Michelle Blouin-Williams


Germain Gilson








April 13, 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Jefferson Parish Public School System (JPPSS) will offer Summer School for credit recovery, removal of deficiencies or new credit for students presently enrolled in grades 8-12. All course work will be online learning using PLATO Learning System. For questions concerning PLATO, please call your child’s school counselor during school hours. Students enrolled in grades 4-7 may attend and take subjects at a state accredited Summer School Site as per Bulletin 741. Jefferson Parish Public School System does not offer Summer School for grades 4-7. The following information is provided for your reference.

Semester A Semester B

Registration / May 28, 2015 8AM - 1PM / June 25, 2015 8AM - 1PM
Classes / June 1 - 11, 2015 (8 days) / June 29 – July 9, 2015 (8days)
Interim/Exam if needed / June 11, 2015 / July 9, 2015
Classes / June 15 - 24, 2015 (7days) / July 13 - 22, 2015 (7days)
Final Exam / June 24, 2015 / July 22, 2014

Summer School hours are as follows:

8:00 AM - 10:30 AM INSTRUCTION 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM LUNCH 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM INSTRUCTION

Students must be in assigned classroom or designated, supervised areas, on campus. Students must follow the behavioral expectations according to 2014-2015 Procedures and Policies for Parents and Students.

Summer School sites are as follows and phone lines will be available from May 28, 2015 – July 22, 2015:


4301 Grace King Place 4300 Patriot Street

Metairie, LA 70002 Marrero, LA 70072

Phone # 383-1920 Phone # 383-2020

Summer School Hotline phone number is 349-8529 and will be available after April 13, 2015. Please leave your name, contact number and a brief message. Your call will be returned in a timely manner.

There will be two semesters for the 2015 Regular Summer School Session for Grades 8th – 12th. Students must complete course requirements (content and hours, if needed) for Part A or Part B of a new and/or repeat course within 15 days before registering for another course. For EXAMPLE

·  A student needs to successfully complete Biology B and Geometry A

v  register for and complete Biology Part B within 15 days

v  then register for Geometry Part A for the final 15 days

·  A student needs to successfully complete Algebra I Part A and Part B

v  register for and complete Algebra I – Part A within 15 days

v  then register for Algebra I – Part B within 15 days

·  A student needing more than a new or repeat unit of credit is advised to carefully consider

v  there are only 30 days for summer school

v  should review the recommended online learning hours prior to registering

·  Registration will be held at each summer school site from 8:00 AM through 1:00 PM.

·  Registration fee is $30.00 and is due at registration.

·  Cost per course is $265.00 for residents of Jefferson Parish and is due at registration.

·  Cost per course is $365.00 for non residents (e.g. Orleans, Plaquemines, or etc.) and is due at registration.

·  Payment may be made by cashier check or money order made payable to Jefferson Parish Public School System.

·  Full payment for all students is due at registration.

·  Students must provide their own transportation, ear phones, and a notebook for each course, pens and pencils.

·  Students must have the following documentation before being allowed to register:

ü  Summer School Permission Form signed by the Counselor (Revised 3/2015)

ü  A copy of the final report card, 2014-2015 School year

ü  Proof of residence, such as a currency utility bill, driver’s license and/or passport.

Best regards,

Raychell Richard

Summer School Coordinator