b - What evidence is there of/that X Visualisation. This question contained a distractor. When looking for evidence of ‘Martine being determined’ children may have seen the words ‘gritted teeth’ and consider this to be body language that suggests determination.
Q16 - Explain what X [a phrase/clause with challenging vocabulary] suggests about X Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms and figurative language
Q17 - What evidence is there of/that X. Give two points. X Vocabulary: Children need to know synonyms and figurative languageThis question has a long list of distractors
Q19: Vocabulary: synonyms and root words
Q21 – Whole text understanding: this would best be taught through group discussion during guided reading.
Q32 - According to the text, how did X happen? Inference deduced from a variety of places in the text: this would best be taught through group discussion during guided reading.
2e – predict what might happen from details stated and implied
Q20 – Whole text understanding: this would best be taught through group discussion during guided/group reading.
2f – identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole
Q22 - An understanding of writer’s decisions and plot.
2g – identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases
Q5 - [provide a group of words from the text] Give two impressions this gives you of [then provide a synonym for the subject in the group of words] Visualisation, metaphors
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