Primary and Preventive Health Care


Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties

Proposal Submission Due Date:

January 05, 2007

Instructions and Application Forms

Point of Contact: Cordellia Vanover

GeorgiaDepartment of Community Health

2 Peachtree Street, NW

Vendor and Grants Management, 35th Floor

Atlanta, GA30303-3159

Tel: 404 651-6917

Please carefully read, sign and adhere to all attached DCH Ethics Statements and Ethics In Procurement Policy prior to responding to any Department of Community Health Request for Grant Applications (RFGA). Failure to do so could result in the disqualification of your application at any time during the application process.

Table of Contents

Primary and Preventive Health Care


Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties

I. / Program Description and Requirements / iii-vii
Special Conditions
Total Funds Available
Maximum Grant Amount
Funding Cycle
Funding Preference
Types of Projects Eligible for Funding
Program Requirements
Proposal Deadline
II / Application Submittal…………………………………………………………….. / 1
Application Submittal……………………………………………………………….. / 1
Application Format………………………………………………………………….. / 1
Application Content …………………………………………………………………. / 1
III / Project Description………………………………………………………………… / 2
IV / Budget Justification……………………………………………………………….. / 3-4
V / Attachment………………………………………………………………………….. / 4
VI / Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………….. / 9
Appendix A / Grant Application Form……………………………………………………………… / 6-7
Appendix B / Governing Board Resolution
Appendix C / Governing Board Composition
Appendix D / Ethics Statement…………………………………………………………………………
Appendix E / Ethics In procurement Policy…………………………………………………………
Appendix F / Business Associate Agreement………………………………………………………
Appendix G / Grant Budget………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix H / Biographical Sketch…………………………………………………………………….
Primary and Preventive Health Care
Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties
Program Description and Requirements
Background / The Georgia Farmworker Program (GFHP) was created in 1990 to improve the quality of Georgia’s migrant and seasonal farm workers by providing cost effective, culturally appropriate primary healthcare and by arranging for other levels of health care through collaboration and advocacy to workers and their families. The program continues to provide quality primary and preventive care at six clinic sites that encompass a twenty- one county area. The GFHP is a statewide program housed within the Georgia Department of Community Health, State Office of Rural Health (DCH/SORH). The GFHP utilizes a combination of a nurse practitioner model and a voucher program model to provide direct primary health care and preventive health services.
Purpose / The purpose of this grant opportunity is to provide migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties with primary and preventive health care services for the remainder of the grant year cycle.
Eligibility / Lead applicant must be located either in Coffee or Atkinson counties and able to provide services in a location that are easily accessible to the migrant population. The organizational structure should include a fully licensed medical care provider such as a family nurse practitioner or physicians’ assistant, a bi-lingual Spanish interpreter and an outreach worker. Must be able to collaborate with outside agencies and partner with them to provide more efficient delivery of healthcare services to the target population.
Special Conditions / Services must be provided in the current scope of service area according to Health Resources and Services Agency Grant No. 93-224 for Coffee and AtkinsonCounties
Total Funds
Available / $100,000
Funding Cycle / January 05, 2007 to May 31, 2007, with a renewal option for June 01, 2007 to May 31, 2008.
Preference / Funding preference will be based on applicants demonstrated knowledge and ability to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate health care services to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers and their families.
Types of
Projects Eligible
for Funding / Grant funds are to be used to:
  • Provide primary and preventive healthcare services to Georgia’s Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker populations in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties.
  • Lead applicants include: CHC, RHC, CommunityHospitals and other Agencies Licensed to practice primary and preventive medicine in Georgia.

