Norse Mythology

This is my attempt to present you with some basic information about Norse mythology and some information about various gods. Almost all of my information is translated from Swedish so I’ve decided to use the Swedish names for the gods and related objects. The reason for this is that whatever the name is known as is in English it’s from one Nordic language (most likely Icelandic or old Norse) and there’s not much of a difference most of the time anyway. (Mjölner, Mjölnir etc.) If I find different names for the same god I’ll add them in the index.

Like most systems of belief there is a beginning, a way of things and an end. Other than describing these I will also give some information about the major gods and index for everything else. It might seem like I haven’t explained certain things but I’ve put it in an index instead to make things flow smoother.

I have made everything that is in the index, or further explained later in the text, bold so that you know that you always can (and should) look things up to get more out of the text. This goes especially for the stories as they are much more fun to read if you know a little about the people and places in them.

I have done my best in making this document but I can’t guarantee that everyone will agree with how things are explained in here. If someone feels that they can and want to change something feel free to do so, but instead of erasing what is already there add an alternate version if it’s a story or a second definition if it in the index. I hope you will find it interesting.

See you in Valhalla!


  • Background
  • The Creation of the World
  • The World






  • The Gods





  • The Stories

-When Fenrisulven got tied up

-When Frej got Gerd

-The Birth of Sleipner

-The War of the Gods

-The Death of Balder

  • The Prophecy of the end – Ragnarök

-The Beginning

-The Final Battle

-The Aftermath

  • Index A-Ö


The Norse mythology wasn’t based on a religious communion and didn’t develop from any religious system and would not be considered a religion by today’s standards but rather something connected to the culture and how to act than what to think. The people in those days left very few documents mainly because in order to document something you had to either cut runes into a piece of wood (which decomposes over time) or carve them into stone and in either case the more letters used the more work for the one cutting so the rune stones we have today. So very little is documented from the very time when people still believed. The oldest documented writings of northern mythology are from roman writers around a couple of centuries B.C and A.D, Tacitus being one with his writing Germania from 98 A.D. Some things have been translated from roman soldiers as well but are quite hard to understandbecause the Romans used the roman equivalent of the northern gods when they wrote. Much of what is known today is from works of art in ancient Icelandic, “Den Poetiska Eddan” and “Den Prosaiska Eddan”, written by Snorri Sturluson, and from various tales and songs that have been written down.

The Creation of the World

All of the following is from Den Prosaiska Eddan and is as close to what people believed in back then as we have been able to get.

Before the world was created there was a gap with the name Ginnungagap. First, in the land of the south, the world Muspelheim was formed, which was light and hot and were Surt was sitting armed with a flaming sword at its border. Then Nifelheim was formed in the north, which was cold and with the well Vergelmer from which eleven (or twelve) rivers flow. They are called Elivågor and their cold water freezes to ice further from the well and fills the northern part of Ginnungagap. When the heat from Muspelheim met the frost from Nifelheim and made it melt the figure of a man called Ymer(or Aurgelmer) rose. From him the Rimtursarna were born, for when he slept the sweat from his armpit formed a man and a woman and one of his feet had a son with the other. Out of the drops of the frost Audhumbla(or Ödhumla) was formed and four rivers of milk flowed from her teats and served as food for Ymer. Audhumla got food by licking the salty frost stones and on the first day a man's hair showed, on the second day his head and on the third day the whole man, whose name was Bure. Bure got a son called Bor, who got together with Bestla, the giant Böltorns daughter, and had three sons; Oden, Vile and Ve. Bors sons killed Ymer and in his blood the entire Rimtursar family drowned except for Bergelmer, who went on a carved out log with his wife and from which the Rimtursar family originate from.

Bors sons, who were viewed as gods, carried Ymer to the middle of Ginnungagap and made the earth out of his body, his blood became ocean and water, the flesh became soil, the bones became mountain and his teeth became stones. Heaven was made from his skull and was put up over the earth with four corners, and under each corner they put a dwarf; Austre, Vestre, Nordre and Sudre. Then they took sparks from Muspelheim and put in the sky as sun, moon and stars. Around the earth was the deep sea, and at the seashore they gave land to the giants. Within this they took Ymers eyebrows and made the fortress Midgård against the giants. Lastly, the took Ymers brain and made the clouds.

When Bors sons were walking along the seashore they found two trees and created humans from these. Onegave spirit and life, one gave intelligence and movement and one gave appearance, speech, hearing and vision. The mans name was Ask and the woman’sEmbla. From them originated all mankind and they got to live in the protection of Midgård. The three sons then made the fortress Asgård in the middle of the world, where the gods and their families lived. In the middle of Asgård was Idavallen and there the gods made a temple called Gladsheim where there are twelve seats. They also made Vingolf, for the goddesses, and they made much out of gold, stone and wood until the three Norns came from Jotunheim. Then the gods gave intelligence and human shape to the Dwarves who were maggots in Ymers flesh. They were to live in the earth and in stones.

