Mr. William R. Rohde, P.E

R.W. Dunteman Co.

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October 3, 2018

Dear Resident,

The Village of Palatine has received a federal energy grant to replace the 50 gas streetlights in the Whytecliffe and Willow Walk neighborhoods. The village annually purchases approximately 50,000 therms of natural gas for use by all the village facilities which include public buildings, emergency generators and these streetlights. Of this, approximately 16, 000 therms, or over 25% of the total purchase goes towards operating the 50 gas streetlights. This amount of natural gas used by the streetlights is equivalent to that used in a year by about 13 homes. The change from gas streetlights to electric lights is estimated to annually save the taxpayers of the village $14,000. Additionally, the cost to maintain these gas streetlights is significantly more than maintaining an electric streetlight and. replacement parts are increasingly becoming more difficult to obtain. To further energy efficiency, the village is considering using LED lights instead of a high intensity discharge light that is traditionally used in electric streetlights. Besides reducing energy consumption, LED lights have a longer life thereby reducing future maintenance and replacement costs. Though LED lights are initially being considered as a replacement for the gas lights, this could be expanded throughout the village as existing incandescent streetlights need replacing thereby reducing future energy and maintenance costs.

A sample LED streetlight has been installed at the intersection of Whytecliffe Rd, and Brighton Ct. This is the identical style pole and fixture being considered for replacement of the gas lights and matches the kind of residential streetlight that has been used throughout the village since the early 1980’s. We would appreciate you taking the time after dark to look at this light and provide us with your comments. Specifically we would like your feedback on the following. This survey is available and can be filled out on the Village’s web-site @ We would like to receive any comments no later than the 1st of June.

Light color

_____ I prefer the white color light

_____ I prefer the orange color light as in the adjacent neighborhood to the east


_____ Too bright

_____ Not bright enough

_____ Just right

Additional comments or suggestions


Thank You,

Michael DaneckiVillage Engineer