English 11 Course Overview– Mrs. Synhorst
Contact information:
Phone: 696-5639
Room: T-25
Class wiki page: http://msynhorst.wikispaces.com
The class wiki page includes information about each day’s work: handouts, rubrics, assignments, project directions, journal prompts, etc. It is your responsibility to consult the wiki if you are absent and to consult the teacher only for clarification.
Reading – Students will read selections from American literature in a variety of genres while focusing on reading strategies, elements of fiction, and rhetorical devices. Novels and plays include The Crucible and The Great Gatsby. In addition, students are responsible for two outside reading assignments each semester of at least 250 pages – in addition to in class reading – each nine weeks as outside reading.
Writing – Students will continue to use the multi-paragraph essay format in different modes of writing (literary analysis, rhetorical analysis, persuasion, narrative, expository, etc.).
21st Century Skills – In English 11, the students refine several skills necessary not only for future academic achievement, but also for success in the workplace.
Technology: Students will submit most assignments electronically via turnitin.com or CDO’s Drop-box, and will create various multi-media projects. While some class time is available to work on these tasks, it will be necessary for students to have access to technology outside of the classroom. Students are urged to avail themselves of the campus computer lab before school, during lunch or tutorial, or after school during the library’s extended hours. The public library is also a viable choice.
Creation: Students will create several projects that will require higher level thinking skills, planning, and hard work.
Collaboration: Students will create group projects which will require cooperation, delegation, and mutual respect. In fact, much of our class time involves working in groups.
Ø People – use appropriate language, participate effectively in groups, be kind and helpful
Ø Property – treat all property with utmost care, respect boundaries
Ø Be on time
Ø Be prepared with necessary materials and homework
Ø Be an active participant and follow procedures
Ø Be a hardworking student and group member
Ø Take pride in your work
Ø No electronic devices are permitted in the classroom. In order to maximize learning, distractions must be eliminated. Therefore, no electronic devices are permitted in the classroom. Students must turn these devices off and put them away in a backpack or purse before class begins. Consequences will ensue following the first warning.
Ø Water is permitted, but no other food or drinks (including any “water” beverage augmented with flavors, vitamins, or coloring) are allowed in the classroom.
Attendance: Academic success is predicated on regular school attendance. School policy dictates that students who have 8 excused or unexcused absences in English over the course of a semester will lose credit for that semester. The only exception to this policy will occur after a parent-teacher meeting and signed behavior contract.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the copying or summarizing of someone else’s words or ideas without appropriately acknowledging the source. It includes copying, allowing another student to copy any homework or class assignment and, of course, it includes using Internet and/or other research materials without appropriately documenting those sources. In addition, using an assignment from a previous year without permission from the instructor is regarded as misrepresentation and is dishonest. Any of the above will result in loss of credit and a referral to an administrator.
Grading Policies
Individual Assignments
Assignments must be turned in to receive credit. Students are responsible for turning in assignments electronically on turnitin.com in a timely manner. Other assignments may be due in hard copy form during class.
Group Assignments
Students may receive different grades on a group project based on work ethic, work quality, or poor performance as a group member.
Extra Credit and retakes
The only opportunities for retakes will be in-class essay revisions. There are no retakes on tests or quizzes. Extra credit opportunities are rarely offered.
Students should use the tutorial period to make up missed work, work on group projects, receive individual or group tutoring, or participate in any other activities that will ensure that they reach their highest potential in English 11. Students are required to attend tutorial if their average drops below 70 (C) - this is not optional. Tutoring is available in the classroom on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before 2nd period.
I understand Mrs. Synhorst’s policies and will abide by them.
Student printed name and period______
Student Signature______
Parent Signature______
Parent phone or email______