Reading and Writing for Information
Magazine Articles
Newspaper Articles
Internet Articles
Text Features – all the stuff around the text that help you understand the text.
Titles-The name of an article.
Research-Finding information about a certain topic. Research can include, reading books, magazines, newspapers, internet searches, conducting interviews…
Pictures and Photographs-Drawings and Photos within an article to accentuate what is being said in the article.
Captions-The words that are written under a photograph or picture that explains it.
Maps -Drawings of places, roads, and directions.
Map Keys -A list of symbols that help you understand the information on the map such as distance…
Headlines–A short, attention-getting title in a newspaper.
Byline –the name of the reporter who wrote the article.
Dateline –Where the article takes place.
Folio –Each page in a newspaper.
Side Bar-- A box that show additional information about the article’s topic.
Fonts-Styles and sizesof type.
Plagiarism- tPresenting someone else’s work as your own.
Main ide– the central or most important idea in writing.
Main idea–the central or most important idea in writing.
Supporting details –Details which help support the main idea in writing.
Source-Who or what presented the information for an article.
Titles and Sub-titles-The titles that divide up the smaller sections within an article –Large type words that introduce sections of a work.
Primary Sources–First hand witness or source (diaries, letters, record books, audio tapes of speeches…)
Secondary Sources–a second-hand witness / hear-say. (biography, newspaper articles, …)
Supported Claim-- An idea which is supported by facts.
Can be proven.
Opinion- Something that can’t be proven.
Editorial-A news article that contains the writer’s opinion.
Formats of Writing
Chronological Order –Time order –in order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, …
Cause and Effect –One event causes a second event to take place.
Problem and Solution - a problem is presented and then the solution to that problem is presented.
Comparison / Contrast –Tell how things are similar and different.
\ChaGraphs and Charts- Pictures that help describe information.
One event causes a second event to take place.
Problem and Solution - a problem is presented and then the solution to that problem is presented.
Comparison / Contrast – Tell how things are similar and different.
order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, …
Cause and Effect – One event causes a second event to take place.
Problem and Solution - a problem is presented and then the solution to that problem is presented.
Comparison / Contrast – Tell how things are similar and different.
Formats of Writing
Primary Sources – First hand witness or source (diaries, letters, record books, audio tapes of speeches…)
Secondary Sources – a second-hand witness / hear-say. (biography, newspaper articles, …)
ere the article takes place
Folio – Each page in a newspaper.