Raritan Township Committee Minutes
August 20, 2013
The Township Committee of the Township of Raritan met on August 20, 2013
at the Municipal Building, One Municipal Drive, Flemington, New Jersey
MEETING Mayor Mangin called the regular meeting to order at: 7:05 p.m.
ROLL CALL The following were present: Mayor Michael Mangin, Comm. Oliver Elbert, Comm. Craig O’Brien, Comm. Tom Antosiewicz and Comm. Karen Gilbert. Also present was Adm. Allan Pietrefesa and Attorney Albert E. Cruz.
MEETING Mayor Mangin advised that the meeting was advertised in accordance with the
ADVERTISED Open Public Meetings Act in the January 10, 2013 issue of the Hunterdon County Democrat and was posted on the office bulletin board and the Township Website.
Mayor Mangin asked all to join in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag and to remain standing for a Moment of Silence to Remember our Men and Women serving in the Armed Forces and in Particular Those Serving In Troubled Areas Around the World.
PUBLIC It is the policy of the Township Committee that all public comments on an issue shall
COMMENT be limited to three minutes per person. Public comment shall be permitted on items of concern regarding the agenda only. In addition, time will be allotted at the end of the meeting for public comment on any issue.
Mayor Mangin asked for a motion to open the meeting to the public on the 2013 Budget.
Motion was made by Comm. Elbert and seconded by Comm. O’Brien
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert – yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – yes
Motion carried.
Meeting opened to the public. No one from the public appeared.
Adm. Pietrefesa said that there was a 3.23% increase to the tax rate. An amendment is listed for consideration, however, this will not affect the tax rate or the percentage increase. Most of the amendment consisted of grants that were either awarded or reserved that the Township has to appropriate. In addition, there is the agreement with the high school for the Resource Officer that was added. The average increase to the homeowner will be $36.65.
Mayor Mangin asked for a motion to close the meeting to the public for the 2013 Budget.
Motion was made by Comm. Gilbert and seconded by Comm. O’Brien.
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert – yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – yes
Motion carried.
Resolution #13-125 – Approval of the Amendment to the 2013 Budget
Adm. Pietrefesa reviewed the items on the amendment to the 2013 Budget.
Mayor Mangin asked for a motion to adopt Resolution #13-125.
Motion was made by Comm. Gilbert and seconded by Comm. O’Brien.
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert – yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – yes
Motion carried.
Mayor Mangin said that the budget increased by 3.23% and was not happy about the increase. This budget was a direct result of a large tax default in 2012 and also 114 tax appeals. The Committee reviewed each line item looking to cut whatever they could from the budget.
Resolution #13-120 – Final Adoption of the 2013 Budget
Mayor Mangin asked for a motion to adopt the 2013 Budget.
Motion was made by Comm. Gilbert and seconded by Comm. O’Brien.
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert – yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – yes – very dissatisfied
Motion carried.
Adm. Pietrefesa said that Resolution #13-126 and Resolution #13-127 are resolutions that are required by the State in order to adopt the budget. These monies come from the Parking Offenses Adjudication Act. A $1.00 fee per ticket goes into a trust fund. In order to spend the money from the trust funds, these riders are required. The money is dedicated towards funding any expenses incurred for the enforcement of parking regulations. Because the Township has a shared service agreement with Hampton Borough, a resolution must also be adopted for their monies.
Resolution #13-126 – Dedication by Rider for the Parking Offenses Adjudication
Act Required by N.J.S. 39:4-139.9
Mayor Mangin asked for a motion to adopt Resolution #13-126.
Motion was made by Comm. O’Brien and seconded by Comm. Antosiewicz.
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert – yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – yes
Motion carried.
Resolution #13-127 – Dedication by Rider for the Parking Offenses
Adjudication Act Required by N.J.S. 39:4-139.9
Mayor Mangin asked for a motion to adopt Resolution #13-127.
Motion was made by Comm. Elbert and seconded by Comm. O’Brien.
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert – yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – yes
Motion carried.
