(REVISED 2016)

Number ...... Horse ...... Rider ......

Judge ...... Date ......

Test / Max
marks / Judges marks / Comments
1 / A
X / Enter at working trot rising
Halt salute proceed at working trot rising / 10
2 / C
E / Track left
Circle left 20m diameter, continue working trot rising / 10
3 / K
FXH / Working trot rising
Change the rein. Working trot rising / 10
4 / C
B / Working trot rising
Circle right 20m diameter, continue working trot rising / 10
5 / K
E / Medium walk
Half circle right 10m diameter returning to track at K / 10
6 / A
B / Medium walk
Half circle left 10m diameter returning to track at F / 10
7 / Between
F & A / Working trot sitting, between A and the corner turn and keeping parallel to long side jump fence
no 1. On landing establish working canter right / 10
8 / B / Continuing working canter / 10
9 / KXM / Change rein working canter, between X and M working trot sitting / 10
10 / Between
C & H / Working canter left
continuing working canter / 10
11 / Between
A and corner / Turn up the quarter line and jump fence no 2. / 10
12 / Between H & E / Working trot sitting / 10
13 / A
G / Turn down centre line
Medium walk
Halt salute and leave arena at free walk on a long rein / 10
14 / Control, style use of aids by the rider / 20
Maximum total / 150
Summary of marks: / Penalties for error of course, etc
Deduct total faults
Total marks

Judge’s signature ......

© British Horse Society

Approximate time allowed 4½ minutes
Wrong course
1st time 2 points
2nd time 5 points
3rd time 10 points
4th time Elimination
Use of the voice
Each occasion 2 points
Martingale 5 points
Scale of marks
10 excellent 4 insufficient
9 very good 3 fairly bad
8 good 2 bad
7 fairly good 1 very bad
6 satisfactory 0 not performed
5 sufficient
Working trot will be performed unless otherwise stated / PRIX CAPRILLI
(revised 2016) / Jumping
After the second refusal at a jump the rider goes on to the next movement, marks will be at the judge’s discretion.
A whip may be carried.
Spurs may not be worn.
Fences should not be les than 10ft and not more than 12ft long including stand
Fence 1 - single rail 1ft 6ins high and
stand on the E - X line the
outer stand to be 2m from E
Fence 2 - parallel rails 2ft high and 2ft
wide the outer rail to be on a
line B - X and the outer stand
to be 2m from B
K / G
2m1 X 22m
D / M

Arena 20 metres by 40 metres

Fences to be 2m from E and B

© British Horse Society



revised 1983

Number ...... Horse ...... Rider ......

Judge ...... Date ......

Obedience test / Max
marks / Judges marks
0 to 10 / Judge’s remarks
1 / A
X / Enter at working trot rising
Halt salute proceed at working trot rising / 10
2 / C
E / Track left
Circle left 20m diameter, continue working trot rising / 10
3 / K
FXH / Working trot rising
Change the rein. Working trot rising / 10
4 / C
B / Working trot rising
Circle right 20m diameter, continue workng trot sitting / 10
5 / K
E / Medium walk
Half circle right 10m diameter returning to K / 10
6 / A
B / Medium walk
Half circle left 10m diameter returning to F / 10
7 / Between
F & A / Working trot sitting, between A and the corner turn up the quarter line and jump fence no 1. On landing establish working canter right / 10
8 / Continuing working canter / 10
9 / KXM / Change rein working canter, between X and M working trot sitting / 10
10 / Between
C & H / Working canter left. Continue working canter / 10
11 / Between
A and corner / Turn up the quarter line and jump fence no 2. / 10
12 / Between
H & E / Working trot sitting / 10
13 / A
G / Turn up centre line
Medium walk
Halt salute and leave arena at A free walk on a long rein / 10
14 / Control, style use of aids by the rider / 20
Maximum total / 150
Summary of marks: / Penalties for error of course, etc
Deduct total faults
Total marks

Judge’s signature ......

© British Horse Society

Approximate time allowed 4½ minutes
Wrong course
1st time 2 points
2nd time 5 points
3rd time 10 points
4th time Elimination
Use of the voice
Each occasion 2 points
Martingale 5 points
Scale of marks
10 excellent 4 insufficient
9 very good 3 fairly bad
8 good 2 bad
7 fairly good 1 very bad
6 satisfactory 0 not performed
5 sufficient
Working trot will be performed unless otherwise stated / PRIX CAPRILLI
revised 1983 / Jumping
After the second refusal at a jump the rider goes on to the next movement, marks will be at the judge’s discretion.
A whip may be carried.
Spurs may not be worn.
Fences should not be les than 10ft and not more than 12ft long including stand
Fence 1 - single rail 1ft 6ins high and
stand on the E - X line the
outer stand to be 2m from E
Fence 2 - parallel rails 2ft high and 2ft
wide the outer rail to be on a
line B - X and the outer stand
to be 2m from B
K / G
2m1 X 22m
D / M

Arena 20 metres by 40 metres

Fences to be 2m from E and B

© British Horse Society