The Magic Book

Designed to be done without a script

Cast: Zimbo Teacher Children Aliens (Zig, Zog, Bongo etc)

Scene 1 somewhere in space

2 or 3 children come on stage and say “Scene 1 somewhere in space”.

Zimbo: Hello everyone. My name is Zimbo. This is my magic book. I am sleepy.

Zimbo falls asleep on the floor holding the magic book.

Enter Aliens looking for the magic book.

Zig: Hello, my name is Zig.

Zog: Hello, my name is Zog.

Bongo: Hello, my name is Bongo.


Aliens: We are strong, we are clever, we are … aliens!

Zig: Where is the magic book?

Zog, Bongo: I don’t know.

Zig: Is it on the chair?

Bongo: No, it isn’t.

Zog: Is it under the table?

Zig: No, it isn’t.

Bongo: Is it on the table?

Zig: No, it isn’t.


Zig: Where is the magic book, where is the magic book?

Everyone: Look! It´s the magic the book.

They sneak over to Zimbo and try to take the magic book.

(You can extend this my having Zimbo wake up and say “What’s that?” the aliens suddenly hide and then Zimbo falls asleep again, etc)

Zimbo wakes up

Zimbo: Stop! This is my magic book

Aliens: Take the magic book!

Zimbo does some magic to send the book out of harms way, to planet Earth. He throws the book off stage saying “Alikazam!”

Zimbo: Alikazam.

Zimbo exits running

Aliens: Oh no. Where is the magic book?

Zig: The magic book is on planet Earth.

Everyone: Let’s go to planet Earth!

Scene 2 in a school in (name of your town)

2 or 3 children come on stage and say “Scene 2 in a school in (name of your town)”

The teacher (Played by a child) enters

Teacher: Good morning everyone, I am the new teacher. How are you?

Children: Fine thank you, and you?

Child (desperately puts their hand up): Can I go to the toilet?

Teacher: No

Child (desperately puts their hand up): Can I go to the toilet?

Teacher: No

Child (desperately puts their hand up): Can I go to the toilet?

Teacher: No (angrily jumping up and down)

The Children takes turns to put their hands up and ask the teacher a question. These can be whatever the children know how to say What’s your name? How old are you? What is your favourite …… ? Can you …….? Have you got a ….? Are you ….? Etc.

Child 1: What’s this?

Child 2: It´s a pen.

Child 3: What’s this?

Child 4: It´s a table.

Child 5: What’s this?

Child 6: It´s a chair


Child 7: What’s this?

Teacher: It´s a book.

The teacher picks up the book and it starts to move, the teacher trying to keep hold of it.

Everyone: It´s …it´s.. It´s a magic book.

Zimbo appears suddenly.

Zimbo: Hello

Children: Ahhhh! Who are you?

Zimbo: My name is Zimbo.

Children ask some questions, whatever they know.

Children: How old are you?

Zimbo: I am 8 years old.

Children: Where do you live?

Zimbo: I live on the Planet ZimZim.

Children: Do you like our school?

Zimbo: Yes, I do. Ah this is my magic book.

The school bell: ding- a - ling - a- ling.

Children: Hoorah!

Children exit running

Enter aliens

Zog: Where are we? Where are we?

Zig: This is (name of your school).

Alien: Can you see the magic book?

Alien: No, I can’t.

Alien: Can you see the magic book?

Alien: No, I can’t.



Alien: Is it on the table?

Alien: No, it isn’t.

Alien: Is it under the …. Etc

They find the book.

Aliens: The Magic Book!

Enter children and Zimbo.

Children: Stop!

Aliens: We are strong, we are fast, we are ..aliens! You can’t stop us!

Children: Oh yes we can!

Aliens: Oh no you can’t!

Children: Oh yes, we can!


There is a big fight, with laser guns etc.

Zimbo zaps the aliens and the aliens all fall over.

Aliens: Ahhhh!!!

Zimbo: The magic book. I have got the magic book!

Children: Hooray, hooray!

Zimbo: Thank you!

Children: Let’s have a party!

Everyone: The end.


Dominic Streames ©2011