Welcome to Mrs. Evans4th Classroom

Spanish Springs Elementary


Parent Helpers


There are many ways that you can help out in your child’s classroom.

  • Helping students read, write, or practice math concepts.
  • It is useful when you come in once a week or month to build bulletin boards, copy, laminate, etc.
  • I will need parent helpers throughout the year to help with class projects, experiments, field trips, parties, and field trips.

I appreciate all that you do!


Your child will not be receiving homework the first week of school. They will have many flyers so please check their folders every night. Beginning the second week of school, your child will be bringing home a homework folder each day. Inside the folder you will find your child’s homework and a parent signature sheet. It is very important that you sit with your child each night and guide them through their homework assignments. Once the homework is completed, and you have checked over it, sign your name on the Parent Signature line. Your child will need to return their homework folder to school every day. Missed, incorrect, and/or unfinished homework will result in missed recess. If you have any questions, notes, or lunch money, please put these items into their homework folder, as I will be checking these folders each day.

You can always e-mail me at .


During the first week of school we will spend a large portion of our time getting to know each other, learning the classroom procedures and rules, and practicing the Spanish Springs expectations that help each student stay safe, responsible, respectful, and kind. We call these our Otter Be’s and we use Otter Shells to reward student who are following the Otter Be rules. Those Otter Shells can be redeemed for a variety of rewards. Your child’s agenda has additional information about rules, rewards, and consequences.

Ways to Help Your Child

Stay involved in your child’s education is the key to a successful year. Engage your child in conversation about his/her day. Read with your child every night and begin a nightly writing’s journal. Also, if you get in the habit of checking the homework folder daily, you will find all pertinent information that you need as well


Dear parents,

Throughout the year we will be reading books and then watching the movie. Some of these movies are rated PG. Please sign as a parent that you give your son or daughter permission to watch PG Movies.

Thank you,

Mrs. Evans

Student Name ______

Parent Name______

Parent Signature ______

_____ I do not wish for my child to watch these movies and understand that they will have classwork in other class during this time.

Mrs. Evans 4th Grade Supply list

  • Pencil box
  • Package of mechanical pencils or #2 wooden pencils (twist pencils are a favorite)
  • Package of pencil tops or a hand held erasers
  • Colored pencils (twist are better)
  • Erasable pens (2)
  • Markers
  • Black permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Red pens (2)
  • 4 highlighters (different colors)
  • Whiteboard dry erase markers (4)
  • Post-its (we use these often)
  • Glue sticks (2)
  • spiral or composition notebooks (4 total)
  • 2 plastic folders
  • 1 container of disinfectant wipes or Kleenex
  • $20.00 Class fee for Storyworks subscription, class incentives, science & craft supplies, holiday gifts, & parties,