The World

The holy place for the gods, where they sit and judge, is by the ash Yggdrasil, which branches reach all over the world, with one root at Asarna and under it the well of Urdar, one root with Rimtursarna, under which the well of Mimer, which is full of wisdom. The third root is over Nifelheim and under it is the well Vergelmer and the dragon Nidhögg,who gnaws on the bottom of this root. To the well of Urdar Asarna ride over the bridge Bifrost, which has a red glow of fire to protect them against Bergresarna. The NornsUrd, Verdandi and Skuldwho manage over fate come out from the hall under the ashto water it.


Yggdrasil is the biggest tree in the world. Its branches covers the sky and its three roots. One goesto Midgård and Asgård, one to Utgård and the third to Hel. Under each of these roots is a well. Under the first is the well of Urdar where the gods hold their councils, under the second is the well of Mimer, which is the source of all knowledge and under the third, is the well of Vergelmer which is the source of all other streams.

In the top of the tree the eagle Hräsvälg, who has a hawk placed between his eyes, sits. The squirrelRatatosk runs up and down the trunk of the tree as a messenger between Hräsvälg and his sworn enemy, the dragon, Nidhögg who sits at the root of the tree, gnawing at it. On the roof of Valhall the deer Eiktyrner, three other deer and the goat Heidrun stand eating Yggdrasil's leaves. It was in Yggdrasil that Oden hung himself to learn the secrets of the runes. Yggdrasil is sometimes called the tree of life.


Asgård is the realm of the gods located in the middle of the world. Oden resides in his hall Valaskjalf, greets einhärjare in his second hall Valhall and greets the righteous in his third hall Gimle. In the middle of Asgård is the plain Idavallen where the victorious dead get to fight each other every day.


Valhall (or Vallhöll, Valhalla) is the hall of the slain and the house of Oden in Asgård(Ásgarðr). In Valhall the fallen einhärjare are greeted by Oden. Valhall has five hundred and forty doors. Each door wide enough for eight hundred einhärjare to walk side by side through, walls made of spears, a roof made of shields and benches covered with breastplates. Each morning the einhärjare march out to Idavallen were they fight all day. At dusk new blood finds it way through their veins and loose body parts re-attach to their owners and the einhärjare join together as brothers at Valhall's tables where they are served food and mead by the Valkyrior. The cook god Andrimner cooks a festive meal each night on Särimner's flesh in Eldrimner. And mead is milked from the goat Heidrun. The night is long enough to grant even the last einhärjarewhose head hits the table a full nights sleep. When they all wake up there are isn’t one einhärjare with a hang-over. Only those who die on the battlefieldare granted access into Valhall. Others who die end up with Hel in Nifelheim. Those who are lost at sea are taken to Ägirshall at the bottom of the sea.


Midgård (or Midgard, Miðgarðr, modern name Middle Earth) is the realm ofhumans and places somewhere in the middle of Yggdrasil. Formed by the flesh and blood of Ymer and the intermediate world between Asgård and Nifelheim. Midgård is connected to Asgård by the bridge Bifrost which is guarded by Heimdall.


Nifelheim (or Nifelhel) is the dark and unpleasant realm north of Ginnunagap. In the middle of Nifelheim the well Vergelmer is located. After her birth Hel, daughter of Loke, is thrown down into Nifelheimwhere she rules the dead. After the death of BalderOden rides down to Nifelheim on his horse Sleipner where he meets a wise old woman whom describes Nifelheim to him.

The Gods


Oden(or Odin, Óðinn) is the highest, oldest and wisest of the gods. His wife name is Frigg and Jord (or Fjorgyn) was his mistress. He shares the first son Asator with her. Oden is called Allfader because he is the father of all the gods, and Valfader because he in Valhall and Vingolf take in everyone who die in battle, also known as einhärjare. In Valhall the Valkyrior serve by the table and they are the ones Oden sends to decide who will fall in battle.

Oden’s weapon was his spear Gungner, which had been forged by the dwarves, and he had two ravens, Hugin and Munin, that flew all over the world gathering information about everything that happened. When they got back they whispered everything in Oden’s ear. Other animals that belonged to Oden was his horse Sleipner which had eight legs and was the fastest creature on the land, in the air and to sea. Oden also had the wolves, Gere and Freke.

