Chapter I – Doors and Windows
Unified Construction Code of Republic of Kosovo
Section 3 – Buildings Chapter I – Windows and Doors
Unified Construction Code of Republic of Kosovo
Section 3 – Buildings Chapter I – Windows and Doors
This Administrative Instruction sets out the basic criteria which describe the characteristics and other technical requirements of construction products for doors and windows which are installed in facilities and the method of verification of their compliance with the requirements set out in this Instruction.
2.1. Door(s) – shall mean doors which are mainly used for pedestrian passing.
2.2. Door respectively windows, for the purposes of this Administrative Instruction are considered:
a) doors and/or external windows, placed in openings of the facility which separate the external area from the internal area of the facility,
b) Other doors and/or windows for resistance of wind load, water permeability, air permeability, heat resistance, noise isolation, as well as fire resistance and smoke permability.
2.3. Doors and/or windows are to be considered also walls of similar construction to doors and windows placed in spaces of the facilities in the same manner as doors and/or windows, which are shall meet the referred conditions and requirements foreseen by paragraph 2.1 of this Article.
3.1. This Administrative Instruction shall not apply for:
a) Glass doors and walls,
b) Circle doors,
c) Scrolling doors,
d) Glass roof construction and constructions of similar type,
e) Hanging facades,
f) Garage doors,
g) Industrial doors, and
h) Shelter doors.
4.1. The technical characteristics of doors and windows should withstand all environment influences, within the foreseen sustainability of the facility, in compliance with the descriptions, respectively in compliance with the construction and maintenance project, in order to insure fulfillment of the basic requirements in the facility in which are placed on.
5.1 The doors and windows are produced in sections outside the construction facility.
5.2 The placement of doors and windows is allowed to be carried out in the facility, if they meet the requirements described in this Administrative Instruction and if a statement of compliance in accordance to specific provisions has been issued.
5.3 Doors and windows are allowed to be placed in between various fire sectors, if they meet the conditions specified in paragraph 5.2 of this article and if a compliance verification has been carried out.
5.4 The placement of produced doors and windows in accordance to specific constructions project in a particular facility shall be allowed, if evidence of compliance is provided, in accordance with the project and with this Administrative Instruction.
5.5 The documentation accompanying the delivery of doors and/or windows should contain:
a) Information regarding works, documentation on the compliance of doors and/or windows and a statement of compliance from paragraph 5.2 of this article, respectively a compliance verification from paragraph 5.3 of this article,
b) Information in regards to the doors and/or windows marking as described in article 5 paragraph 5.1 of this Administrative Instruction, and
c) Other important information on use, transport, loading-unloading, storage, placement, maintenance, as well as their influence on the basic criteria and the sustainability of the facility. In case of non-compliance of doors and/or windows with the technical specifications or with the project related to the particular construction project, the producer shall immediately seize their production and undertake action to identify and eliminate the errors causing non-compliance.
5.6 If there has been a delivery of doors and/or windows which are non-compliant, the producer respectively the importer shall without delay inform all the purchasers, distributors, authorized legal entities that have verified the compliance and the Department of Construction within MTI, regarding the non-compliant product.
5.7 The producer, respectively the distributor of doors and/or windows, as well as the implementer of works in the facility, are obligated to undertake appropriate measures in order to conserve the characteristics of the products during their use, transport, loading-unloading, storage, placement in the facility.
6.1 The technical characteristics and their specifications, verification of compliance, instruction on use, marking, and testing of doors and windows, as well as inspection procedures and other requirements that doors and windows should meet, are specified in the Annex of this Administrative Instruction.
6.2 Verification of compliance of doors and/or windows, which are not included by standards or that are of different from the standards described in the Annex of this Administrative Instruction in paragraph 6.1 of this article, shall be carried out based on technical principles of those construction products.
6.3 Verification of compliance in view of paragraph 6.1 and 6.2 of this article includes the works on evaluation of doors and windows.
