2017 – 2018Teen Leadership ProgramApplication
For Students in Grades 10th-12th
Application Deadline: June 15, 2017
Typed applications preferred, or please print: (Illegible applications will not be processed)
Name ______
Date of Birth ______Age ______Grade in High School (fall 2017) ______
Name of High School ______Male ___ Female
Address ______City______Zip______
Email ______Last 4 digits of social security number ______
Home Phone ______Cell Phone ______
Emergency Contact ______Relationship ______
Best Contact Phone ______Alternate Phone ______
Extracurricular school clubs or sports this next year:
Club/Sport / Days/TimesOther activities this next year (church, youth group, work, etc.)
Club/Sport / Days/TimesPlease describe prior volunteer experience:
Please describe prior work experience:
On a separate piece of paper, please answer the following questions - limit 2 pages total:
1)Why would you like to participate in this program?
2)What does leadership mean to you and how will you use it as a volunteer here?
3)What does accountability mean to you and how will you use it as a volunteer here?
4)Describe a time you received constructive criticism on a project. How did you handle it?
5)What attributes will you bring to this program?
Applicants willbe asked to come to the hospital for a 15 minute interview. Please check alldays and times you would be available to come in for this interview:
___ W 6/28/17 1:00 p.m. ___ W 6/28/17 1:15 p.m. ___ W 6/28/17 1:30 p.m.
___ W 6/28/17 1:45 p.m. ___ W 6/28/17 2:00 p.m. ___ W 6/28/17 1:15 p.m.
___ W6/28/17 2:30 p.m. ___ W 6/28/17 2:45 p.m.
___ T7/11/17 10:00 a.m. ___ T7/11/17 10:15 a.m. ___ T7/11/1710:30 a.m.
___ T7/11/1710:45 a.m. ___ T7/11/1711:00 a.m. ___ T7/11/1711:15 a.m.
___ T7/11/1711:30 a.m. ___ T7/11/1711:45 a.m. ___ T7/11/1712:00 p.m.
___ Th 7/13/171:00 p.m. ___ Th 7/13/171:15 p.m. ___ Th 7/13/171:30 p.m.
___ Th 7/13/17 1:45 p.m. ___ Th 7/13/17, 2:00 p.m. ___ Th 7/13/172:15 p.m.
___ Th 7/13/172:30 p.m. ___ Th 7/13/17, 2:45 p.m. ___ Th 7/13/173:00 p.m.
___ T 7/18/17 10:00 a.m. ___ T 7/18/1710:15 a.m. ___ T 7/18/1710:30 a.m.
___ T 7/18/1710:45 a.m. ___ T 7/18/1711:00 a.m. ___ T 7/18/1711:15 a.m.
___ T 7/18/1711:30 a.m. ___ T 7/18/1711:45 a.m. ___ T 7/18/1712:00 p.m.
___ Th 7/20/172:00 p.m. ___ Th 7/20/172:15 p.m. ___ Th 7/20/172:30 p.m.
___ Th 7/20/172:45 p.m. ___ Th 7/20/173:00 p.m. ___ Th 7/20/173:15 p.m.
___ Th 7/20/173:30 p.m. ___ Th 7/20/173:45 p.m. ___ Th 7/20/174:00 p.m.
All applicants will be notified on Friday, 7/27/17.
I understand the commitment involved in participating in the P/SL Teen Volunteer Leadership Program. I am available for the training dates and will consistently be at the volunteer shift I select.
Student Signature ______Date ______
I understand the commitment involved in participating in the P/SL Teen Volunteer Leadership Program and will support my child in this endeavor. This includes promoting consistent attendance and transportation. I also understand that my child will need to go through a background check, have 2 TB tests and have a flu shot later in the fall.
I/we ______will attend the first training session on Thursday, 8/29/16 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. (required).
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
Application Materials Checklist – Incomplete applications will not be considered:
Application Completed
Questions Answered (from application)
Teen Contract
Background Check
Shift Form
All Original Signatures
Social Security Card (bring to interview to be copied)
Please return all materials at one time by June 15, 2017to:
Teen Leadership Program
Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center
1719 E. 19th Ave.
Denver, CO 80218
Scan and Email to
Teen Leadership Program Schedule
Name ______
Please check at least three shifts you would be available for beginning the week of September 21st ending on May 31st.
Thank you!
First Semester
___ Mondays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Tuesdays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Wednesdays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Thursdays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Fridays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Saturdays9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
___ Saturdays1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
___ Sundays9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
___ Sundays1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Second Semester
___ Mondays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Tuesdays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Wednesdays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Thursdays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Fridays4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
___ Saturdays9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
___ Saturdays1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
___ Sundays9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
___ Sundays1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Thank you for your interest in serving as a teen volunteer at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center. We take pride in providing teen volunteers with opportunities to observe healthcare professionals in action. As such, we will make every effort to support you in a positive and rewarding experience at P/SL.
To ensure your understanding of the commitment involved, please read the following statements, and sign below in the space provided.
While volunteering at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center, I will:
- Bring the best of who I am to my volunteer service.
- Meet my volunteer commitments in a professional and courteous manner.
- Dress neatly according to the dress code (i.e. no jeans, bare midriff, spaghetti straps, mini skirts, platform or open toed shoes).
- Maintain a positive “can do” attitude at all times.
- Demonstrate courtesy and respect towards patients, families, staff and fellow volunteers.
- Follow policies and procedures as outlined in Volunteer Orientation.
- Keep absolutely confidential any information regarding patients, families and staff as described in Volunteer Orientation.
- Avoid making personal phone calls and/or texts while on volunteer duty.
- Not bring my friends to the hospital while I am volunteering.
- Discuss any problems, criticisms or suggestions for program improvement with the Volunteer Services staff.
- Understand that any inappropriate action on my part can result in dismissal from the program.
Additionally, if I cannot attend on the day for which I am scheduled, I will contact the Volunteer Services Department as soon as possible.
Name of Student______Date______
(Please print.)
Signature of Student______
Signature of Parent or Guardian______