NUR 215
Nursing Management of the Medical-Surgical Client II
NUR 215 Nursing Management of the Medical Surgical Client II
Program Council
The Academic Program Councils for each college oversee the design and development of all University of Phoenix curricula. Council members include full-time and practitioner faculty members who have extensive experience in this discipline. Teams of full-time and practitioner faculty content experts are assembled under the direction of these Councils to create specific courses within the academic program.
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NUR 215 Nursing Management of the Medical Surgical Client II
Table of Contents
Click on any one of the headings within the Table of Contents to move to that section within the UniModuleTM. Similarly, click on any one of the Table of Contents hyperlinks within the body of the UniModuleTM to bring you back to this page. Please note that the UniModuleTM must be in Print Layout View to view the Table of Contents hyperlinks.
Faculty Overview
Student Materials
Faculty Materials
Workshop One
Clinical Activity Meeting One
Workshop One Faculty Notes
Workshop Two
Clinical Activity Meeting Two
Workshop Two Faculty Notes
Workshop Three
Clinical Activity Meeting Three
Workshop Three Faculty Notes
Workshop Four
Clinical Activity Meeting Four
Workshop Four Faculty Notes
Workshop Five
Clinical Activity Meeting Five
Workshop Five Faculty Notes
University of Phoenix Material
Peer and Self Evaluation Form
Requirements for Grading Formal Written Care Plan
University of Phoenix Faculty Material
Arizona State Board of Nursing Summary of NCLEX® Board Meeting, October 3, 2002
Problem Based Learning Using In-class Group Case Studies
Faculty Grading Form for In-Class Case Studies
Case Studies
Workshop One – Case Studies
Workshop Two - Case Studies
Workshop Three - Case Studies
Workshop Four - Case Studies
Workshop Five - Case Studies
Clinical Conferencing
In-Class Group Case Study Form
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NUR 215 Nursing Management of the Medical Surgical Client II
This course continues to build on the concepts and conditions introduced in the previous course. Students will add the focus of gastrointestinal, neurological, musculoskeletal and genitourinary conditions to the care management of complex adult clients. The nurse’s role in the assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions based on data analysis is emphasized. Preceptored clinical experiences allow students to demonstrate and apply theory to practice.
Nursing Process and the Care of the Client with Endocrine Disorders
- Apply the pathophysiological changes to client care for individuals experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Develop a collaborative plan of care utilizing the nursing process for individuals experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Identify the major pharmaceutical treatment modalities utilized in treating individuals experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Utilize therapeutic communication with clients experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Formulate a teaching plan that addresses the needs of the client experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
Nursing Process and the Care of the Client with a Musculoskeletal Disorder
- Apply the pathophysiological changes to client care for individuals experiencing alterations in musculoskeletal health patterns.
- Develop a collaborative plan of care utilizing the nursing process for individuals experiencing alterations in musculoskeletal health patterns.
- Identify the major pharmaceutical treatment modalities utilized in treating individuals experiencing alterations in musculoskeletal patterns.
- Utilize therapeutic communication with clients experiencing alterations in musculoskeletal health patterns.
- Formulate a teaching plan that addresses the needs of the client experiencing alterations in musculoskeletal health patterns.
Nursing Process and the Care of the Client with Immunologic Disorders
- Apply the pathophysiological changes to client care for individuals experiencing alterations in health patterns related to the immune system.
- Develop a collaborative plan of care utilizing the nursing process for individuals experiencing alterations in health patterns related to the immune system.
- Identify the major pharmaceutical treatment modalities utilized in treating individuals experiencing alterations in health patterns related to the immune system.
- Utilize therapeutic communication with clients experiencing alterations in health patterns related to the immune system.
- Formulate a teaching plan that addresses the needs of the client experiencing alterations in health patterns related to the immune system.
Nursing Process and the Care of the Client with Neurologic Disorders – Part I and II
- Apply the pathophysiological changes to client care for individuals experiencing alterations in neurologic health patterns.
- Develop a collaborative plan of care utilizing the nursing process for individuals experiencing alterations in neurologic health patterns.
- Identify the major pharmaceutical treatment modalities utilized in treating individuals experiencing alterations in neurologic health patterns.
- Utilize therapeutic communication with clients experiencing alterations in neurologic health patterns.
- Formulate a teaching plan that addresses the needs of the client experiencing alterations in neurologic health patterns.
Nursing Process and the Care of the Client with Eye or Ear Disorders
- Apply the pathophysiological changes to client care for individuals experiencing alterations in health patterns related to eye or ear disorders.
- Develop a collaborative plan of care utilizing the nursing process for individuals experiencing alterations in health patterns related to eye or ear disorders.
- Identify the major pharmaceutical treatment modalities utilized in treating individuals experiencing alterations in health patterns related to eye or ear disorders.
