St. John the Baptist School Board Meeting Agenda

November 16, 2017

6:30pm - Science Room

Board Members SJB - Courtney Weinheimer, Jason Tonne, Becky Kautz

CC - Laura Monti, Jenni Young, John Hudepohl

SJN – Kim Ward, Angela Dengel, Rick Foertsch

Opening Prayer Eileen Molulon

WelcomeCourtney Weinheimer

Approval of last meeting’s minutesKim Ward

Motion: Angela Dengel

Second: Kim Ward


PrincipalCatie Blum

  • Internal Evaluation Form – is a legal document. There are many categories and documents that must be filed and will be looked at during the Internal Evaluation
  • From a Principal Meeting – Catholic Opportunity Foundation is now open for families to apply for tuition assistance. You apply through FACTS. You can receive up to $1000 per child.

TeacherChris Smith/Vicky Borgman

  • Report cards have gone home
  • Conferences are next Monday and Tuesday
  • All 6th, 7th and 8th graders have had an internet safety class. They discussed that what is on social media never goes away, people online may not be who they think they are, what to do in situations if they encounter a predator online.
  • 7th and 8th graders are selling poinsettias to help with the cost of 8th grade trips
  • Room 17 is finished.
  • Still looking for Science Fair Judges
  • Trimesters are going good. The second Trimester will seem longer due to the holidays.

CREEileen Molulon

  • Thanksgiving prayer service will be next Monday at 2:00. Liturgical dancers will be performing.
  • Carrie Smith is having students make crowns and thrones for the end of the liturgical year.
  • Faith Families will be getting together during the advent season
  • Cards will be made for individuals that are shut in during the Christmas Season
  • Bible Bowl – 7 students are participating. A team is made of 6, 6th grade students. This team is working hard and are doing a great job finding the Bible verses. Competition is in January.

PastorsFr. Tim/Fr. Kyle

  • Advent is coming
  • The pastoral region has several Advent activities planned.
  • All parishes have completed 2nd grade reconciliation.

PTOTeri Werling

  • Mom’s night Out to the movie was a huge a success
  • Father Daughter Dance -230 people attended. Another huge success
  • Cookie Dough Fundraiser is complete and was also successful
  • Cars 3 Family Movie Night is Monday
  • Crystal Clear Science Club is having a great time.

FinanceJason Tonne

  • Finances look good at this point.
  • Ahead in income due to tuition being paid ahead
  • Updated lights and heating and air conditioning systems are saving the school money

Marketing/PublicityJenni Young

  • Will publish a Facebook ad closer to Open House. Will target people within a 20 mile radius. It will contain 2 pictures, the schools mission, open house date and a link to the school’s website.
  • Working on signs for Open House
  • Flyers have been printed for preschools to set out for perspective parents to have.

Old BusinessAngela Dengel

Technology Committee

  • Kim, Courtney and Becky will be meeting to help develop goals for the committee

NW Transportation

  • Transportation is no longer an issue.

New Business

  • December Meeting – School Board meeting will not meet. Committees should meet to continue their work
  • Next Meeting will be January 11th.


Closing Prayer and AdjournmentEileen Molulon/Angela Dengel