Minutes of a meeting of the Torrevieja Branch of the Royal Naval Association

Held at Restaurant El Paraiso urb Jardin del Mar on March 6th 2013

In Attendance: Mike Wright Chairman

Danny Kay Vice Chairman / Membership Secretary

Margaret Forshaw Secretary

John Forshaw Treasurer

Dick Conway Social Secretary

Terry Watson P R O

P Cluney, C Brown Welfare Volunteers

Attendance:28 Full Members and 13 Associate Members.

Apologies received from: Robin Hargrave, Gillian Burden, P & A Deathers, K Gane A & M Aldridge, Ann Macrae-Clifton, Colin Middleton, G & T Rapley, Tor Strangeland, B Burrows, B Snell, C & L Ramscar and E.McCallum.

The Chairman asked for acceptance of the minutes of our last monthly meeting

which was held on 6th February 2013.This was proposed by Danny Kay and seconded by Len Brown. The branch agreed they were an accurate account of what had been said, they were accepted unanimously with no matters arising.

Chairman’s Report: The Chairman said how much our recent lunch at Doña Isobel had been enjoyed and asked for more volunteers to assist on the social side,

Vice Chairman’s Report: Nothing to report.

Secretary’s Report: January and February circulars are on the desk. The General Secretary reminds members this can be read online; it is normally loaded within a couple of hours after going to the printers on the 23rdof the month. It is in the members section of the website and can be down loaded using the code ‘shipmate’.

There are still a few dates for the open days at H Q. these being 19th April, 20th September and 11th October. Places are limited if interested please let me know asap.

In the circular for February there are interesting articles on HMS Queen Elizabeth (especially for WAFUs) and others on the launch of H M S Ambush (especially for submariners).

As usual all the forthcoming reunions and dates are inside.

I am back in Edinburgh for one week March 14th-21st. If a welfare visit is required please contact Danny for details of volunteer for area to be visited.

Treasures Report: John gave members an update on our finances further to what had been discussed at the A G M. As usual, the books are available if any member wants to have a look.

Welfare Report: No reports and again Mike asked for volunteers he pointed out there will not be a large workload for any one person.

Social Secretary’s Report: Dick thanked all who had participated in the quiz night with the R M and said a tot will be available for them. He also thanked members who had been at our lunch at Doña Isobel this had been a great success. He then gave us a very comprehensive social programme which is as follows:

March ~ Thursday 28th Murder Mystery Evening

Venue Mirador Restaurant, Eagles Nest

Time 1900 for 1930

Cost €10 (The menu is on the table, or contact Dick)

April ~ Saturday 13th Spring Ball

Venue Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras

Time 1900 for 1930

Cost €20 (Welcome drinks on arrival)

May ~Wednesday 1st Monthly Meeting

On conclusion of meeting, a return quiz match with the Royal Marines.

Tuesday 14th May Branch Lunch

Venue to be decided

October ~ Monday 21st Trafalgar night

Venue Olympia Restaurant

Details of cost and times to be announced later. Dress jacket and tie (with medals).

November ~ Nothing planned at present, but will centre events around remembrance day service at La Siesta Monday 11th November.

December ~ Thursday 12th Christmas Party

Venue Olympia Restaurant

Further details nearer the event.

There may be other events and activities that may be of interest to members. Dick will keep us informed when he has any information.

Membership Secretary’s Report: Danny said stickers were available to all members who had paid their ‘subs’. He asked all new members present to come and collect their cards/badges.

P R O Report: Terry had nothing to report.

Jack Dusty: Any member wishing to order any thing please see John.

The Chairman called stand easy. As we were having ‘splice the main brace’ he reminded members that Dick provided and paid for the rum himself. It was suggested we reimburse him but this is how Dick wants to do it. Thank you Dick.

Any Other Business:

Our new members gave a summary of their time in the Royal Navy.

There were a number of copies of the Navy News available to anyone who was interested.

Mike reminded members that the salt boat on display belongs to the branch, and said if a member wished to have it on loan, to please see him.

The raffle tonight raised the sum of €121 97.

The meeting closed at 1810 our next meeting to be held here on Wednesday April 3rdstarting as usual at 1700.