San Jose PAL Meeting Minutes - 11/19/2014

Attendees:Juan Reyes , Jim Ureta , Jamal Newborn , J. Baca-la Manna , Mauricio Mejia , Richard Sexton ,Elaine Orgain , Chuck Sheppard

Excused: Joe Gigliardi, Erik Hickok

Guest: Doreen Jattan, Pat/Chuck from West Valley Slammers


Juan Reyes call the meeting at 18:13pm


Approval of October 2014 Minutes: A motion made by R. Sexton to approve the minutes. Motion was second by J. Newborn. Passed unanimously

Executive Directors Report:

Trophies:Soccer League season just ended and there was a tournament. Sergeant Jim Ureta from PAL gives away Trophies that were handed to the second and first place.

Soccer continues to grow. Eastside Foothill soccer to be implemented. More games to be played at Pal.

PAL Football: Championship game was played at Spartan Stadium. First time Pal has played at Div. one college. There were approx. 10K fans throughout the day. Vey festive day

Jr Giants completed their season. We have approx. 100 youth /players involved. Trophies were handed out to all participants. BBQ and Trophy day to be held at Pal stadium next year.

On December 06, 2014 PAL is going to be Hosting Football Team from Philadelphia we are hoping to have quite a bit of people.

Baseball Registration is ongoing. We are looking at 300 plus registrants.

Pal has hired a new employee-EStafani. She will be assisting with the Baseball program this upcoming season.

Saturday December 13 will a Gun Buy Back here at Pal Stadium. No events scheduled on that day.

Shoes Give Away: On Monday night December 15, 2014 Shoe Palace, Converse and us PAL were going to put out a shoe give away for the amount of 125 pairs of shoes, there will also be four players from 49ers at PAL.

Turkey Give Away: There will be also a Turkey give away this Saturday November 22, 2014 at 1:00pm at PAL Office.

That will be given to 50 Families they are all Donations from PAL along with other Associations for the Community.

Shop with a Cop: Saul Duran and Jim Ureta are going to have a Shopping Date with a Kid on December 8th or early December they are taking kids to Target to shop for Christmas

Elaine Organ:is from Silicon Valley Solution Accounting she is getting all the finances and budget for PAL, so that PAL have all the funds for each sport there is along with other things like counting to secured the founds for the future and also looking were to locate were the expenses for all the sports that PAL have and making sure that all this is done and have funds to cover. Also the city provides all sources in kind but you don’t see them till the end of the year

Donations to PAL:There is a few of donations that has come thru like Reebok, Nike, Converse along with other that were not mention. Also Paul Walden is going to help PAL to receive stocks in Donations that is another new thing for PAL.

Ladies PAL-GAL Softball programs:

West Valley Slammers

Liability insurance is critical to our program. League paid $1500.00

We heard that there were some changes coming to certain programs within Pal.

Pal will be looking at programs and making sure that Pal officers are directly involved. This is something that we will be looking at indebt.

We would love to keep all the programs in tack. We need to better communicate with the individual leagues. We would like to have one person be the rep. for all the leagues instead of four different leagues. Fundraising has not been implemented throughout the Pal Gal program.

Rebranding the entire Pal program is also a priority.

Pal Gal softball to continue for the 2015 year. We will regroup with a new re branding of all Pal programs. Pal needs to update its fees.

Pals goal is to have two fundraisers a year. Implement its grant writing program.

Pal pays for Maria, Roy and Stafani. We would need to start building our Reserves since the City will only pay for certain items.


Events to consider for next year’s fundraising opportunity. Golf, Concert…

Thank you to all the participants during our Turkey Give Away via a letter or a donation form signed for their donation.

Motion to adjourn requested by Mejia, second by Newborn. Meeting adjourned at 7:32p.m