7.1 The predictions on normal use of door and windows in the facility and the predications of the environmental influence in the sustainability of the facility shall be determined in project of the facility, especially concerning to the:
a) wind load resistance, which shall respond to the wind reaction forecasts ,
b) water permeability which shall respond to rain influences during wind;
c) air permeability, for doors and/or windows which shall be placed in the facility and spaces which meet the requirements for air alterations and/or alternation of heat from ventilation (kitchens, bathrooms, subsidiary space or workshops) in accordance to the specific technical descriptions,
d) Heat permeability for doors/windows that are placed outside, in between the external and theheated area, respectively between areas with different indoor temperatures designed in accordancewith the specific technical descriptions,
e) Noise isolation, for doors/windows which are placed between areas and/or environments withvarious levels of noise shall be designed in accordance with the specific technical descriptions,
f) Fire and smoke resistance, for doors and windows which are placed in areas and/or environments thatbelong to various fire sectors designed in accordance to the specific technical descriptions,
7.2 Conditions on placement, use and maintenance of doors and windows shall be determined with theproject on the facility in order for the facility to meet the basic and other requirements,
7.3 If the projected sustainability of the facility is longer than the projected sustainability of doors and windows, a project shall determine the conditions and terms of their construction.
8.1. If doors and/or windows are produced in accordance to the project, then the program of control and quality assurance in the main project should contain the requirements on doors and/or windows and the procedures on their use in a particular stage in accordance to the standards described in the Annex of this Administrative Instruction.
9.1 During reconstructions respectively during adoptions of facilities the new door and/or windowsinstalled shall be of the same or better characteristics of the existent ones in compliance with theposition and destination of the facility, while the instruction on their use shall be made throughimplementation of adequate standards, specified in the Annex of this Administrative Instruction.
9.2 During the maintenance of the facility, provision of paragraph 9.1 of this article shall apply,restricting any changes in the form and size during their replacement.
Placement and maintenance of door and/or windows specified within the project shall insure fulfillment of their projected specific characteristics and meet the demands set out in article 6 of this Administrative Instruction.
Unified Construction Code of Republic of Kosovo
Section 3 – Buildings Chapter I – Windows and Doors
A.1.1. This Annex is in accordance with article 6 of this Administrative Instruction anddetermines thetechnical characteristics and other requirements for doors andwindows, and the method of theirverification of compliance, if this description doesnot state otherwise.
A.1.2. Technical characteristics and other requirements, further, the verification ofcompliance of doors andwindows is determined respectively implemented dependingon the type of doors and windows inaccordance to standards set out in item IX sub-item 2 of this Annex, to which standards, the provisionsof this AdministrativeInstruction refer to, as well as in accordance to the special descriptions.
A.2.1. Technical characteristics of doors and windows depend from the type and they shouldmeet the basicrequirements, as well as special main requirement on their final usagein construction and shall bespecified according SK EN 14351-1, respectively inaccordance to special provisions.
A.2.2. Classification of door and windows based on standard SK EN 14351-1, as well asother doors andwindows upon which requests are referred. Resistance from windload, water permeability, fireresistance, and noise isolation shall be specifiedaccording to this standard.
A.2.3. Doors and windows between various fire sectors, in regards to their resistance to fireand smokepermeability shall be specified in accordance to the special provisions.
A.2.4. Characteristics of doors and windows should be specified in the project of thebuilding.
a) The specification of characteristics on air permeability,
b) The characteristics of resistance wind load, water permeability, and resistance offire and smokepermeability should be specified dependant on the usage andposition of the doors and windows in thefacility and the conditions on their use.
A.3.1. The verification of compliance for doors and/or windows for which this Annex applies, inrelation to theresistance characteristics towards air permeability, water permeability, heatpermeability, noiseisolation, shall be carried out dependant from the type of doors andwindows in accordance to thespecial provisions of the standard SK EN 14351-1, as wellas in accordance to the provisions specified inthis Annex and special provisions.
A.4.1. Doors and windows shall contain marks in accordance to the standard. Thecompulsory marking shalle done in accordance to the instructions provided in thisstandard and in compliance to the specialprovisions.