FINANCIAL Payment of Bills as Listed for Raritan Township: $ 17,520,820.99
Adm. Pietrefesa explained that Joe Bartzak is the soil testing witness. Any monies paid come from the Perc Trust Account. Comm. Elbert commented on 002299 in the amount of $2,384 for boarding of animals. Adm. Pietrefesa said that the payment comes out of the Animal Trust Fund. Mayor Mangin said that there is a split bill for the high school of $500,000 and $224,000. Comm. O’Brien asked about Zee Medical in the amount of $545.00. Adm. Pietrefesa said that this is for the first aid kits that are supplied in all the buildings. Comm. O’Brien also asked about payments to Chase NYC in the amount of $1,036,143.75. Adm. Pietrefesa said that Chase is the paying agents for the bonds.
Mayor Mangin asked for a motion to approve the Bill List.
Motion was made by Comm. Antosiewicz and seconded by Comm. Elbert.
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert - yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – yes
Motion carried.
FINANCIAL Payment of Bills as Listed for the Raritan Township Fire Company - $7,690.55
(Con’t) Deputy Mayor Elbert asked for a motion to approve the Bill List for the Fire Co.
Motion was made by Comm. Antosiewicz and seconded by Comm. O’Brien.
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert – yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – recuse.
Motion carried.
Police Chief Glenn Tabasko was pleased to introduce Ryan Barry, age 24 and a resident of Berkley Heights, New Jersey. Mr. Barry is a current recruit in the Essex County Police Academy and due to graduate on September 5, 2013. He has a Batchelor of Arts Degree in justice studies and graduated in 2011 from Montclair State College. He is jointed by his Dad, Mom, Grandmother, and the Essex Police Academy sent a representative Sgt. Peter Burgess to witness the swearing in. This speaks very highly of the Essex County Police Academy and Sgt. Burgess. An extensive background investigation was conducted and the Township is very impressed with Mr. Barry.
Resolution #13-140 – Appointment of Probationary Police Officer –
Ryan Michael Barry
Mayor Mangin asked for a motion to adopt Resolution #13-140.
Motion was made by Comm. O’Brien and seconded by Comm. Antosiewicz.
Roll Call Vote: Antosiewicz – yes
Elbert – yes
Gilbert – yes
O’Brien – yes
Mangin – yes
Motion carried.
Clerk Sollena administered the Oath of Office to Michael Ryan Barry.
*** Robert Morrison, Township Auditor, said that a 2012 Audit has been completed of the Financial Statements of the Township. The auditor performs an examination of the financial statements under the generally accepted audit standards to determine whether or not the financial statements are a fair representation of the Township’s financial position and operating results. In addition to that, New Jersey requires the auditor to expand the scope of their engagement to evaluate and test the Township’s internal control structure and its compliance with the various laws and regulations under which it operates. The auditor then issues a second letter on the results of the testing. Based on the auditor’s examination, the Township is in full compliance with the accounting standards promulgated by the State of New Jersey. The financial statements of the Township are a fair representation of its financial position. The auditor found that based on their testing, they found the internal controls of the Township to be operating as designed and no material weakness or significant deficiencies in internal controls were noted. The auditor noted no non compliances with laws and regulations.
Mr. Morrison also compared the financial statements from 2012 back to 2007 and found that even though the consumer price index rose 13.43%, the Township’s budgets actually decreased by $237,000. This is roughly ½%. The Township is running over 14% behind national inflation standards. He did not know of another municipality that he works with that can state that the 2012 budget was lower than the 2007 budget. Frugality is what he witnessed from the Township. He made a point to say that a very small portion of the tax bill is actually paid for municipal purposes. The 2012 tax levy for the Township was over $90 million. Of that, only $11,329,000 or 12.5% was for municipal purposes. A total of 87.5% gets paid to schools, the County, library and open space tax. He also mentioned that in 2007 the Township’s debt was around $30 million. As of 2012, the Township’s debt was reduced to $18 million. In addition to that out of the $18 million, more than 50% will be paid off in the next five years. This sets the Township up very nicely for future infrastructure work. He was very satisfied with the way the Township was running and found no non compliances and no problems with the internal control structure.