- Utilize therapeutic communication with clients experiencing alterations in health patterns related to eye or ear disorders.
- Formulate a teaching plan that addresses the needs of the client experiencing alterations in health patterns related to eye or ear disorders.
Nursing Process and the Care of the Client with Integumentary Disorders
- Apply the pathophysiological changes to client care for individuals experiencing alterations in integumentary health patterns.
- Develop a collaborative plan of care utilizing the nursing process for individuals experiencing alterations in integumentary health patterns.
- Identify the major pharmaceutical treatment modalities utilized in treating individuals experiencing alterations in integumentary health patterns.
- Utilize therapeutic communication with clients experiencing alterations in integumentary health patterns.
- Formulate a teaching plan that addresses the needs of the client experiencing alterations in integumentary health patterns.
This module contains assignments and information for multiple course delivery methods.
These assignments are applicable for all delivery methods.
Students meet face to face with the instructor and their classmates.
Students meet via computer with the instructor and their classmates. This course is not currently offered in this modality.
Classroom and Online delivery methods are combined. This course is not currently offered in this modality.
Student works one-to-one with the instructor. This course is not currently offered in this modality.
In all cases, refer to the syllabus distributed by your instructor for a comprehensive listing of the assignment descriptions and due dates.
All assignments are to be completed prior to the workshop in which they appear.
This course is not offered Direct Study, Flex-Net, or Online at this time.
Faculty Overview
Refer to the table below to determine if module changes made since you created your syllabus are significant enough to require a new syllabus.
MODULE CODE / REVISION(S) DETAILnur215u1 / Original UniModule™
The Faculty Notes for each workshop are organized into Preview, Content, and Summary sections. Note that all workshops must run for a full four hours.
This is a brief overview of the content of the workshop.
The Topics are designed to guide the workshop content. Avoid repackaging the information from the reading assignments into a lecture.
The Discussion Questions are designed to prompt activities and bring the content to life. Once these questions have been introduced, facilitate the discussion and/or activity toward the related Learning Objectives for the workshop. The Faculty Resource Guide at provides suggestions on specific activities and other resources. Check back frequently as this resource is constantly changing.
The Integrating Questions are designed to help students build a thorough understanding of the relevance, relationships, and application of the content in the real world. To ensure that students can relate course theories to the workplace, illustrate with examples drawn from your professional experiences and the experiences of the students.
The Discussion Questions and the Integrating Questions will be addressed through the case studies, therefore you will not see Discussion Questions or Integrating Questions in the module.
In this section the key points for the workshop are summarized and the next workshop is previewed. If appropriate for the delivery method, the Learning Team assignments are also discussed.
A Weekly Summary is due at the end of each workshop. This summary should be used to evaluate the individual student’s learning during the workshop. It is left to your discretion to set guidelines for the Weekly Summary. This course is not currently offered in a Directed Study or Online format.
The FlexNet® delivery method combines the Classroom and Online workshop formats. Please consult with your campus for specific instructions. This course is not currently offer in a Flex-Net format.
The following are the suggested weightings of assignments for this course. Students do not receive this information; however, you are responsible for communicating your performance criteria to your students in the syllabus.
ASSIGNMENTS / PercentIndividual (100%)
Peer Review of Case Study in Small Group Classroom Activity (All Workshops) / 5
Faculty Review of Case Study in Small Group Classroom Activity (All Workshops) / 15
Classroom Discussion and Activity (All Workshops) / 5
Weekly Practice NCLEX Questions (All Workshops) Must score at least 90% each week to get credit / 20
Clinical Conference Online (All Workshops) / 10
Formal Written Care Plan (Workshop Four) / 25
Final NCLEX Questions – paper and pencil in class (Workshop 5) / 20
Clinical Activities
Midpoint Clinical Evaluation (Workshop Three) No points awarded. / Pass/Fail
Final Clinical Evaluation (Workshop Five) This is pass/fail. You must pass the clinical component to pass the course. / Pass/Fail
Total / 100
Student Materials
Lemone, P., & Burke, K. M. (2000). Medical surgical nursing: Critical thinking in client care [University of Phoenix Special Cover Edition]. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.
Pagana, K. D., & Pagana, T. J. (2003). Mosby’s diagnostic and laboratory test reference (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Selected Readings:
CourseCompass Web site:
(NOTE: This material is found in the back of the UniModule™.)
“Peer and Self Evaluation Form” (All Workshops)
“Requirements for Formal Written Care Plan” (Workshop Four)
Faculty Materials
CourseCompass faculty log in page
(NOTE: This material is found in the back of the UniModule™.)
