A hazards analysis has been completed for the work identified above. The analysis is based on the referenced procedure and anon-site evaluation of operations and equipment. Based on the complexity of the work, a determination was made by the hazards analysts that the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology would be used to identify potential failures and existing design safety features. Recommendations identified in the analysis have been properly addressed and are documented in the safeguards column. / MIL-STD-882E Risk Assessment Summary Table
PROBABILITY / Catastrophic
(1) / Critical
(2) / Marginal
(3) / Negligible
(A) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
(B) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
(C) / 0 / 0 / 3 / 0
(D) / 1 / 0 / 13 / 9
(E) / 32 / 1 / 0 / 1
(F) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
This procedure was developed for personnel, operations, and facilities at the Safety Management Services, Inc. (SMS) Test Site, which may be different from your test site. Use of this procedure constitutes an agreement to hold harmless SMS (), the ET Users’ Group (), or any associated entity for damages caused by the use or misuse of this content. The user is fully responsible to ensure that the procedures and testing at their facilities comply with all applicable codes and standards.
Energetic Materials / Health Considerations / Physical Exposure / Exertion
☐Primary explosive / ☒ Toxic / ☐ Entanglement / ☒Heavy/ awkward
☐HME/ IED materials / ☒ Carcinogen / ☐ Shearing/ cutting / ☒Lifting/ lowering
☒ Mass explosion / ☐ Poison / ☒Equipment collapse / ☒Pushing/ pulling
☒ Fragmentation / ☐ Irritant / ☒ Restricted access/ egress / ☒Carrying/ dragging
☐ Pressure vessel / ☒ Noise / Stored Energy / ☒Turning/ twisting
☐ Propulsive / ☒ Emissions/ fumes/ dust / ☐ High voltage / ☐ Repetition
☒ Fireball or firebrands / ☐ Oxygen deficient atmosphere / ☐ Working near live power / Slips, Trips, Falls
☒ Out of place material/ spill / ☐ Other: / ☐ Fluids under pressure / ☐ Cables, hoses, pipes
☐ Other: / ☐ Other: / ☐ Falls/ drops from heights / ☒ Uneven/ slippery surfaces
☐ Other: / ☒ Obstacles in the way
Main Potential Hazards / Risk Mitigating Measure
Site or test limits exceeded
Improper spacing to other tests or facilities / Personnel are to place the detonator in an ammunition can, segregating it from the test assembly. This will help prevent propagation of an initiation from the detonator to the test sample (Section 9).
Heavy/ awkward lifting / The procedure states that personnel shall use heavy equipment to minimize manipulation of heavy items by personnel (Section 9)
Accumulation of energetic material in cracks, crevices, threads, etc. of the pipes / If needed, personnel are to clean both the inside and outside of the steel tube with acetone and a clean rag or equivalent. This shall be done outdoors where ventilation is adequate for handling acetone and in an area free from any ignition source. Neoprene rubber gloves shall be worn during this cleaning operation (Section 9).
Incompatibilities between the test sample and the booster / If the booster is to be placed directly on top of the tube, personnel are to close the top of the tube with two layers of plastic sheet pulled tightly (so that it plastically deforms) and hold in place with rubber bands and insulating tape. The plastic prevents contact between the test sample and the booster (potential to be chemically incompatible) (Section 9).
/ COMPLIANCE WITH 29 CFR §1910.119(e)
Required Element / Corresponding Reference
The hazards of the process / FMEA “Potential Effects” column
Identification of any previous incident which had a likely potential for catastrophic consequences / See potential catastrophic incident section below
Engineering and administrative controls applicable to the hazards and their interrelationships / FMEA “Safeguards” column
Consequences of failure of engineering and administrative controls / FMEA “Potential Effects” column
Facility siting / See approved site plan for the test site and specific considerations in FMEA “Facility Design and Siting” section
Human factors / FMEA “Human factors” failure scenarios
A qualitative evaluation of a range of the possible safety and health effects of failure of controls / FMEA “Haz Cat” columns, with rankings assigned in accordance with MIL-STD-882E Tables 1 - 2
Hazard analysis team includes at least one with experience specific to the process and one knowledgeable in the hazard analysis methodology / Testing managers have experience with the operation; hazards analysts have experience with the analysis methodology
System to promptly address the team's findings and recommendations / SAR tracking system documents recommendations, completion schedule, actions taken, and communication of actions to affected personnel
- No previous incidents identified with likely potential for catastrophic consequences.
