Manager’s Hot Seat

Case 14: Diversity in Hiring: Candidate Conundrum

The Meeting

R: Hey Paul.

P: Hey, thanks.

R: Everything alright?

P: Yeah all is well.

R: Good.

P: So what do you think?

R: Uh, I thought they were both very, very good. Very smart, both have just good, nice upbeat personalities. They have good experience, I like both of them. I have a leaning toward Jacqueline.

P: Ok, I have to say I was leaning more towards Sonya.

R: Well we knew that right from the beginning. Come on.

P: Not for the reasons you think. No, I thought she was warm and certainly a people person. If we are grooming one of these people to go out and make calls to customers, I have to say, I was leaning towards Sonya.

R: Where I think Jacqueline takes it a little bit more was that she did some selling.

P: You’re telling me that Sonya doesn’t know how to sell?

R: Both of them had good customer service, dealing with the public.

P: Ok, so why don’t we get down to what it’s really about. I think that you are leaning towards Jacqueline because she was a minority. And you feel that this is an area that it would be helpful to us in dealing with our minority communities.

R: That’s on the money. Also, I think she is very smart, personable, has sold, is very grounded, and is hungry. I felt that they are both very, very good. But I would lean more towards Jacqueline.

P: Yeah, I guess what my concern is, is that I have, you know, over the 3 years I have put this team together. I feel like I know them in perhaps ways that you don’t because I work with them much more closely. I just really feel that Sonya is a much better fit for the team that we have assembled here. Not that there was anything wrong with Jacqueline. But I will be honest, I found her a little standoffish.

R: You were really very open and gregarious with Sonya. You weren’t to that level with Jacqueline.

P: Well that’s a 2 way street though. So come on, cards on the table, you really believe, if these two…I mean on paper, they are equal, you are leaning towards Jacqueline because she is African American.

R: I would honour the truth and say yes, with the caveat that it’s not just because she is African American. It’s because she has, I thought, incredible skills.

P: I have to say, I take exception to hiring someone just because they are a minority versus a non minority. Because in essence, that is the same discrimination you are trying to avoid.

R: We don’t have anyone in your department who is not Caucasian. It’s not about race, but it is about opening up our company and giving an opportunity to other people.

P: And I’m all for that. If you could point out things that would absolutely put Jacqueline that much higher…

R: Well it’s not even that much higher. You know what some of it is? For me, there is a determination of focus and she is married. I think the marriage gives a certain level of stability.

P: So now you are discriminating against single people? What does that mean?

R: We’re having a straight up conversation.

P: We don’t know how stable that marriage is. That’s ridiculous. What she follows her husband here on his new job?

R: I’m not characterizing anything you say as ridiculous so watch where you’re coming from alright?

P: Ok, I’m sorry.

R: I don’t usually put up the thing like I’m the boss and you work for me. But I don’t call you ridiculous so come on.

P: Ok, but aren’t there some type of legalities about having to hire so many minorities when you have so many employees?

R: I don’t know the exact number but we have minorities for Beck ‘n Call. At this moment, none are at the management level and this is the entry point for us into a management level and meeting with directly with clients. So it’s a more visible position.

P: So you really believe that Jacqueline being a minority will speak somehow more effectively to this new emerging market?

R: I think that Sonya’s energy of our clients right now; it was so over the top, so out there. I think in some ways we need somebody who is very focused, determined quiet, who does the job and is not as enthusiastic.

P: I have never heard of enthusiasm as being a detriment to a person in terms of sales work and working with people

R: Well sometimes it can because knowing some of our clients; the enthusiasm can take it over the top. And my read is that we got with Jacqueline. And not just because of her ethnic background.

P: But that is the majority of it.

R: Well that’s part of the mix. But it’s not the whole thing. We go with Jacqueline, we give her a trial period, and we do it for a 4 month period and see how she works out. That’s my read on it. Can you work with it?

P: Well yeah, I can work with anybody, you’re the boss.

R: Ok, let’s make it happen.


R: I thought that both interviews went very, very well, and both candidates were very, very good. As far as legal stuff, we are not hiring anyone solely on the basis of what they look like, but on the total mix. Their business experience, their education, their personality, and I think one that is underlying it all, how well will they fit in with this team that we have put together of our 50 people and with the person that would manage them, which would be Paul in this instance. So no, I don’t see it as any legal problems. We are not hiring someone based on their physical appearance but on the total mix. And on the total mix, I would go with Jacqueline.