NACE HoustonSection

2016 Section Scholarship Awards

Announcement and Qualifications

The Houston Section of NACE International has provided scholarships for over 30 years. Scholarships have traditionally been funded by The Houston Education Week (formally The Gulf Coast Corrosion Seminar) and Golf Tournaments.

The available scholarships for the 2016-2017 Session include the following.

  • Children of Houston NACE Members Scholarship.
  • Houston NACE Member Sponsored Student Scholarship.

The NACE Houston Section Scholarship Committee (Jeff Willmon, Jane Brown, and Open) is now accepting applications for the 2016 Scholarship Awards. NACE Houston Section members are allowed to sponsor up to two qualified studentswho arenow entering or attendingan ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)accredited college/university.

Consideration for award will be based on the funds available (voted on by the NACE Houston Section board) for award and the number of applications received. Declared majors in Engineering or Basic Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Biochemistry, or Mathematics) courses may be given preference.

Applications, which are attached below, will be accept untilMay 10, 2016 (second Tuesday).

  • Announcement of the winning nominees will be CoB July15, 2016 (Friday).
  • Awards will be distributed after the July 15 announcement as disbursement information is received from the recipients.
  • Recognitions for the recipients will be given at the section meeting held in August 2016.

Qualifications for both the Children of Houston NACE Members Scholarships and Houston NACE Member Sponsored Student Scholarship are listed:

  1. The student must be sponsored by a NACE Houston Section member in good standing. Good Standing is defined as:
  2. Membership up-to-date with NACE International.
  3. Nominating member must be active in the NACE Houston Section and have attended a minimum of 3 Section meetings/activities. The period of attendance shall be the April-to-April period prior to the submission deadline, the second Tuesday in May. A Scholarship Sign-up Book will be available at every NACE Houston Section Meeting/Activity in order to record and track the attendance requirement. It is the responsibility of the Nominating Member to assure that a log of their meeting attendance is recorded in this book.
  4. Further, a letter of recommendation for the student must be provided by the Section Member to the Scholarship Committee for the Member Sponsored Student Scholarship
  5. The applicant must be a domestic US student member in good standing at an ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) accredited university.
  6. The student must be attending college on a full time basis (12 hours/semester) and maintain a 2.5 GPA during the semester. A graduating high school senior is eligible as well.
  7. Students must send an official transcript or report card and a copy of course records with their application. For graduating high school seniors, a letter of acceptance for the fall semester from the university is required.
  8. The application forms and transcripts must be received at the office listed below by the close of the day Tuesday May 10, 2016.
  9. Award preference will be given to students studying engineering disciplines related to corrosion sciences. Further preferences will include NACE Student Section members, GPA, and extracurricular activities.
  10. Scholarship awards are limited to 4 years of eligibility for undergraduate degrees. Graduate level studies are outside this specification and may merit separate consideration by the Scholarship Board.

Additional information that would help the scholarship committee evaluate the candidate including corrosion research, membership in organizations and letters of recommendation are encouraged.

Send complete application with official transcript to:

Jeff Willmon

BP - Thunder Horse - Subsea Operations Team Lead
200 Westlake Park Blvd.
Houston, TX 77079, TX 77079


Additional information concerning the Scholarship application process(overview, qualifications, application, and review) can be found on the NACE Houston Section’s website at

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NACE Houston Section

2016-2017 Section Scholarship Awards

Application Form

Member (Sponsor) Information

Member (Sponsor) Name: ______

Member (Sponsor) Signature:______

Member (Sponsor) E-mail Address:______




Relationship to Nominee: ______

Home Phone: ( ) ______

Work Phone: ( ) ______

Cell Phone:( ) ______

Student Information

Student’s Full Name: ______

Students Home Address: ______

City: ______State ______Zip Code: ______

Home Phone: ( ) ______

Work Phone: ( ) ______

Cell Phone:( ) ______

College Students:

School Nominee is Attending: ______

Major: ______

Expected Degree: ______

Expected (Estimated) Graduation Date: ______

Current Total Grade Point Average: ______

- or -

High School Students:

Graduation Date:______High School:______

High School Phone Number: ______

Current GPA:______(based on 4.0 Scale)

SAT or ACT Overall Score:______

College Currently Planning to Attend:______

Applied:______Accepted:______(Please enclose copy of acceptance letter)

Planned Field of Study (Major):______

Degree Sought (BS, BA, etc.): ______

Transcript Status:

NOTE: Transcript must be an official original…not a copy!


Will be sent officially from: ______

Extracurricular Activities:

School Related: (Specify activity, year(s) active, and asterisk (*) years served as officer)

Fine Arts/Music: ______


Student Government:______

Honor Societies:______


Community Activities (group name, purpose and accomplishments):




Personal Interest Activities (Performing arts, hobbies, skills):





Please state concisely why you need or should receive this scholarship:





Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

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