Table 1. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
1A / General Operations / Propagation of reaction to another test or personnel / Site or test limits exceeded
Improper spacing to other tests or facilities / Potential for propagation of reaction to another test, article, facility, or personnel
Equipment/ facility damage
Operator injury / The test site has a daily startup meeting discussing test plans for the day
Specific test areas and where personnel can be during the day are discussed during the meeting
Personnel are to place the detonator in an ammunition can, segregating it from the test assembly. This will help prevent propagation of an initiation from the detonator to the test sample (Section 9).
There is an approved DoD site plan for the test site; energetic material quantity and personnel limits are enforced at the test pad
All test plans in the area have a formal review and approval process; properties are understood through the chemical formulation or analogy. / 3D / None
1B / General Operations / Physical exposure / Inadequate or blocked egress / Restricted access/ egress
Severe injury or loss of life / The NOL Large Scale Gap Test (LSGT) is performed outside / 1E / None
1C / General Operations / Physical exposure / Uneven/ slippery surfaces / Injury from slips, trips, or falls / The procedure requires personnel to wear weather-appropriate gear for protection from the elements (e.g. insulated coats, gloves, and safety shoes if cold; sun protection if sunny; rain ponchos if rainy, etc.) (see Section 4) / 4D / None
1D / General Operations / Physical exposure / Obstacles are in the way / Injury from slips, trips, or falls / The NOL LSGT is performed outside in an area free from clutter
The test area should be left clean and orderly for the next day per Section 13 / 4D / None
1.0 Scope
2A / 1.0 Scope / Human factors / Improperly applying the test method / Personnel injury / Lines in Section 1 clearly delineate the substance forms that can be used / 3D / None
2.0 Requirements
3A / 2.0 Requirements / Human factors / Operator is not adequately trained / Personnel injury / Section 2 states that the test must be conducted by trained individuals and the record of training is properly documented / 3D / None
3B / 2.0 Requirements / Human factors / Operator does not follow the procedure / Personnel injury / The procedure is made available at the testing area per Section 2
Training is required that includes a review of the procedure or training module / 3C / None
3.0 Applicable Documents
4A / 3.0 Applicable Documents / Physical exposure / Improper documentation of related test hazards / Operator is exposed to related test hazards / Section 3 calls out documents that the user should be familiar with, including the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) / 3D / None
4B / 3.0 Applicable Documents / Physical exposure / Improper waste disposal if all material is not used / Injury or fatality of personnel / Collection of unreacted material is to be completed with appropriate PPE as per Section 13 / 1E / None
4C / 3.0 Applicable Documents / Physical exposure / Spill of material during handling (e.g. mishandling, assembly is not secure, holes are present in the pipes, etc.) / Injury of personnel upon initiation of out-of-place substances / The minimum quantity of material needed for the operation is used
Spill handling guidelines are given in the Explosives Spill Handling Procedure / 3D / None
4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations
5A / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / ESD initiation / Operator is not grounded during test setup / ESD initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / When pouring explosives, the procedure specifies that personnel wear a grounded wrist strap and conductive shoes on a grounded, conductive mat (Section 4)
Extra precautions for hazardous material are taken: flame-retardant lab coats, coveralls, or coat to reduce the potential consequences to the operator while handling the material (Section 4) / 1E / None
5B / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / ESD initiation / Igniter or initiator is not grounded / ESD initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / The procedure requires that the igniter or initiator is grounded when connected into the firing system to reduce the potential for inadvertent or premature functioning (Section 4) / 1E / None
5C / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Friction initiation / Sliding samples, tools, pipes, objects, items, etc. on contamination that is present / Friction initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / Spill handling guidelines are given in the Explosives Spill Handling Procedure
The test area should be left clean and orderly for the next day per Section 13 / 1E / None
