2016-2017 SUPPLY LIST


3 8-12 oz bottles of liquid hand soap*

2 glue sticks OR 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue

1 box of crayons

1 large box baby wipes*

2 rolls paper towels*

1 package 25-count paper plates

3 large boxes of tissues*

Ziploc bags (1 box quart size & 1 box gallon size)

4 two pocket folders

back pack

Complete LABELED outfit including

shirt, pants, socks & underwear

(in case of “accidents") – NO EXCEPTIONS

Label all items with your child’s name


1 backpack with zipper

2 pairs of blunt-tip Fiskar scissors

(one for home & one for school)

3 boxes of crayons (at least 16 colors)

2 boxes of large crayons (8 colors)

1 pack washable markers

2 packages of Ticonderoga pencils (12/package)

3 marble composition books

6 LARGE glue sticks (5 for school & 1 for home)

2 8-oz bottles of white Elmer's school glue

3 plastic 2-pocket folders (1 for Spanish)

1 pack of Dry-Erase markers

2 large boxes of tissues*

2 large boxes of baby wipes*

2 rolls paper towels*

1 box Ziploc bags (Boys – Gallon size/Girls-Quart size)

2 bottles of hand sanitizer *

Complete LABELED outfit including shirt, pants, socks & underwear (in case of “accidents") –


Label all items with your child’s name.

NOTE: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are not required but would be appreciated.

First Grade

40 #2 sharpened pencils

1 pair of Fiskar blunt-tip scissors

3-4 oz bottles of white Elmer's glue

4 large glue sticks

3 boxes of crayons

1 cloth zipper pouch for supplies

1 container of antibacterial wipes*

4 marble composition books

1 box of 8 color Crayola Markers

1 pack Dry erase markers

1 backpack

1 large box of Kleenex*

1 bottle of hand sanitizer*

2 solid-colored plastic pocket folder (1 for Spanish)

2 large erasers

1 8-12oz bottle liquid hand soap * (Boys - hand soap & Girls - paper towels)

zip-lock bags(Boys – Gallon sized & Girls - Quart sized)

Label all items with your child's name

Extra supplies will be for classroom use and given to your child to replenish their supply mid-year.

Second Grade

1 large bottle of white Elmer’s school glue (no colors)

1 glue stick

1 box of crayons

1 pair of sharp scissors

5 marble composition books (NOT spiral) (1 for Spanish)

Spanish-English dictionary (for Spanish)-Optional

1 cloth zipper pouch (NO plastic boxes)

1 inch + centimeter ruler

3 solid-colored plastic pocket folders (1 for Spanish)

1 large eraser

2 dozen #2 sharpened pencils

1 box Magic Markers (must be boxed)

1 container of antibacterial wipes*

1 bottle of hand sanitizer*

1 box zip-lock bags (Boys-Gallon size/Girls–Quart size)*

2 boxes of Kleenex*

1 roll of paper towels*

1 bottle liquid hand soap*

Label all items with your child's name

Third Grade

No binders or Trapper Keepers

40 # 2 pencils (no mechanical pencils)

1 box of crayons

1 box of markers

1 box of colored pencils

1 bottle of glue

2 glue sticks


6 composition books (1 for Spanish)

3 two-pocket folders (w/ 3 holes) for homework (1 for Spanish)

3 rolls of paper towels*

1 package of loose leaf notebook paper

inch & centimeter wooden ruler (to keep at home)

3 boxes of tissues*

Spanish-English dictionary (for Spanish)-Optional


1 4-pack of sticky notes (light colors, please)

1 box of quart-size Ziploc bags (A-M last name)

1 box of gallon-size Ziploc bags (N-Z last name)

Label all items with your child’s name

Students should have supplies for both home

use and school use.

Fourth Grade

30 #2 pencils (20 will be kept at school)

2 colored pens

6 composition books (1 for Spanish)

2 5-pack light colored sticky notes (3”x 3”)

1 pack LOW ODOR Expo colored markers

1 pack highlighters (Ms. Sliko’s homeroom)

crayons and/or colored pencils (a set for home & school)

4 plastic folders w/pocket (1 for Spanish)

Spanish-English dictionary (for Spanish)-Optional

2 pair of scissors

Fifth Grade

wide-ruled loose leaf paper for home & school

(Replenish throughout the year)

1 2-inch notebook

2 highlighters

2 packs of coloring pencils (for home & school)

white glue & 8 large glue sticks

blue or black ink pens, 1 red ink pen (for home & school)

(Replenish throughout the year)

large supply of #2 sharpened pencils (for home & school)

(Replenish throughout the school year)

1 zippered pencil pouch

3-pads sticky notes – light colors

(Replenish throughout the year)

Scissors (for home & school)- medium size (not primary scissors)

6-3 hole single subject spiral notebooks

3 large boxes of tissues*

1 package of ¼” graph paper

8 two-pocket folders (1 for Spanish)

2 rolls paper towels*

water bottle

ruler – with metrics

Expo markers


2 boxes gallon Ziplock bags

You may purchase large sized book covers or “make your own” from brown paper bags

Label all items with your child’s name

1 pack quarter inch graph paper

3 packages wide rule lined loose leaf paper

zippered pencil pouch (no school boxes)

3 boxes of Kleenex* (family size)

1 small plastic pencil sharpener with a cover


2 rolls of Paper towels*

1 plastic ruler with inches & centimeters

Bottle of glue & 3 large glue sticks

Zip-loc bags (Boys-Gallon size/ Girls-Quart size)

2 packs 4x6 BLANK index cards

Label all items with your child's name

NOTE: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are not required but would be appreciated