A by-law relating generally to the election procedures of the Student Union of Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology.
There shall be three types of elections, namely:
2.1.1elections of the President and Vice-Presidents of which the eligible electorate shall be comprised of all members of the Student Union in good standing;
2.1.2elections of the DivisionalRepresentatives of which the eligible electorate shall be composed of members of the Student Union in good standing in each respective area;
2.1.3other elections of which the eligible electorate shall be determined by the by-laws of the Student Union.
The Chief Returning Officer for the election of the Vice-Presidents and President shall:
2.2.1not be a full-time employee of the Fanshawe Student Union;
2.2.2be impartial to any active candidate and shall not be running for any office or holding any position in the Student Union himself/herself;
2.2.3be responsible to update S.A.C. at every convened meeting during the election period;or delegate any reporting to the President;
2.2.4appoint deputies to assist him/her with his/her duties, each of whom shall be a member or representative of the Student Union in good standing, shall be impartial to any active candidate and shall not be running for office in the Student Union.
The Chief Returning Officer for the election of the Division Representatives shall:
2.3.1be the President, subject to the approval of the S.A.C. and if for any reason he/she, the President, is not acceptable, the S.A.C. shall forthwith elect from the remaining members of the S.A.C.;
2.3.2be impartial to any active candidate;
2.3.3be directly responsible to the S.A.C. for the general conduct of the election;
2.3.4appoint deputies to assist him/her with his/her duties, each of whom shall be a member or representative of the Student Union in good standing and shall be impartial to any active candidate and shall not be running for office in the Student Union.
The duties of the Chief Returning Officer shall be:
2.4.1to give at least 21 (twenty-one) calendar days notice of the election and the positions open;
2.4.2to ensure nominations shall be open for at least 7 (seven) calendar days and shall be closed at least 7 (seven) calendar days prior to the election date and no nomination shall be accepted or changed after nominations have been closed;
2.4.3to ensure that all names of nominees are kept confidential until nominations are closed;
2.4.4to establish rules and regulations with regards to Election posters during campaigning; which will be authorized by the Executive Council;
2.4.5to establish rules andregulations for all other forms of campaigning; which will be authorized by the Executive Council;
2.4.6to design polling stations and the deputizing of personnel for them;
2.4.7to arrange a schedule for the candidate speeches and assemble the members of the Student Union for said speeches;
2.4.8to ensure a fair election and that all election procedures are followed; if any election procedures are not adhered to the CRO may declare an election invalid;
2.4.9to prevent tampering of the voting process;
2.4.10to retain the election records for 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the election and then destroy them upon the assent of the S.A.C.;
2.4.11to receive requests for a re-evaluation of the election, within 5 (five) business days of the last Election Day;
2.4.12to appoint two election deputiesto preside at each polling station during the operation of such polling stations;
2.4.13to ensure members may only vote once and to ensure secure voting procedures through FanshaweOnline;
2.4.14 the CRO will have the authority to determine candidate eligibility requirements as set in 2.5.2 and 2.5.3.
