Updates on States – for 9/10/09 Conference Call
AR ––
CA –
CT ––
HI ––
o 45 Covered Electronic Device (CED-computers, computer monitors, portable computers, and computer printers) manufacturers have registered their brand(s) under Hawaii’s e-waste law.
o Jan. 1, 2009 was the registration deadline, however, we still receive calls from manufacturers who have not yet registered.
o Manufacturers are required by law to set up their own recycling program (the State does not operate the recycling program) and recycling plans were due June 1, 2009.
o The State is in the process of reviewing manufacturers’ plans. Many plans do not give the details of where collection centers will be located and/or do not provide collection services for all of the Hawaiian Islands.
o Recycling programs will start on Jan. 1, 2010.
o The 2009 Legislature passed HB 1809, (Electronic Waste and Television Recycling and Recovery Act) in May and it became law without the Governor’s signature in July (Act 183), which amended the previous law passed by the 2008 Legislature. Text of HB 1809 can be found here: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2009/Bills/HB1809_CD1_.HTM
o TVs have been added to the recycling program. Starting Jan. 1, 2010, TV manufacturers must register and pay $2,500 to the State (registration fee for CEDs is $5,000). Starting Jan. 1, 2011, TV manufacturers shall implement a recycling program.
o TV recycling responsibility is based on market share (CEDs is based on return share).
o Hawaii’s law includes CEDs and TVs sold to households, government entities, businesses, and non-profits.
o Questions regarding this CED recycling program are mainly from the four Counties in the State. The Counties would like details on how the recycling program will operate because they are currently funding quarterly/annually e-waste recycling collection days in an effort to keep this material out of their landfills.
-update provided by Wendy Okazaki
KY – The month of July added 351,846 pounds of e-Scrap collected by Creative Recycling Systems (CRS)under the “All Agency e-Scrap Contract” for a grand total of 1,720,982 pounds collected in Kentucky so far in 2009. The contract ensures proper security disposition and environmentally responsible recycling. While short of the estimated 5 million pounds annually generated by state agencies, it is not too late to spread the word. Contact your son’s or daughter’s school (K-12 or colleges and universities) to let them know this service is available. If you work for a state agency, contact your recycling coordinator and IT staff – perhaps we can reach that 5 million pound estimate by the end of December! Added transportation assets by CRS translate to timelier pick ups. Access our website at http://www.waste.ky.gov/branches/rla/recycling/ and browse links under our header Electronics Recycling to investigate other electronic recycling opportunities. Tom Heil of the Recycling Assistance Section, Division of Waste Management, can answer any questions about electronic recycling. Contact Tom at 502-564-6716, ext. 4640 or at .
–– updated provided by Tom Heil
IN –
Indiana is continuing to prepare all necessary documents for program operation, including fact sheets, registration/enrollment forms, and reporting forms. Fact sheets are currently on the web site (http://www.in.gov/recycle/6411.htm) and outreach has begun to manufacturers, collectors, and recyclers. Enrollment for collectors and recyclers will take place from November 1, 2009, to January 1, 2010. Manufacturers should be able to register and pay their fees from February 1, 2010, until April 1, 2010 for the initial program year.
-update provided by Katie Spence
ME –
This year the Maine Legislature added desktop printers and game consoles to the list of covered electronic devices, and clarified that digital picture frames are a type of computer monitor for purposes of Maine’s household e-waste recycling law. Manufacturers (i.e., the brand owners) must register these products with Maine DEP by September 12, 2009, and will be financially responsible for the recycling of these products beginning January 1, 2010. Also beginning January 1, 2010, responsibility for recycling of televisions (and the newly-added game consoles) will be apportioned based on market share rather than return share. Beginning July 1, 2010, all manufacturers will be required to submit an annual registration (instead of an annual report) and a $3000 annual registration fee to help support administration of the program by the DEP.
MD –
MI – Michigan’s ewaste law, signed December 29, 2008, requires Manufacturers and Recyclers to register by October 30, 2009. After April 1, 2010, all retailers, including internet, catalog, manufacturer direct, and in-state retailers, can only sell new computers and televisions manufactured by registered manufacturers. A more detailed description of Michigan's e-waste law can be found by going to www.michigan.gov/deqewaste and clicking on Electronic Waste Takeback Program. A link to the law and the manufacturer and recycler registration forms can be found at that link as well.
-update provided by Matt Flechter
MO -
NC – New Bill in North Carolina being talked about – manufacturers will pay $10,000 or $20,000 depending on whether they have recycling plans in place. Then the money will be distributed to the 100 counties to set up electronics recycling events/programs. Scott Mouw will be running the program instead of Ellen now. Bill won’t go through to spring session. The effective date will be moved to next July now.
-update provided by Ellen Lorscheider
NYC – On July 24, 2009, the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), and ITAC Systems, Inc. filed a lawsuit against the City of New York, and the NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) in regards to New York City’s e-waste law and the rules promulgated thereunder.By a stipulation between the parties to the lawsuit, DSNY has agreed to stay all requirements of the E-waste Program pending a decision on Plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction. Oral arguments on the motion have been scheduled for October 23, 2009, and should Plaintiffs' motion be denied, DSNY has agreed not to require E-Waste Management Plans until 30 days after the Judge's decision and order.
- update provided by Dave Hirschler
OK –
TX –
VA – Computer Recovery and Recycling Act – effective date July 1, 2009.
30 computer manufacturers are “registered”, representing 77 computer brands. Virginia has no registration fee, only a notification requirement that each manufacturer has a recovery plan in place that is compliant with the Virginia Act and recycling information for consumers is accessible from their web sites.
Most recovery plans have a mail-back or return with purchase of a new computer option.
WI (not yet passed) - We expect the e-cycling bill that passed the state Senate this spring (SB107/AB278) to be introduced on the Assembly floor soon after the new floor period begins Sept. 15, and have heard its prospects are favorable. If passed as currently drafted, the first program year would run from January-June 2010, with program years running from July 1 to June 30 after that.
-update provided by Sarah Murray
WV -–