Alexander, James / Vascular and Endovascular Surgery / X
Angelo, Mark / Palliative Care Medicine
Buono, Russell / Biomedical Sciences
Burden, Amanda / Anesthesiology
Calabretta, Nancy / Medical Library / X
Campellone, Joseph / Neurology / X
Feingold, Anat / Pediatrics / X
Gable, Brian / Internal Medicine Residency / X
Gerber, Dave / Critical Care Medicine
Green, Ray / Trauma / X
Hasit, Cindi / Office of Medical Education / X
Headly, Anna / Ambulatory Clerkship / X
Mahamitra, Nirandra / Family and Community Medicine / X
Mama, Saifuddin / Obstetrics and Gynecology
Meislich, Debrah / Pediatrics / X
Melli, Jenny / Medicine / X
Patel, Ritesh / Acting Internship Director / X
Patel, Sundip / Emergency Medicine / X
Perlis, Susan / Office of Medical Education / X
Reboli, Annette / Vice Dean
Reid, Lisa / General Surgery / X
Sedky, Karim / Psychiatry / X
Siegert, Lisa / Medicine
Weisberg,Lawrence / Office of Medical Education / X
Zanoni, Aileen / Simulation Center / X
Other Attendees:
Barbara Miller, Medical Library
Topic / Discussion / Action / Follow-UpMinutes /
- Minutes for the meeting on January 27th, 2014 were reviewed
- Motion to approve withoutamendments:
2nd: Dr. Sundip Patel /
- Minutes were approved, no opposition or abstentions
Mid-Point & Final CLIC Student Assessment Form /
- Vote on the form has been tabled at this time; Dr. Gable will provide Dr. Weisberg with the modified form
- Dr. Gable to provide revised form within the next week
- Committee will vote electronically before the next meeting.
CLIC Student Space /
- The E & R building, 1st floor, currently has space that could be used a ‘home base’ for the 3rd year students which was previously used as a student lounge for RWJ students
- Idea is to create a space the students can perform charting, patient follow-up calls, studying, etc. within their SDL time; students would have access to electronic media and phones
- The space could hold 10 carrels, providing privacy for patient calls and studying and would also include couches and tables and chairs
- In theory there would only be a maximum of 15 students utilizing the space at one time based on the schedule and SDL times allotted for each student
- M4s would also be able to use the space, but policies would need to be put in place allowing M3s priority and to avoid any issues arising from group conversations or distractions that might interfere with quiet studying, etc.
- Keep in mind, CMSRU will also have access from time to time to the “fishbowl” conference rooms and the old deans’ conference room; students can also utilize the kitchenette on the 3rd floor for lunch and the hospital library for quiet study space
- The large 2nd floor classroom will be used every Friday afternoon for the CLIC didactic sessions.
- Any additional ideas or suggestions should be submitted to Drs. Weisberg and Alexander for planning
Didactic Sessions /
- There are currently 114 slots available for didactic sessions; the current list is 146
- Each discipline needs to narrow down their session list to 10-12 topics they feel are essential, keeping in mind each session would be roughly one hour long
- If each discipline reduces their number of sessions to 10-12, this will leave approximately 30 sessions to cover Scholar’s Workshop, Spirituality in Medicine, Military Medicine and LGBT sessions
- Clerkship directors can review the list for each discipline and discuss overlap items with one another when skimming down their list
- Dr. Alexander will be creating the initial didactics schedule, the Assistant Director of the CLIC position will manage once the plan is in place; clerkship directors need to assign their faculty for the sessions
- Dr. Weisberg will redistribute the list this evening; narrowed down topic lists need to be returned to Drs. Weisberg and Alexander by Monday, February 17th
- Feb 24 meeting
M4 Required Clerkship Syllabi /
- Sub I in medicine and surgery; emergency medicine, critical care and chronic care; responsible parties need to submit their syllabus prior to the LCME visit on March 9th
- Dr. Sundip Patel will create the draft for emergency medicine to be distributed as an example for the other clerkships
- Clerkship directors should reference the new template previously emailed to them by Dr. Weisberg or Dr. Patel’s completed draft once made available
- Dr. Weisberg will forward Dr. Patel’s syllabus once complete
- Feb 24 meeting
M4 Assessment Programs /
- Evaluation of the students by the faculty is limited in the 4th year
- Mini-CEX and summative written evaluation
- The two elements recognize each clerkship will do something a little different and also that students are away at various times during the year
- LCME likes to see consistency in comparability amongst the disciplines. This is important for the Away electives as well. We will do a miniCEX in the middle of the clerkship or elective as formative assessment across the program and use a common evaluation form for the summative evaluation. Any other assessment activities should be noted in the syllabus and how they will be used to formulate the final summative assessment of the student.
- These forms are part of the syllabus template
- Clerkship directors can still customize other items within their syllabus, but your additions need to play into the grading of the standard forms
- 4th year will not have percentages for honors, high pass, etc. like the 3rd year
- CDs will include in their syllabi any other assessment tools they plan to use for the M4 clerkships
- They must include those in their assessment plan
Electives /
- Required clerkships are 4 weeks each and 2-4 weeks for each elective
- The committee will have an opportunity over the summer to fine tune the electives that will be offered; currently working from the VSAS list offered to visiting students
Pre-Internship Mini Course /
- We will offer a 2-week course to ensure the students are ready to leap into their GME training programs
- Intention is to occupy the last two weeks prior to the final week of their 4th year in April
- What kind of training do you think the students need? Be mindful of budget areas such as Simulation Center activities
- What would you potentially want included in the course?
- There is the potential discipline specific modules (breakout sessions) can be offered in conjunction with uniform sessions
- Additional discussion at subsequent meetings
Orientation Week Workgroup /
- Drs. Reid, Campellone and Melli have volunteered to work on the planning of the orientation week
- Members will present a ‘sketch’ at the next meeting
- Feb 24 meeting
Clerkship Syllabus Template /
- The deadline for updated syllabi was today; not all syllabi were received as requested
- Dr. Weisberg can resend the template upon request
- All outstanding syllabi need to be submitted to Drs. Weisberg and Alexander no later than February 17th
Schedule Conflicts /
- Determine within your specialty how you want to handle preceptor schedule conflicts, i.e. vacation, sick days, etc.
- Suggestion made that a buddy system be put in place so each preceptor has a partner to fall back on when needed
LCME Mock & Provisional Visits /
- Upcoming mock visit is on the 17th and 18th; the provisional visit is March 10th through the 12th
- Prep sessions are currently under way; it is really important that you take the time to read the Self-Study which gives you a lot of insight into what we are doing at CMSRU, really gives you the ‘big picture’
- Also important to go back and reread your C form and be able to discuss the form in detail if need be; want to avoid freelancing during sessions
- Send Dr. Weisberg an email if you would like a copy of the self-study
Meeting Adjourned /
- Motion to adjourn:
2nd: Dr. Meislich
The next meeting will take place on February 24th, 2014 at 3:45 pm in CMSRURoom 522 .
Approved by: / Lawrence Weisberg, MD / Submitted by: / Nicole ColasantiChairman / Recorder
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