Oden has three sons with Frigg and their names are Balder, Hermod and Höder. Oden’s oldest son is Tor but Tor's mother is Jord.


Tor(or Thor, Þórr)is the son of Oden and Jord, the husband to Siv(or Sif) (who some say also is a child of Oden) and the father to Mode, Magne and Trud. Tor is the god of thunder and it was believed that whenever there was thunder Tor was out riding on his cart over the clouds pulled by his two goats Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir and every time there was a flash of lightning it was Tor who threw his hammer Mjölner at his enemies (mostly giants). He also has a belt of power called Megingjord which gives him additional power when he tightens it.

Whilst Oden was worshipped mainly by the officers and lords, Tor was the god for farmers and simple people.


Frej(or Frö, Freyr) is the son of Njord, brother of Freja and father of Fjölner (w. Gerd). Frej lived on Alfhem in Asgård. Frej, just like his father and sister, belongs to Vanerna (Vanir) but lived with Asarna as a peace hostage after the war between the two groups of gods. The fact that his house is named Alfhempresents the possibility of a connection between Vaner and Alfer (elves). His ship Skidbladner, built by the sons of Ivalde(the dwarf Dvalin), could sail on land, always sailed before the wind and could be folded. Frej owned the boar Slidrugtanne and the horse Blodughofi. Frej had two servants, Byggvir and Bejla, who are associated with harvest.

Even though Frej is the god of fertility and harvest not much is written about him. The most detailed story about him is the one where he showed his interest to Gerd. See The Stories – When Frej got Gerd.


Loke(or Loki) is the son of Farbaute and Laufey, the husband toSigyn and the father of Vale and Nare. He is also the father of Fenrisulven, Midgårdsormen and Hel with the giantess Gullveig. Loke was one of the gods even though he was the son of a giant. He interacted freely with all the gods and even joined in Fostbrödralag with Oden. The giant in him finally caught up with Loke though and in the story of the death of Balder he becomes the enemy of the gods and of man. Loke is bound till Ragnarök when he will be let loose and lead the armies of evil.

Loke is evil impersonated and the most cunningof all the giants. He has been said to be as psychologically complicated as Oden. One of his greater skills is the ability to change into whatever he desires. It was in the form of a mare that he became the mother of Oden’s horse Sleipner.

The Stories

When Fenrisulven got tied up

When Fenrisulven first grew up in Asgård he was harmless but as he grew up he became a huge monster and started to scare even Asarna. It was agreed that Fenrisulven had to be tied. They started by showing him a great big chain and said that he would be considered the strongest if he could break it, and so Fenrisulven did. They made another attempt with an even bigger chain but Fenrisulven broke that one as well. Finally the dwarves made a chain out of the roots of the mountains, the cats’ noise, the bear’s tendons, the fish breath, women’s beards and the spit of birds. It appeared to be only a string of silk but no force in the entire world could break it, and so they called it Gleipner. Fenrisulven suspected something and thought there might be magic in the thread. They weren’t allowed to put it around his neck until someone put his hand in Fenrisulven's mouth. Tyr was the only one brave enough and the wolf was tied up to the gods delight. When Fenrisulven discovered the trap Tyr lost his hand.

Since that day Fenrisulven is tied up in Jotunheim and shall remain there tillRagnarök.

When Frej got Gerd

Frej once sat in Oden’s tower Lidskjalf(Hlildskjálf) and looked to the north when he laid his eyes on Gerd and was filled with lust to the point were he couldn’t speak, eat or sleep. His servant Skirner went to Jotunheim to fetch Gerd to Frej. With him he had Frej's sword, which could fight on its own. Gerd turned out to be hard to convince and didn’t agree until Skirner had threatened her with the worst of pains in this world and the next if she didn’t accept. The giants demanded Frej’s sword in trade, and got it.

When Oden heard about Frej giving his sword to the giants he got furious and the first fears of Ragnarök showed. To end the war Vanerna cut off Mimer's head and sent it to Oden, who accepted it.

The birth of Sleipner

When the gods created Asgård they didn’t build a wall around it. Later they discovered that a wall was needed. So they hired a giant to build a wall aroundAsgård. They promised him Freja and both the sun and moon if he could build it before the winter was over. But they also demanded the right to kill him if he didn’t get finished before winters end. When the giant asked to be allowed to use his horse Svadilfare as help Loke supported him and managed to convince the gods that the giant would never make it in time. They were mistaken. When only a few days was left of winter the giant, with the help of his horse, was almost done. The gods weren’t too happy about this and demanded that Loke would take care of it. In the shape of a mare Loke lured away Svadilfare and the without its help the giant failed and was killed.