Internet Presence Committee


January 28, 2010

8:30am – Tampa/Orlando Conference Room/UNF Hall

1. Review of HR/EOP/CPDT Web Pages

2. Discussion of United Way Website

3. Redesign for home page to allow for lower level emergencies

  • Relief for Haiti

4. Friendly Aliases – Marian Watters/Scott Bennett

5. Academic Affairs Migration Schedule – Marianne Jaffee

6. iTunesU – Deb Miller

At the 12-10 IPC meeting, you asked me to pull together some objectives and possible membership for an iTunesU committee. Below is what I’d like to bring back to IPC at the next meeting; put together with input from Dmitriy and others. Best, Deb

iTunesU Committee Objectives (public site)

  1. Optimize the value of the UNF's iTunesU site by providing oversight for the project to ensure a quality product that reflects well on UNF.
  2. Create guidelines for the publication of materials in UNF's iTunesU site.
  3. Identify key content providers and stakeholders, and communicate with those groups to begin content flow into the site.
  4. Establish a support model and resources for iTunesU stakeholders.
  5. Create and oversee the implementation of a plan to publicize the launch of the iTunesU site for on and off-campus constituencies.

Proposed Membership

  1. Deb Miller
  2. Dmitriy Bond/Chris Carey
  3. Marianne Jaffee
  4. Len Roberson
  5. Jim Owen
  6. Jamie Spruell
  7. Barbara Tuck

7. Social Networking Sites – Deb Miller

From: Jaffee, Marianne
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:45 AM
To: Hughes, Kathy; Ashton, Sharon; Bennett, Scott; Croft, Lucy
Cc: Schlieben, Susan; Bond, Dmitriy; Sudler, Fred; Spruell, Jamie; Watters, Marian; Miller, Deb
Subject: RE: Social Networking Sites

I forwarded this exchange on to Deb Miller since I am way out of my league here. Please see her response below:

There are many pages on FB related to UNF- most legit and serving a useful purpose. Clarifying that official UNF business will only take place on the UNF website/myWings makes sense. Having said that, I think many groups do and should be able to continue to provide information about UNF (not crisis) via these sites. I’m not sure I understand why social networking sites would require a new policy, I would think that existing policies that apply to web pages and other public material would suffice. For example, a student could buy the domain name,, and declare the univ was closed, but I don’t think anyone would buy it. Has Rick Buck weighed in on this? I think his input would be helpful.

From: Hughes, Kathy
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 2:52 PM
To: Ashton, Sharon; Bennett, Scott; Jaffee, Marianne; Croft, Lucy
Cc: Schlieben, Susan; Bond, Dmitriy; Sudler, Fred; Spruell, Jamie; Watters, Marian
Subject: RE: Social Networking Sites

For those of you who don’t have Facebook accounts you can view some of the Thomas Carpenter Pages at the link below.There are 7 pages labeled TGC Facebook Site 1-7.


From: Ashton, Sharon
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:28 PM
To: Bennett, Scott; Jaffee, Marianne; Croft, Lucy
Cc: Schlieben, Susan; Bond, Dmitriy; Hughes, Kathy; Sudler, Fred; Spruell, Jamie; Watters, Marian
Subject: Social Networking Sites

IPC Committee:

I believe the issue of social networking sites (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and whatever pops up next)falls under the control of the IPC. We have had a few short conversations about it before, but were a little overwhelmed with CMS to tackle this issue. I would like to revisit it.

I think I am ready to propose to the committee that UNF set a policy (a guideline? a process? An edict?) that UNF social networking sites are appropriate for social networking purposes only. Some examples: Athletics has a Facebook and a twitter account to build a fan base and school spirit. Another good example would be the Young Alumni Club using social networking sites to keep people connected to the university. I think they are appropriate for every student club.

What I am opposed to is anyone sending any audience (student, employee, alum, donor, the public) to a social networking site for OFFICIAL UNF business. For example, I personally think we cannot/should not ever tell our students to go to Facebook for the latest information on a crisis. The one and only internet presence for official crisis information is our website as we control it, we keep hackers out, we have back up servers, we have a back up site, etc. UNF can’t control Facebook and others. At this point, some student could open a Facebook account and call it the President John Delaney page and declare that finals week is canceled. This creates its own problems, but at least we can tell students that we have never, ever told them to go to a social networking site for official information, only the UNF webpage.We are currently dealing with an issue of a student who has opened a Facebook account and called it: Thomas G. Carpenter Library.

I’d like to add Social Networking Sites to the next agenda. Since I am not personally on Facebook or MySpace, and I don’t Twitter, I would love to hear what others think. I haven’t looked lately, but when I checked about six months ago on Facebook (or maybe it was MySpace) there were dozens of UNF accounts, most of them clubs and organizations, but I know ACE and Admissions also have them. It would be helpful if you talked to some folks in your division to have an understanding of what is already being used and for what purpose.