Requirements / Grant funds are to be utilized for :
- Provide primary and preventive health care to include the services of physicians, physicians’ assistants, and /or nurse practitioners; diagnostic laboratory and radiological services; preventive health services to include vision and hearing screening for children, well child services, family planning services; emergency medical services; transportation and translation services; preventive dental services; and pharmaceutical services to migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families.
-Provide onsite medical services and ever increasing community penetration in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties to promote the services of the migrant clinics, complete patient registration, and provide case management, health education and information on other community support programs
- Provide referrals to supplemental service providers and to hospitals, which includes case management; information of the availability and proper use of health services; information regarding environment risks and environmental services; translation and transportation for migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families. Georgia Farmworker Health Program will provide a van for outreach and transportation.
-Provide supplemental health services, including preventive and emergency dental services, mental health, substance abuse, health education, outreach, disease screening and infection control, and accident and pesticide exposure education to migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families.
-Provide a method for notifying migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families of the availability of health care and enrolling eligible migrant and seasonal farm workers into the Georgia Farmworker Health Program (GFHP)
-Provide hours of operation that assure services are available and accessible at times appropriate for meeting the needs of the migrant and seasonal farm worker population, including evenings and weekends. The grantee is expected to open and remain open 5 days per week from Monday through Friday for a minimum of 36 hours per week and a minimum of 4 hours on Saturday or Sunday. The weekend hours of services may be accomplished through the use of subcontractors within the assigned scope of service area.
- Participate in the GFHP ongoing quality assurance program, which includes a periodic assessment of the appropriateness of the utilization of services and the quality of services.
-Organization of the clinic consisting of staff, clinical policies and procedures, and clinical systems.
-A system to provide migrant and seasonal farm workers with a copy or summary of their health record before they leave the area.
-Form an advisory council comprised of migrant and seasonal farm workers, farmers, and representatives from appropriate agencies that meets at least quarterly to provide input into the program and to evaluate its effectiveness.
-Attend periodic meetings, conferences and training sessions provided by State and Federal office personnel or similar projects within the network.
-Collect data on a monthly basis on the demographics of the migrant and seasonal farmworkers, such as services obtained, diagnoses, etc. A data system has been developed for the GFHP, which captures the data in a uniform format. This data is to be forwarded to the ORHS on a monthly basis.
-Ensure that services will be vertically integrated by linking with county hospitals, local health departments, other health care providers as well as social and community based programs. Structure local case managers as the central point of entry for program services.
-Develop and implement an overall work plan to accomplish objectives as stated in the grant application package.
-Protect all data produced as a result of this agreement and acknowledge that it is owned by DCH. Grantee is expressly prohibited from sharing or publishing the DCH data or any information relating to the project without prior written consent of DCH.
-Make press releases related to this agreement available to DCH/SORH for approval prior to distribution. All public statements, documents, video or other communication medium shall indicate the program is a program of and funded by the DCH/SORH and Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC).
Deliverables /
  • Monthly expenditure reports with supporting documentation of invoicing, monthly cost reports, and quarterly financial reports. Quarterly cycles are listed below which correspond with grant year cycle. June-August, September- November, December- February, March-May.
  • Programmatic/performance statistical reports no later than the 10th day of each month
  • Final program and financial report no later than 45 days following the contract termination date. No payment will be made until all final reports and invoices have been received and approved by DCH.
  • Provide an annual report no later than January 08 of current grant year of the value of donated services and contributions to the GFHP for the prior calendar year.
  • Provide an annual report, no later than January 08 of current grant year of the actual program income that was generated for the prior calendar year.
  • Forward copies of the minutes from the Advisory Board meetings to the GFHP Director.
  • Compile and forward copies of a Bi-annual Needs Assessment of the migrant and seasonal farm worker to GFHP Director.

Evaluation Criteria / -Applications received will be evaluated based upon the program requirements listed above
Deadline for Submission of Questions
Funding Proposal Deadline / Deadline for questions: December 15, 2006
Questions and Answers will be posted on DCH web site by: December 20, 2006
Questions must be submitted in writing via e-mail or United States Postal Services to the following address:
Cordellia Vanover, Grants Administrator
GeorgiaDepartment of Community Health
2 Peachtree Street
Vendor and Grant Management, 35th Floor
Atlanta, GA30303-3159
Tel: 404 651-6917
Deadline for Receipt of Proposal: January 5, 2007
Proposal must be submitted to the address listed above. Proposals received after deadline will not be considered for funding.


II. Application Submittal

An original and five (5) copies and 1 CD of the Grant Applicationare due by 4 p.m. on January 5, 2007 to:

Mailing Address:

Cordellia Vanover, Grants Administrator

GeorgiaDepartment of Community Health

Vendor and Grant Management,

2 Peachtree Street, NW, 35th Floor

Atlanta, GA30303-3159

Tel: 404 651-6917


Application Format

Please follow the outline provided in the “application content” section. Page format preference includes: 1 inch margins, page numbers, and name of applicant on each narrative page (not necessary on form pages or supporting documents.)

Application Content

The following outline and instructions should be used to prepare the grant application. Proposals must be typewritten and follow the order and format provided below. Submit a concise application narrative describing your project.

I.Required Forms (Appendices A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)

A.Grant Application Form

B. Governing Board Resolution

C. Governing Board Composition

D.Ethics Statement

E. Ethics in Procurement Policy

F.Business Associate Agreement

G.Grant Budget

H. Biographical Sketch

II.Organization Information (not to exceed 3 typewritten pages – provide for each organization if a consortium application)

A.Eligibility Status

- Any medical care provider fully licensed in Georgiaor any organization or corporation that provides primary and preventive health care services and would be available to provide services in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties

B.Background Information

1.Brief summary of organizational history of the network

2.Brief summary of the network’s mission and goals

3.Brief description of partners in the network

4.Brief summary of network’s relationship with other complimentary programs

III.Project Description (not to exceed 10 typewritten pages)

If cover letter contains information, supportive statements or clarification of any statement contained elsewhere within your application packet, you must include a copy of the cover letter in each packet.

Your cover letter should beimmediatelyfollowed by the application form. The remainder of the packet should be in the order listed below.

