Minutes Biddeford Open Space Committee – Meeting– June 1, 2009

Present: Donna Roberts, Karin Gregory Furman, Michael Viger, David Anderson, and

Bill Durkin

Absent: David Ganter

Guests: Marcel Polak – MEAC and Dennis Rioux.

1. The meeting began at 6:45pm.Roll Call Taken. All members were present.

2. Chairman Durkin called for a vote of the minutes of the May 4th mtg.

Committee Action: Approval of minutes. KGF abstained as she was absent at the last meeting.

3. Chairman Durkin provided the committee with an update on various initiatives that are moving ahead; the walk of the Clair property with Mike Viger and the status of its sale, the city riverwalk plan, Timber Point land purchase, and the regional land management and planning seminar held in Saco on 5/27 with several communities Trust for Public Land Greenprinting Inititative).

Committee Action: Discussion only.

4. Mr. Durkin asked the committee members to report on their assignments. Donna Roberts is working to secure a workshop location for sometime in June for the public to hear the Beginning with Habitat presentation. Dave Anderson reported that he is working on some survey questions that will be posted on a survey internet site for the public to access. Bill Durkin is working on the inventory of natural resources, and will discuss the resource needs with the city officials. Karin Gregory Furman was given the task to look into outreach to UNE and the schools.

Committee Action: Ongoing work

5. Committee discussed the draft mission statement. The approved statement now reads: To Protect prime open space for the benefit of all Biddeford citizens.

Committee Action: Approval of mission statement and discussion of further definition of “prime” using the public feedback.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:10pm

Next meeting – Monday, July 6th, 6:30 pm – Biddeford Fire Station Conference Room.