Suplemmentary material 1

Helgoland Marine Research

Tracking macroalgae introductions in North Atlantic Oceanic islands

Joana Micael *, Manuela I Parente, Ana C Costa

All authors address: CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, InBIO Laboratório Associado, Pólo dos Açores, Universidade dos Açores, 9501-801 Ponta Delgada, Portugal.

* Corresponding author: ; Phone number: +351 296 650466

Table 1. Non-indigenous macroalgae recordedin the Azores archipelago. (*) NIS included in the 100 worst NIS of the Mediterranean Sea (StreftarisZenetos 2006).(†) - according to Cho et al. (2005), Antithamnionnipponicum is the correct name of Antithamnionpectinatum in the Western Europe.(††)- according to Gavio and Frederiq (2002), Grateloupiaturuturuis the correct name of the non-native species in the Atlantic known as Grateloupiadoryphora.

Taxa / Native distribution / Location of world
1st Introduction / Reference / Possible vectors of 1st introduction / Reference
Feldmann-Mazoyer / Indian Ocean / N Pacific
(Hawaii) / Godwin 2001 / shipping (fouling) / Godwin 2001
(Suhr) M.A. Howe / Indo-Pacific / NE Atlantic
(Ireland - 1991) / Rueness et al. 2007 / ? / -
Wollaston (1968) / Indo-Pacific / Azores
(<1989) / AthanasiadisTittley 1994 / shipping / ICES 2007
* Antithamnionnipponicum†(Montagne) J. Brauner / NW Pacific / Mediterranean / Verlaque & Riouall 1989 / shipping / Rueness et al. 2007
(J.D. Hooker & Harvey) Lyle / Indo-Pacific / NE Atlantic
(Plymouth - 1906) / Eno et al. 1997 / shipping (fouling) / Eno et al. 1997
* Asparagopsisarmata
Harvey (gametophytic and
tetrasporophytic phases) / Indio-Pacific / Mediterranean
(Algeria - 1923) / Feldman & Feldman 1942 / shipping (fouling) / ICES 2007
* Asparagopsistaxiformis
(Delile) Trevisan de Saint-Léon (gametophytic phase) / Indo-Pacific / Mediterranean
(Italy ≥ 1991) / ICES 2007 / shipping (fouling) / Tsiamis Panayotidis 2007
* Bonnemaisoniahamifera
Hariot (tetrasporophytic phase) / NW Pacific / NE Atlantic
(Cornwall -1890) / Farnham 1980 / shipping / Skoufas Tsirika 2003
Ceramium cingulatum
Weber-van Bosse / Indian Ocean / Canary Islands
(1991) / Sansón 1994 / ? / -
Corynomorpha prismatica
(J. Agardh) J. Agardh / Indian Ocean / Azores / Fredericq et al. 1992 / ? / -
* Grateloupia turuturu††
Yamada / NW Pacific / NW Atlantic
(Rhode Island - 1994) / Mathieson et al. 2008 / shipping (fouling) / Mathieson et al. 2008
M.A. Howe / W Atlantic / Canary Islands / Streftaris et al. 2005 / ? / -
Hypnea flagelliformis
Greville ex J.Agardh / Indo-Pacific / Mediterranean / Zenetos et al. 2010 / shipping (fouling) / CIESM 2002
Laurencia brongniartii
J. Agardh / Pacific / NE Atlantic
(France) / DizerboHerpe2007 / ? / -
Laurencia chondrioidesBørgesen / W Atlantic / Mediterranean
(Italy-1990) / ICES 2007 / ? / -
Laurencia dendroidea
J. Agardh / Indian Ocean / Mediterranean
(Italy - 1983-84) / ICES 2007 / ? / -
(J.W.Bailey) M.-S. Kim, H.-G. Choi, Guiry & G.W. Saunders / NW Pacific / NE Atlantic
(Kattegat &
Belt Sea -1964) / HELCOM 2008 / shipping / HELCOM 2008
Neosiphonia sphaerocarpa
(Børgesen) M.-S. Kim & I.K. Lee / W Atlantic / Mediterranean
(Tunisia – 1970) / DAISIE 2009 / shipping / Lazaridou 1994
(Kützing) MaggsHommersand / NW Pacific / NE Atlantic
(Gran Bertanha <1990) / ICES 2007 / shipping (fouling) / ICES 2007
Scageliopsis patens
Wollaston / Indo-Pacific / Azores / AthanasiadisTittley 1994 / shipping / Wallentinus 2002
Spongoclonium caribaeum(Børgesen) M.J.Wynne / Indo-Pacific / NE Atlantic
(France – 1967) / ICES 2007 / fouling or aquaculture / CIESM 2002
(Harvey) Falkenberg / Pacific / NE Atlantic
Mediterranean / ICES 2007 / shipping / ICES 2007
Phylum Chlorophyta
Montagne / Indian Ocean / Canary Islands / Montagne 1837 / shipping / Amat 2008
* Codium fragilefragile (Suringar) Hariot / NW Pacific / NE Atlantic
(Holland ~1900) / Trowbridge 1998 / shipping / Bridgwood 2010
Phylum Ochrophyta
(Yendo) Inagaki / NW Pacific / Macaronesia
(Salvage Islands - 1999) / Parente et al. 2001 / ? / -
Petalonia binghamiae
(J.Agardh) K.L. Vinogradova / W Pacific / Azores / Yoneshigue 1985 / shipping / Cardigos et al. 2006