American Society of Agriculture & Biological Engineers

Iowa State University Chapter

General Meeting Minutes


The general meeting of the Iowa State University Student Branch of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers was called to order at 7:00 pm on 3/24/15, by President Nick Schrader. A grand total of 37 members were present.

•  Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

•  Guest Speaker: Curry-Wille and Associates

·  Officer reports

·  President – Nick Schrader

o  Iowa Spring Section Meeting Tuesday April 14 at Sheffield, Ia

o  AIM Review Meeting 3/31/15 after exec

o  Election will be April 7

·  Vice-President – Alex Kubik

o  Next speaker is the Iowa Corn Growers Association

o  Penthouse tour is Tuesday March 31 at 5 pm

·  Treasurer – Colton Finley

o  Balance is $11,070.56

o  ASABE book exchange is on facebook

·  Secretary – Dallas Boehne

o  Any nominations for ESC forms let me know

·  E-council – Quenton Schieder

o  Engineering Day at the Mall Saturday April 11

o  Engineering on Ice this Friday from 7-9:30

·  Ag-council – Jacob Tank

o  Sam hunt Concert Sunday night

·  Sergeant at Arms – Bailey Griffin

o  Fill out doodle poll

o  Next general meeting we will be grilling out

·  AEM Historian – Rene Schmidt

o  Need personal descriptions from a couple officers

·  Grill Master – Phil Brotherton

o  Grill has been cleaned, power washed, sanded, and painted

o  Looking for better covers for the grill

·  Webmaster – Tate Klocke

o  Fill out the google form if you have not already done so

o  Recruiter-Evan Mellot

o  Spreading word out grillout

·  Committee reports

o  Fundraising

§  Fundraiser for State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa on March 26 and 27. Need 5 volunteers. Dr. Ramen will donate $100 /person

§  Davidson Bricks: Monday from 5-6 working on them

o  Events

§  Future Trip Requirements were approved

§  Annual International Meeting

o  Community Service

§  Roadside Clean on April 10 at 5:30

o  Social

§  Intramurals: Ag women hockey at 10:30

§  Last day for broomball sign up is tomorrow

§  Ag Olympics April 8

§  Maple Dinner Wednesday April 1 at 5:30

§  ASABE vs AST softball Sunday April 12 at 5pm

o  Public Relations

§  Like the ISU facebook page

§  Follow us on twitter

o  Power Pullers

§  Working on the report

§  Machining

§  casting

o  Fountain Wars

§  Meeting Wednesday at 7

§  Started some prototype testing

o  Advisor comment

§  Section meeting on April 14 at Sukup Manufacturing

·  Final Announcements

o  Elections at next general meeting!

·  Adjournment

o  Motion to close was called and seconded.

Respectively submitted,

Dallas Boehne

2014-2015 ISU ASABE Secretary