A.4.2.Marking pursuant item 1 of this Annex, shall contain the compulsory data on thecharacteristics inregards to air leakage and other characteristics (such as wind loadresistance, water permeability, heatpermeability, noise isolation and heat resistanceand smoke leakage) when those characteristics,depending on the positions andconditions of use of doors or windows in the building are specified inthe buildingproject.
A.5.1. Testing of characteristics on wind load resistance, water permeability, heatpermeability, noiseisolation and heat and smoke resistance of doors and windows,taking and preparation of testingsamples depending on the type, is conducted inaccordance to the standards identified in the list ofstandards, item IX, sub-item 1 of this Annex.
A.5.2. Testing of doors and/or windows in regards to the specifications on heat and smokepermeability,depending on the type, shall be carried out in accordance to theapproved technical provisions fromarticle IX, sub-item 3 of this annex and acceptedprovisions to which it refers.
A.6.1. The maintenance of the mentioned characteristics for doors and/or windows duringtransportation,loading-unloading and storage shall be carried out in compliance to theinstructions of the producer.
The wind load is determined based on reference proportion of the wind speed,determined withstandard ENV 1991-2-4 on the adequate height of installment of doorsand windows.
Administrative instructions:
Administrative instruction No. 2005/25 “Determination of Compliance Mark”
Administrative instruction No. 2006/01 “On Compliance Evaluation, Documentationand constructionProducts marking”,
Administrative instruction No. 2006/29 “On the Form and Content of Authorization –Document forEvaluation of Compliance with Constructions Products”.
A.9.1. List of standards
SK EN 14351-1:2006Doors and window – standard for production, basic performance part1: External pedestrian windowsand doors without fire and/or smokeresistance characteristics
SK EN 1192:2001Doors – Classification and requirement in solidity (EN 1192:1999)
SK EN 1529:2001Door leaves – Height,width, thickness and squareness –Classification of allowedtolerations (EN 1529:1999)
SK EN 1530:2001Door leaves – height, width, angular flateness – Classification ofallowed exemptions (EN 1530:1999)
SK EN 12207:2001Windows and doors - Air permeability - Classification of allowedexemptions (EN 12207:1999)
SK EN 12208:2001Windows and doors – Water tightness – Classification (EN12208:1999)
SK EN 12210:2001Windows and doors - Resistance to wind load – Classification (EN12210:1999)
SK EN 12210/AC:2005Windows and doors - Resistance to wind load – Classification (EN12210:1999/AC:2002)
SK EN 12217:2005Doors - Operating opening and closing forces - Requirements andclassification (EN12217:2003)
SK EN 12219:2001Doors - Climatic Influences - Requirements and Classification (EN12219:1999)
SK EN 12608:2003No- mix ofPolyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) for production of doors and windows –Classification, requirements and test methods
SK EN 13115:2001Windows - Classification of mechanical properties - Racking, torsion and operating forces
SK EN 179:2001Construction bars – Parts for mandatory exit with a pressing lock ortile - requirements andtest methods(EN 179:1997+A1:2001)
SK EN 179/A1/AC:2003Construction bars – Parts for mandatory exit with a pressing lock ortile -requirements and test methods(EN 179:1997/A1:2001/AC:2002)
SK EN 1125:2003Construction bars – Parts for mandatory exit with a pressing bar-requirements and testmethods(EN 1125:1997+A1:2001)
SK EN 1125/A1/AC:2005Construction bars – Regulations for mandatory exit with horizontalpressing bar -requirements and test methods (EN1125:1997/A1:2001/AC:2002)
SK EN ISO 10077-1:2002Heat performance indicator for doors - windows and bars (shutter) –Calculation ofheat transfer coefficient - part 1: Joint methods (ISO10077-1:2000; EN ISO 10077-1:2000)
SK EN ISO 10077-2:2004Thermal performance indicator for doors - windows and bars (shutter)–Calculation of thermal transfer coefficient - part 2: Numerationframe method (ISO 10077-2:2003;ENISO 10077-2:2003)
A.9.2. Standards on determination of wind load:
SK ENV 1991-2-4Eurocode 1: Basis of design and actions on structures, part 2-4:–Actions in constructions -wind loads (ENV 1991-2-3:1995)