Study Guides for CH.7



1.  Trade of feathers, cocoa, squash, corn, beans built temples, bark hieroglyphic books, developed accurate 365 day calendar: needed to hold ceremonies at the exact time, concept of zero, Guatemalans

2.  Chinampas-floating gardens”, Aztecs had a single ruler, nobles, officials, judges, warriors, slaves, (could own land and buy freedom) human sacrifices offered, wealth and power, trading

3.  Accurate calendar, floating gardens took over all of Mexico until the Spanish conquered them.


1.  Peru, irrigation to grow corn, cotton, squash and beans, potatoes, domesticated the llama and alpaca, pottery and weaving,

·  chavin,

·  Mochica

2.  Built roads (greatest 12,000 miles) armies and news could run rapidly throughout the empire, gold work, sundries adobe brick, pachacuti (leader of Incas)

3.  Terrace farming, roads,


  1. Conquistador: Spanish conquererors of Cuba, Puerto rice, hispaniola (Dominican republic, Caribbean (after Columbus)
  2. To settle, convert the people to Christianity, to enslave the natives to pan for gold, to acquire wealth
  3. Hernan Cortez in 1519 befriended a yond Indian woman. Aztec leader thought the light skinned stranger could be a god returning from the east. To be safe sent gifts and sacrifices. The Incas and Aztecs had conflicts among them, made it easier to conquer the capital where Montezuma ruled.
  4. Horses, canons, diseases brought by Europeans, wanted to christianize


1.  Plantations, Encomienda (enslaved) peons were Native Americans who had to work the land. 1542-law created to end cruelty to na.could only trade with Spain

2.  Catholic church wanted to gain souls, built missionary churches

3.  last casas imported slaves from Africa because he needed them to work as field hands on plantations (sugar) and native Americans could not be used as slaves

4.  Indian art, canoes, food, natives taught their religion to native Americans and introduced the horse: Africans contributed by introducing palm oil, cooking styles, okra, dance, drawings,


1.  English and French grew crops of tobacco in Virginia, fishing off the coast of the Atlantic and trading fur from new England to Canada (new France)

·  Louis XIV forbid protestants from settling in new France

2.  British colonists learned to grow tobacco from the Native Americans, pilgrims landed in Plymouth mass. 1620 seeking religious freedom, rather than commercial profit. (Mayflower compact)

3.  English monarchs asserted control over the new lands. More people to overthrow the French in Canada. Treaty of Paris 1763:forced French out of India and out of n. America. French held onto sugar rich carribean. Barbados and Jamaica

4.  Corn, beans, hunting and trapping, medicine


1.  The Middle passage: once purchased Africans were packed below decks of ships in layers of five to six. Half of the people died during the vicarage.

2.  America to Europe, to Africa was the triangle, 1500’s to fill the need for labor in Spain’s American empire, to work on tobacco and sugar plantations. Slaves traded for raw goods from Europe and India.

3.  Millions of Africans died, some colonies died out altogether


1.he brought to the Americas horses, cows, pigs, wheat, barley, sugar cane…diseases and plants: to Europe from the Americas; tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, beans, pineapples, tobacco, chocolate, corn

2.Investing money to make profit, entrepreneurs (enterprising merchants) changed the local European trading system into an international trading system. Bookkeeping from Arabs, showed profits and loses joint stock companies

3.Mercantilism: wealth was measured in gold an silver, a nation must export more goods than it imports (Thomas Mun) colonies existed to benefit the parent country