5D / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Impact initiation / Dropping tools, pipes, or weights on energetic material / Impact initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / Spill handling guidelines are given in the Explosives Spill Handling Procedure
The test area should be left clean and orderly for the next day per Section 13 / 1E / None
5E / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Impact initiation / Dropping energetic material / Impact initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / The container/ pipe will absorb energy stimulus incident to contact / 1E / None
5F / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Impact initiation / Accumulation of energetic material in the door contact area or hinges / Impact initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / Spill handling guidelines are given in the Explosives Spill Handling Procedure
The test area should be left clean and orderly for the next day per Section 13 / 1E / None
5G / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Thermal initiation / Accumulation of energetic material in the area of electrical equipment / Thermal initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / Spill handling guidelines are given in the Explosives Spill Handling Procedure
The test area should be left clean and orderly for the next day per Section 13 / 1E / None
5H / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Foreign objects / Foreign objects fall on energetic material during testing or test preparation / Friction initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / The test area should be left clean and orderly for the next day per Section 13 / 1E / None
5I / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Physical exposure / Operator spills substance during setup due to inattention / Out-of-place material initiates resulting in injury / The operator is trained to the procedure
Spill handling guidelines are given in the Explosives Spill Handling Procedure
Personnel use a funnel to prevent spillage of energetic material while filling the test pipe (Section 4) / 3D / None
5J / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Physical exposure / Operator is not required to mitigate any additional hazards in the SDSs / Personnel injury / Section 4 highlights the required PPE
Section 4 states that the SDSs should be reviewed and it is highlighted to draw attention to it
Operators receive training on the test procedure which includes the importance of SDSs
The procedure lists basic required PPE, not optional PPE (material-specific), to prevent confusion and potentially conflicting instructions / 3D / None
5K / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Health considerations / Exposure to toxic materials, carcinogens, poisons, or irritants / Acute/ chronic injury or illness / SDSs are provided and reviewed for every material being tested
Operators will be familiar with the test plan for particular materials
PPE is required per the SDS / 3D / None
5L / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Health considerations / Exposure to excessive noise / Acute/ chronic injury / Excessive noise is not experienced during the testing unless an unplanned initiation occurs and personnel are present
Personnel are in the control bunker area during testing / 4E / None
5M / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Health considerations / Exposure to emissions/ fumes/ dust / Acute/ chronic injury or illness / Out-of-place, contaminated, or partially-reacted energetic materials shall be collected and addressed as soon as practical / 2E / None
5N / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Human factors / Operator does not review the SDSs and thus is inadequately prepared for hazards / Injury of personnel / Section 4 states that the SDSs should be reviewed and it is highlighted to draw attention to it
Operators receive training on the test procedure which includes the importance of SDSs / 3D / None
5O / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Physical exertion / Heavy/ awkward lifting / Acute/ chronic injury / The procedure states that personnel shall use heavy equipment to minimize manipulation of heavy items by personnel (Section 9) / 4D / None
5P / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Physical exertion / Lifting/ lowering loads / Acute/ chronic injury / The procedure states that personnel shall use heavy equipment to minimize manipulation of heavy items by personnel (Section 9) / 4D / None
5Q / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Physical exertion / Pushing/ pulling loads / Acute/ chronic injury / The procedure states that personnel shall use heavy equipment to minimize manipulation of heavy items by personnel (Section 9) / 4D / None