The following laws shall apply to the elections of the President and Vice Presidents for the Executive elections:
2.5.1the President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected between February 15th and March 30th by secret ballot of all eligible members of the Student Union in good standing;
2.5.2each candidate for the position of President shall be a registered full-time student of Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology as determined by the Office of the Registrarand must have passed with a minimum 2.5 GPA in the fall semester within the current fiscal year of the Student Union (May 1st – April 30th). Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA during the winter semester in order to take office on May 1st;
2.5.3each candidate for the position of Vice-President shall be a registered full-time student of Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology as determined by the Office of the Registrar. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA during the winter semester in order to take office on May 1st. In addition, Vice President candidates must maintain a registered full-time student status during his/her tenure of office;
2.5.4all candidates must agree to allow the CRO to view their academic standing from their last semester in order to ensure eligibility of the candidate; and agree to allow the CRO to view their Fanshawe College Student Code of Conduct history as filed with the College. The CRO may exclude a candidate based on their offence history. The CRO will consider the severity of the offence; impact on the safety and security of the campus community and determine if the offence materially affects the candidate’s ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position;
Candidates for President and Vice President may be subject to a police records check for bondable purposes only;
2.5.5current full-time Vice-Presidents who have served 6 months or a full term of office from May 1st to April 30th, are ineligible to run for re-election in their present position. The President who has served 6 months or a full term of office from May 1st to April 30th is ineligible to run for re-election in their present position;
2.5.6eachVice President candidate shall be nominated by at least 100 (one hundred) members of the Student Union in good standing, each Presidential candidate shall be nominated by at least 150 (one hundred and fifty) members of the Student Union in good standing;
2.5.7each member of the Student Union in good standing shall cast one vote for each vacancy and no member shall cast more than one ballot;
2.5.8in case of a dispute, the Election Act of Ontario as interpreted by the Chief Returning Officer shall be the final authority;
2.5.9should more than 50% of the positions be uncontested at the time nominations have closed, the Chief Returning Officer shall give up to 7 (seven)calendar days to extend nominations before notice of an alternate election date;
2.5.10all successful candidates must complete 10 (ten) hours of meetings or sessions related to the positionas determined by the outgoing President;
2.5.11Candidates are not permitted to run in “slates”, and must run an independent campaign.
The following laws shall apply to the election of the Division Representatives:
2.6.1all Division Representatives shall be elected annually with the election being held before October 15thby a ballot of members of the Student Union in good standing and such members shall be entitled to vote only for a Division Representative representing their respective areas;
2.6.2each candidate shall be a full-time student of Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology according to by-law 1.4.1, and registered in the area he/she shall represent if elected;
2.6.3all candidates must be entering a year which will not involve a co-op;
2.6.4all candidates must agree to allow the CRO to view their academic standing from their last semester in order to ensure eligibility of the candidate; and agree to allow the CRO to view their Fanshawe College Student Code of Conduct history as filed with the College. The CRO may exclude a candidate based on their offence history. The CRO will consider the severity of the offence; impact on the safety and security of the campus community and determine if the offence materially affects the candidate’s ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position;
2.6.5all part-time staff of the FSU who are students, shall be eligible to run for election or appointment, however, if such individual is successful in being elected or appointed, he or she must immediately resign his or her paid position as an employee of the Corporation;
2.6.6Candidates are not permitted to run in “slates” and must run an independent campaign;
2.6.7each candidate shall be nominated by a least 30 (thirty) members of the Student Union in good standing and such members shall be registered in the same division as the candidate;
2.6.8each member of the Student Union in good standing shall cast one vote for a candidate representing his/her respective division and no member shall cast more than one ballot;
2.6.9in case of a dispute, the Election Act of Ontario as interpreted by the Chief Returning Officer, shall be the final authority;
2.6.10should more than 50% of the positions be uncontested at the time nominations have closed, the Chief Returning Officer shall give up to seven (7) calendar days to extend nominations before notice of an alternate election date.
The following laws shall apply to other elections:
2.7.1vacancies, prior to the term of office, by any members of the S.A.C., however caused, shall be filled in accordance with article 1.14 and 1.14.1;
2.7.2all other elections shall be held in accordance to resolution passed by the S.A.C. pursuant to the by-laws of the Student Union.
All executive-elect must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA in the semester prior to taking office;
2.8.1Pursuant to the by-laws of the Student Union, any members of the S.A.C. shall be eligible to stand for election to any vacant position on the S.A.C. Their intention to run for any vacant position must be declared within 48 hours upon the adjournment of the meeting when the election date for the vacant position is set. Within this time period, the S.A.C. member must also resign from their presently held position.
A candidate may withdraw his/her nomination at any time before the election date by notifying the Chief Returning Officer with a written notification to be witnessed by the Chief Returning Officer, and may not re-enter the election after the nomination period has closed;
2.9.1in the event of a withdrawal of a candidate, should only one candidate remain, the remaining candidate must win a majority of "yes" votes in order to be declared winner of that position.