“Arizona State Board of Nursing Summary of NCLEX Board Meeting, October 3, 2002” (Workshop One)
“Problem Based Learning Using In-class Group Case Studies” (All Workshops)
“Faculty Grading Form for In-Class Case Studies” (All Workshops)
“Case Studies” (All Workshops)
“Workshop One – Case Studies” (Workshop One)
“Workshop Two – Case Studies” (Workshop Two)
“Workshop Three – Case Studies” (Workshop Three)
“Workshop Four – Case Studies” (Workshop Four)
“Workshop Five – Case Studies” (Workshop Five)
“Clinical Conferencing” (All Workshops)
“In-Class Group Case Study Form” (All Workshops)
Workshop One
Nursing Process and the Care of the Client with Endocrine Disorders
- Apply the pathophysiological changes to client care for individuals experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Develop a collaborative plan of care utilizing the nursing process for individuals experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Identify the major pharmaceutical treatment modalities utilized in treating individuals experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Utilize therapeutic communication with clients experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Formulate a teaching plan that addresses the needs of the client experiencing alterations in endocrine health patterns.
- Review from Medical Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care
- Assessing Clients with Endocrine Disorders, pp. 672-682
- Fluid and Electrolytes, pp. 112-126
- Read from Medical Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care
- Diabetes, pp. 716-764
- Thyroid, Parathyroid, pp. 683-702
- Osteoporosis, pp.1527-1536
- Adrenal, pp. 702-712
- Pituitary, pp. 713-715
- In-class case studies will be analyzed in groups to help you apply what you are reading. Please bring both textbooks for this course to class. Please review the “Peer and Self Evaluation Form” found in University of Phoenix Materials located at the back of this module. You will use this form to evaluation your contribution and that of your group members after completing the in-class case studies each week.
- Practice NCLEX questions will be posted in CourseCompass each week. You will have unlimited opportunities to pass these with a score of 90% or better. You must do so each week to pass this course. The final NCLEX questions in Workshop Five will be answered in a test in class.
- Bring LPN to BSN Program Student Clinical Handbook to class.
- The CourseCompass web site for this course is the same one used for NUR 214. The URL can be found under “Student Materials” in this module.
These assignments are due in Workshop One.
This course is not currently offered in this format.
This course is not currently offered in this format.
Clinical Activity Meeting One
Learning Team
There is no learning team hour requirement for this clinical course. Instead, students will be placed in clinical agencies for clinical rotation to fulfill course requirements and objectives.
Clinical Agency Requirements:
Students will:
- Be assigned to a specific agency, preceptor, and unit as determined by faculty, College Campus Chair, and/or designee of the agency.
- Contact Clinical Preceptor* and arrange a meeting to discuss clinical hours for the entire course. Clinical hours must mirror the preceptors' work schedule. Students are not allowed to clock clinical hours without being with their preceptor, nor while they are working as staff for the agency.
- Arrange for orientation of unit and/or agency, based on agency policy.
- Select a patient from the assigned unit the day before the clinical rotation. The patient needs primary and secondary diagnoses that match the workshop content for the week.
- Fill out the Preparatory Client Care Plan on each patient. This form is found in the back of the LPN to BSN Program Student Clinical Handbook. The care plan will be reviewed by the Clinical Preceptor prior to starting the clinical hours for the day. The plan will also be reviewed by the Clinical Site Faculty (CSF)** weekly.
- Arrive at the unit on time for report and prepared to care for your patient.
- Fulfill clinical hours as scheduled by faculty preceptor. Approximately 10 to 12 hours per week are required to complete the 45 clinical hours for this course.
- Perform clinical skills as opportunities arise with preceptor's observation and approval. Preceptor should sign-off on the clinical skill observed.
- Participate in the online Clinical Conferencing weekly with the classroom faculty and Clinical Site Faculty.
- Evaluate the preceptor and clinical agency after the last workshop. Forms for this purpose are located in the LPN to BSN Program Student Clinical Handbook.
- Maintain an accurate clinical log of time spent in the agency and in clinical experience. The log will be discussed in the Clinical Conferencing and signed off by the Clinical Preceptor and Clinical Site Faculty. The log is located in the back of the LPN to BSN Program Student Clinical Handbook.
Clinical Conferencing
Clinical Conferencing will be conducted weekly online through an asynchronous chat within CourseCompass. Students will be responsible to join the conference to discuss the week’s clinical rotation, patient/client outcomes, accomplishments, and challenges. Participation in Clinical Conferencing will require approximately 1 to 2 hours per week. Attendance will be taken.
After you have logged in to CourseCompass click on “Discussion Board”. There will be a link for each week’s Clinical Conference. Click on that link and add your comment. Click on the “Submit” button to submit your comment.
*Clinical Preceptor – An RN who works for the agency where clinicals are held and is there to supervise the student throughout the clinical experience.