5R / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Physical exertion / Carrying/ dragging loads / Acute/ chronic injury / The procedure states that personnel shall use heavy equipment to minimize manipulation of heavy items by personnel (Section 9) / 4D / None
5S / 4.0 Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Considerations / Physical exertion / Turning/ twisting during lifting / Acute/ chronic injury / The procedure states that personnel shall use heavy equipment to minimize manipulation of heavy items by personnel (Section 9) / 4D / None
5.0 Materials and Equipment List
6A / 5.0 Materials and Equipment List / ESD initiation / Tape used accumulates charge / Electrostatic charge is accumulated and discharged resulting in injury or fatality / The tape used is non-charge producing tape / 1E / None
6B / 5.0 Materials and Equipment List / Health considerations / Use of acetone or similar solvent / Acute/ chronic injury or illness / SDSs are provided and reviewed for every material being tested
Operators will be familiar with the test plan for particular materials
PPE is required per the SDS
Acetone is limited in quantity and to cleanup operations only
If needed, personnel are to clean both the inside and outside of the steel tube with acetone and a clean rag or equivalent. This shall be done outdoors where ventilation is adequate for handling acetone and in an area free from any ignition source. Neoprene rubber gloves shall be worn during this cleaning operation (Section 9). / 3D / None
6.0 Operating Limits
7A / 6.0 Operating Limits / Physical exposure / Lightning occurs during the test setup / Injury or fatality of personnel / Per Section 14, lightning must not be detected within 15 miles during test setup
If lightning is detected, it constitutes a forced shutdown condition with detailed actions per Section 14 / 1E / None
7B / 6.0 Operating Limits / Physical exposure / Adverse weather conditions (outside of operating limits) during final setup / Injury of personnel / Test is suspended until weather conditions are within operating limits (Section 6) / 3C / None
7.0 Work Instruction Change Protocol
8A / 7.0 Work Instruction Change Protocol / Physical exposure / Procedure, training module, or work instruction is changed without proper hazards analysis review / Injury of personnel / Section 7 requires the proper approval or authorization to make changes to the work instruction/ procedure and hazards analysis / 3D / None
8.0 Sample Preparation
9A / 8.0 Sample Preparation / ESD initiation / Unsafe handling of a pipe with the detonator in place
• Detonator is unsecured
• Detonator lead wires are un-shunted / Injury of personnel / During sample preparation, personnel are to verify that the lead wires from the standard detonators are shunted (Section 8)
PPE: Flame retardant lab coats, coveralls, or coat; safety glasses and safety shoes (Section 4) / 3C / None
9.0 Test Setup Procedure
10A / 9.0 Test Setup Procedure / ESD initiation / Steel pipe and/ or sample container accumulate charge / ESD initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / Personnel are to ensure that the steel tube and sample container are bonded and grounded (Section 9)
PPE: Flame retardant lab coats, coveralls, or coat; safety glasses and safety shoes (Section 4) / 1E / None
10B / 9.0 Test Setup Procedure / ESD initiation / Operator is isolated while pouring explosives / ESD initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / The operator pouring the explosives shall be grounded (e.g. grounded wrist strap; conductive shoes on a grounded, conductive mat; or equivalent) (Section 9) / 1E / None
10C / 9.0 Test Setup Procedure / Friction initiation / Accumulation of energetic material in cracks, crevices, threads, etc. of the pipes / Friction initiation resulting in injury or fatality of personnel / If needed, personnel are to clean both the inside and outside of the steel tube with acetone and a clean rag or equivalent. This shall be done outdoors where ventilation is adequate for handling acetone and in an area free from any ignition source. Neoprene rubber gloves shall be worn during this cleaning operation (Section 9). / 1E / None
10D / 9.0 Test Setup Procedure / Friction or impact initiation / Initiation of a detonator due to rough handling of the detonator during placement / Injury or fatality of personnel / There are very limited forces and velocities that would be present when handling the detonator during placement / 1E / None
10E / 9.0 Test Setup Procedure / Impact initiation / Initiation of a substance within a pipe after a mishandling event where the pipe is dropped or tipped over / Injury or fatality of personnel / The pipe is typically prepared over a table, thus limiting the drop height