6800 Burleson Road, Building 310, Suite 165

Austin, TX 78744

April 16, 2009

9:30 AM

SWAC Committee Members
Comm. Maurice Pitts, Lee County – Chair
Jack Ranney, LCRA – Vice Chair
Don Birkner, City of Austin
Pete Correa, Williamson County
Joey Crumley, Educational Rep.
Dr. Orlynn Evans, Williamson County
Comm. Paul Granberg, Blanco County
Jeff Hauff, Hays County
Steve Jacobs, Private Industry Rep.
Ross Johnson, Bastrop County
Melinda Mallia, Travis County
Comm. Henry Parker, Llano County
Kathy Roecker, TCEQ
Comm. Joe Roland, Caldwell County
Richard Salmon, Hays County
Lynn Sheffield, Burnet County
John White, Travis County
Ralph Wueller, Private Industry Rep.
Kelly Freeman, Solid Waste Program Coordinator
Melanie Flores, Administrative Assistant
Lee Kuhn, Republic Services
Steve Shannon, Republic Services
Robert Thonhoff, Thonhoff Consulting Services
Stephen Bell, Thonhoff Consulting Services

1.  Welcome and Introductory Remarks 9:00 am

Commissioner Pitts welcomed attendees and called the meeting to order.

2.  Approval of January 15, 2009 Minutes 9:10 am

Ralph Wueller made a motion to approve the January 15, 2009 minutes. Motion was seconded by Steve Jacobs, and passed by acclamation.

3.  Contingency Planning for Disbursement of Remaining FY08

and FY09 Funding 9:20 am

Kelly Freeman, CAPCOG Solid Waste Coordinator, and Mickey Roberts, CAPCOG RETF Coordinator presented multiple options for disbursement of remaining FY08 and FY09 funding. Priority will be given to existing grant projects. If there are funds remaining after all reasonable opportunities for disbursement to existing grantees have been exhausted, CAPCOG staff indicated that funding may be used for regional projects. Regional projects that may receive remaining FY08 and FY09 funding may include expansion of the regional billboard campaign for promotion of the illegal dumping hotline, and other outreach and educational materials to promote use of the illegal dumping hotline and awareness about illegal dumping.

4.  Discussion of Revisions to FY10 Request for Applications:

Identification of Subcommittee 9:30 am

SWAC and various grant applicants over time have requested revisions to the Solid Waste Implementation Grant application form in order to make it less repetitive and easier to understand and complete. There has also been ongoing discussing regarding potential need for revision of scoring criteria. A subcommittee was designated to review and revise these items; the subcommittee members are Melinda Mallia, Jack Ranney, Joey Crumley, Commissioner Paul Granberg and Richard Salmon. The subcommittee’s recommendations will be presented at the next SWAC meeting.

5.  Recommend Appointee for Vacant Private Industry Seat 10:00 am

SWAC discussed the recommendations received to replace private industry representative Bill Rich. Recommendations were received for Lee Kuhn of Allied Waste and Bob Fernandez of Balcones Resources. Lee Kuhn made brief comments regarding his qualifications and hope to serve on the SWAC. Bob Fernandez had an unavoidable conflict and was unable to attend. SWAC members voted via paper ballot; a tally of the votes resulted in nomination of Lee Kuhn for the vacated private industry seat. The recommendation will be presented to the CAPCOG Executive Committee for approval at their next regularly scheduled meeting.

6.  Discussion of Texas Organic Recovery Conformance Review 10:15 am

The SWAC was notified that a request for review of a Registration Application for conformance with the CAPCOG Regional Solid Waste Management Plan had been submitted on behalf of Texas Organic Recovery; the SWAC was provided copies of the completed Conformance Review Checklist corresponding with the application. Stephen Bell, representing Thonhoff Consulting Engineers on behalf of Texas Organic Recovery, made brief remarks regarding the Application for Registration as a Type VI MSW facility being submitted by Texas Organic Recovery (TOR). Mr. Bell indicated that the application was submitted to TCEQ in late March, and would likely take about five months to complete the review process. Mr. Bell also indicated that lawyers representing TOR were in the process of working with the TCEQ for resolution of the violation referenced in the completed conformance checklist, and would provide an update to CAPCOG as appropriate. A Technical Review Subcommittee was designated to conduct a review of the submitted materials and present a conformance recommendation, if appropriate, at the next SWAC meeting; the Subcommittee members are Jon White, Lee Kuhn, Ralph Wueller, Don Birkner, Steve Jacobs and Jack Ranney.

7.  Other Business 10:45 am

Kelly Freeman announced upcoming Construction and Demolition Waste Management Summit. The next meeting was scheduled for June 18, 2009.

8.  Adjourn 11:00 pm

S. Jacobs made a motion to adjourn the meeting; motion was seconded by R. Wueller and passed by acclamation.