Letters of support should be submitted as part of your application packet at the time it is submitted. When letters are submitted, a copy of each should be attached to each packet.

A.Problem Statement – provide a statement about the health disparities and/or health care delivery challenge your grant project is intending to address and discuss why this is an unmet need in your area.

B.Type of Project – declare type of project and provide a description.

Activities deemed as appropriate for support are listed below. A proposal must address more than one of the following in an innovative manner:

-Provide Primary and Preventive Health care for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties.

- Provide onsite medical services and ever increasing community penetration in Coffee and AtkinsonCounties to promote the services of the migrant clinics, complete patient registration, and provide case management, health education and information on other community support programs

- Provide primary and preventive health care to include the services of physicians, physicians’ assistants, and /or nurse practitioners; diagnostic laboratory and radiological services; preventive health services to include vision and hearing screening for children, well child services, family planning services; emergency medical services; transportation and translation services; preventive dental services; and pharmaceutical services to migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families.

C.Project Need – Provide demographic data and health information that correlates to the problem statement and describe how it supports the need for the grant project. Demographic data and health information must be provided for the service area population and patient population. This information must include, but need not be limited to, the following:

1.A description of your geographic service area

2.A description of the target population (Migrant Seasonal Farmworkers)

3.A description of the grant project target population, if different or more

specific than the clinic target population.

4.The percentage of service area population under 200% Federal Poverty


5. A description of the barriers to accessing care or services, proposed in your

grant project, may include: geographic barriers related to travel and distance to next nearest source of care; cultural and linguistic barriers; clinic systemic barriers related to providing efficient and quality care, etc.

6. Other community or patient demographic information that specifically relates to the proposed grant project and supports the need for services,

D.Project Objectives – provide statements of the short term or intermediate term outcomes related to improving the health services problems your proposal is intended to address. Objectives are tangible, measurable and achievable and should be specific to the proposed grant project and budget. A goal statement describes what will exist if the stated health service problem(s) are solved.

E.Project Work Plan or Methods – provide detailed description of how the goals and objectives will be reached through clearly defined strategies or activities.

F.Timeline – provide a timeline for the grant period under which activities and objectives will be accomplished.

G.Evaluation – describe a process for documenting results of this project, including whether or not project objectives have been met.

H.Staff Qualifications – briefly describe qualifications of key staff who will be involved in the project. Attach the enclosed Biographical Sketch form or brief resumes as supporting documentation. (Appendix G)

I.Project Collaboration – describe any collaboration your project includes with existing healthcare providers or other private and public organizations; discuss any efficiencies and effectiveness you expect from collaboration.

J. Project/Outcome Sustainability – describe how this effort will be continued when the funds associated with this grant award are fully expended.

IV.Budget and Justification (not to exceed 3 typewritten pages)

A.Budget Form (Appendix G) - Categorize your proposed expenses on the budget form provided. Please identify all sources of funding (cash or in-kind) in addition to state funding requested under this grant for each budget category.

B.Budget Justification - For each of the cost items on the budget form for which grant funds are requested, provide a rationale and details relative to how the budgeted cost items were calculated. This concise narrative should be labeled “Budget Justification” and be attached to the budget form. Examples of budget items are:

(Delete any budget items below that are not allowed as part of your grant funding. Add any specific budget items that are not listed below. For example, transportation or mileage)

1.Salaries and Fringe – For each proposed position to be paid from this project grant, provide the position title, total salary, fringe benefits, and FTE. Include a description of the activities of each position as it relates to the project including the percent of time to be spent on project activities and the amount of salary to be funded by the project budget.

2.Contracted Services – For each contract, provide the name of the contractor, components or services to be provided by the contractor, and cost per service, client or unit. If a subcontractor has been chosen, please include background information about that subcontractor including how the subcontractor’s previous experience relates to the project.

3.Equipment – Include a detailed description of the proposed equipment and/or capital improvements as they relate to the completion of the project. If possible, provide itemized costs.

4.Other – Whenever possible, include proposed expenditures in the categories listed above. If it is necessary to include expenditures in this general category, include a detailed description of the activities as it relates to the project. If possible, include a separate line item budget and budget narrative.

IV.Budget and Justification (not to exceed 3 typewritten pages)

A.Budget Form (Appendix G) - Categorize your proposed expenses on the budget form provided.

B.Budget Justification - For each of the cost items on the budget form for which grant funds are requested, provide a rationale and details relative to how the budgeted cost items were calculated. This concise narrative should be labeled “Budget Justification” and be attached to the budget form. (Delete any budget items below that are not allowed as part of your grant funding. Add any specific budget items that are not listed below. For example, transportation or mileage)

1.Contracted Services – For each contract, provide the name of the contractor, components or services to be provided by the contractor, and cost per service, client or unit. If a subcontractor has been chosen, please include background information about that subcontractor including how the subcontractor’s previous experience relates to the project.