2012 AUDIT REPORT: (Con’t)
Mr. Morrison said that his concern was that the Township has no treasurer. The State has many laws and regulations of what is expected in the form of financial record keeping such as encumbrance accounting, maintenance of budgetary records and cash reconciliations. If the Township falls behind in any of those areas, it may have to address the situation before the year end. The Township, right now, operates on a electronic processing system for its requisitions and purchase orders. The Township does not have an automated general ledger that has automatic feeding from a revenue module. Ultimately, that is where the Township needs to go. Adm. Pietrefesa said that he may hire someone soon and would address the automated general ledger after the treasurer’s position is filled.
Mr. Morrison concluded by stating that he and his staff received complete cooperation from all management and staff in the conduct of his audit. The employees make it a pleasurable job and the process ran smoothly.
Michael Mangin - Administration/Finance/Personnel, Board of Health
& Economic Development -
Oliver Elbert – Rural Quality & Public Works
Karen Gilbert - Flemington-Raritan Schools, Parks & Recreation,
Economic Development, Public Safety, Affordability & Wellness – Comm. Gilbert said that she had the opportunity to meet with Greg Nolan, Superintendent, Flemington-Raritan Schools, and one of the main topics was the audit of their safety policies and procedures. They are using a company called Safe Havens from Atlanta, Georgia. Safe Havens would like to come before the Committee to present their findings.
Tom Antosiewicz - Hunterdon Central HS, Green Team & Shared Services
Craig O’Brien – RTMUA and Public Safety
The balance of the Liaison Reports were tabled.
BUSINESS OCTOBER 19, 2013 – Mayor Mangin said that this race is mostly in East Amwell. It travels through Toad Lane for a short distance. The parade will be on the East Amwell side of Toad Lane. An insurance certificate will be submitted to the Township. It was the consensus of the Committee to accept the Historical Society 5K Race on Saturday, October 19, 2013.
Adm. Pietrefesa that the contracts were reviewed by Liaison Craig O’Brien, Labor Attorney Richard Flaum and himself. The PBA has signed two copies of each contract. Mayor Mangin thanked Comm. Elbert, Former Committeeman Gary Hazard, Comm. O’Brien, Adm. Pietrefesa and Police Chief Glenn Tabasko. Resolutions were adopted later in the meeting.
TOW OPERATORS RULES, REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES – Chief Tabasko distributed a draft of the Tow Operator Rules, Regulations and Guidelines. He said that the tow operators must have two trucks, one of which must be a flatbed. He also said that the tow operators must have a fenced in yard to secure the vehicles. Attorney Cruz said that the rules and regulations in draft form were sent to all the tow truck operators to give them an opportunity to review them and make comments. The resolution will be corrected to reflect the changes to be effective January 1, 2014. The Chief also mentioned that it has been about eight years since there was an increase in the towing fees. He will meet with the operators prior to January 1st to go over the rates.
PURCHASE OF LIVESCAN FINGERPRINT SYSTEM UNDER STATE CONTRACT – Adm. Pietrefesa said that the Committee adopted the bond ordinance to fund police equipment. One of the items was the Livescan Fingerprint System under State Contract. There is no bid required. The total cost is $19,255.00. A resolution was adopted later in the meeting.
WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA AMENDMENT – Adm. Pietrefesa said that was completed for the southern section of Route 202/31.
*** Peter Kinsella, 78 Canterberry Circle,. said that he thought there would be a woman appointed by now, however, she had a conflict and had to decline. Others have submitted resumes and they will be distributed to the Committee. There is an annual tour planned from the Historical Committee on October 19, 2013. It encompasses the Philadelphia area and will be a walking tour. Lunch
will be at the City Tavern. The ticket price is $55. There is no cost to the Township. Mr. Kinsella also mentioned that he met with the developer for the restoration of the Oak Grove Schoolhouse. He said that the Tri-Centennial Committee received $25,000 from Exxon and over $20,000 from Shop Rite. There are quite a few events coming up such as the Great Chili Cook Off at the Fairgrounds on September 28, 2013. Many Fire Companies are entering the contest. There will be a gala dance for the 300th Anniversary Celebration of Hunterdon County at the Grand Colonial on March 29, 2014. On September 8th there will be a fund raiser at the Unionville Winery. Adm. Pietrefesa said to make sure that if they want to use the Township’s parking lot for the tours, a certificate of insurance must be submitted to the Township.